Time Nick Message 00:01 melodie pdurbin I noticed, you seem very passionate :) 00:01 melodie yes, and Perl too ! :D 00:13 pdurbin for me, YAML is a way to avoid having a database, but I am not nearly as anti-database as thse folks: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-05-20#t1369090799 03:16 mhayden JoeJulian: glad that less post helped ;) 05:33 JoeJulian http://major.io/2013/05/21/handling-terminal-color-escape-sequences-in-less/ 05:38 JoeJulian It's not perfect, but it's sure a lot easier than what I normally try to read through. 05:38 mhayden JoeJulian: yeah, that -R flag helps 05:39 JoeJulian just learned about -r too.... that'll even let the cursor movements happen. Woot! 05:40 JoeJulian ... and you're still up? :) 05:41 mhayden i'm headed out now 05:41 mhayden finished migrating some VM's 05:41 * mhayden is afk 05:42 JoeJulian Goodnight Major. 05:42 * JoeJulian heads for bed. 10:06 pdurbin oh yeah, less -R is great. sometimes I use --color with ack or grep before piping the output to less -R 20:14 semiosis if i had files starting with foo bar & baz in subdirectories (for ex /1/fooa /2/foob /2/bara /3/bazb) what single find command could return them all? 20:15 semiosis looking for something like find . -name '{foo,bar,baz}*' 20:17 semiosis am doing a silly bash for loop to do this, but it's so inelegant 20:22 ben_e find . -name 'foo*' -o -name 'bar*' -o -name 'baz*' 20:22 ben_e there should be a way to do it with a single regex as well 20:23 ben_e but i don't know that syntax off the top of my head 20:31 semiosis i was trying regex but after 10 minutes of fail i did a for loop 20:31 semiosis thanks ben_e! 20:32 semiosis <3 regex, but