Time Nick Message 12:22 pdurbin codex: I mentioned irclogbot_sc: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/ilbot/2013-05-10#i_7044680 13:20 pdurbin huh. http://sourceforge.net/projects/winmerge/ ... WinMerge as a free, open source alternative to Beyond Compare: http://www.scootersoftware.com/shop.php?zz=products_BC3 13:21 pdurbin heh. this seems kinda meta: Comparison of file comparison tools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_comparison_tools 13:22 ben_e i suggested: http://meldmerge.org/ 13:22 ben_e unfortunately i have not trained myself to click the reply-all dropdown in gmail 13:22 pdurbin hmm 13:22 ben_e so i only sent it to curtis 13:22 pdurbin I was gonna wait a week... then suggest git :) 13:22 ben_e meld is awfully slick 13:23 ben_e it can do 3-way compares 13:23 ben_e you just click the sections you want to blitz or the arrows you want to merge between versions 13:23 pdurbin "Meld works on OS X and Windows (with some caveats)" 13:23 ben_e yeah 13:24 ben_e i'm not a windows guy 13:24 pdurbin works well enough on mac? 13:24 ben_e it's X based 13:24 pdurbin say no more ;) 13:24 ben_e heh 13:24 ben_e i support a big stack of X apps on os x 13:25 ben_e it doesn't really bother me 13:25 ben_e the XFree86->Xorg transition in the 10.5 days sucked pretty hard 13:25 pdurbin ben_e: can you get http://gramps-project.org working on mac for me? 13:26 pdurbin oh. hmm. they have a dmg now?! 13:26 ben_e http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Mac_OS_X 13:26 ben_e so it says 13:26 ben_e got anything else for me? :-) 13:26 pdurbin \o/ 13:26 pdurbin no, that'll do, pig 13:27 ben_e sqwheeeee! 14:46 pdurbin boegel|work: ping 15:30 codex pdurbin: the big thing about it is that it should be 3 different folders - "shell", "www", "cgi-bin" 15:30 codex and the README in the same folder as the other 3 should give you some info about the DB config and how things are layed out 16:02 pdurbin codex: yeah. I passed your feedback along 16:11 codex it's an extremely nice solution - quite elegant. I think the only thing that is needed is 1.) a small cleanup of the "shell" side. 2.) the clear separation of "roles". That way one can simply drop the "shell" folder in their home somewhere, the cgi folder in their cgi root, and the www in any web server. And 3.) clear directions really. This is something that can be setup in <10 minutes if cleaned up and documented a tiny bit 16:13 codex Oh the last thing - a set of modules. I think I found this somewhere online, but it would be great to distribute with the package 16:13 codex i would personally be willing to clean it up/automate it (maybe even write a puppet config for it :)), but only if he would be willing to merge it. I don't want to re-do this for every version that comes out :) 16:28 pdurbin would be nice to have a chef cookbook too 16:33 pdurbin magoo: ^^ 16:33 pdurbin ;) 20:09 dotplus 4 VMs on hyperv. in hyperv manager, each looks the same as far as I can see; same kind of nic, same virtual network, same vlan. pxe booted to install centos6.4 from the same kickstart script. installation proceeds as expected, guests reboot after install. 20:09 dotplus 2 VMs look lovely, 2 have no network connectivity 20:09 dotplus how to troubleshoot? 20:12 melodie does someone know gettext well here ? 20:20 melodie dotplus have you tried to change the network setup in the vm ? from NAT to Bridge or reverse side ? 20:22 dotplus I have attempted to statically configure networking from inside the VM. no good. 20:23 melodie the VM itself might have some configurations 20:24 dotplus not sure what you mean by that 20:30 melodie in virtualbox there is a setup for the connection : which one can access while the guest is not running. this is what I am talking about 20:31 dotplus ah yes. I looked at the hypervisor's network config for these VMs. It appears to be the same for the ones that work and the ones that don't 20:32 melodie change it for the ones that don't and retry ? 20:40 * pdurbin has heard of gettext but that's about it: http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ 20:49 melodie pdurbin ok :D 20:50 melodie pdurbin I have used poedit before, to contribute to translations, and I have even updated a pot file which was not up to date, for a perl script to make it fit the newer version of that perl program. 23:37 pdurbin dotplus: did you figure it out?