Time Nick Message
06:28 codex I patched nmap so that it can detect heartbleed -- with a few tweeks, I can scan a /24 in < 30 seconds
06:29 codex I have it all nicely packaged in a .deb -- if anyone is interested, let me know
06:29 codex also, wrote a bunch of servers and cgi's so that people can easily use all this stuff
06:29 codex pdurbin: ^ - you can actually scan your infrastructure at work at "check.itsec." followed by a big domain you know
07:08 anton codex: nice!
10:16 pdurbin codex: good stuff
16:16 pdurbin huh. this site seems to be down: https://cert-manager.com/customer/InCommon :(
16:16 pdurbin oh wait. there it goes
16:24 dotplus yeah, several CAs have had load problems this week. My heart bleeds for them.
16:25 pdurbin heh