Time Nick Message 03:19 agoddard aight, I gave up on my new irc experiment for now, back to ircrelay and tunneling :| 10:12 pdurbin agoddard: whatever works, I guess 10:13 pdurbin semiosis: you were telling us about bots that let us leave messages for each other, I think. I tried this out yesterday and it does seem pretty cool: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-05-09#t1368090393 12:21 melodie hello 12:58 dotplus pdurbin: sorry, I'm used to channels where the bot will fetch the title of a destination of a hyperlink and, in the event that the URL is long, send it through a URL shortener, making colt irrelevant (at least for IRC). 12:59 pdurbin dotplus: no sweat 12:59 dotplus But colt looks like a mildly useful tool. Probably not so important in powerfully keyboard-driven browsers such as conkeror 13:00 pdurbin i use it all the time 13:02 dotplus my usage pattern of all these things is really quite primitive. I read text, I write text. 13:03 ben_e so you're a liberal arts major or a sysadmin! 13:04 * dotplus read chemistry @ox.ac.uk 13:04 * dotplus is a sysadmin 13:05 dotplus but as I understand the phrase, I'm a liberal arts personality. 13:06 * pdurbin feels less sysadmin-y and more java-y these days 13:06 ben_e programmer-y? 13:06 pdurbin yah 13:06 melodie hi ben_e 13:07 ben_e yo melodie 13:07 melodie yesterday I talked about mkahawa I think ? internet cafe management. Here is what we got so far, it looks promising: https://sourceforge.net/p/mkahawa/discussion/955736/thread/c69fe267 13:12 ben_e are you trying to start an internet cafe? 13:12 ben_e or add internet services to an existing successful cafe? 13:15 melodie I am planning to open an internet cafe with additional services related to computers 13:40 pdurbin shuff: https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/332465427756244995 13:41 shuff i saw, i saw! :) 13:41 shuff the usability testing was awesome 13:41 pdurbin oh good 13:41 shuff well designed and implemented 13:41 pdurbin you're welcome to chatter a bit in #dvn if you want 13:41 shuff i think there is now a recorded video of me ranting about web app usability 13:42 pdurbin ! 13:42 * pdurbin loves a good rant 13:42 shuff but i was assured that it would not be shared beyond the study :) 13:43 pdurbin oh 13:43 pdurbin that's no fun 13:43 pdurbin L( 13:43 pdurbin :) 14:56 semiosis crimsonfubot: load later 14:56 crimsonfubot semiosis: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 14:56 semiosis @later tell pdurbin crimsonfubot can do that if you tell it to 'load later' 14:56 crimsonfubot semiosis: The operation succeeded. 14:56 semiosis ooh, looks like later is already loaded! 17:09 pdurbin semiosis: oh, interesting, it's sent as a private message. the other bot sends it in the channel 17:39 ben_e hms network asplode!!1! 17:40 ben_e they had to send the outage announcement out of band via the harvard alert system 17:40 ben_e fun 17:41 pdurbin ben_e: your fault? ;) 18:12 ben_e not me! i'm home 18:12 ben_e any oddly my stuff is all up 18:12 ben_e so the 90% campus outage is leaving me in the lucky 10% i guess 18:52 agperson pdurbin, whorka, thanks for packaging mod_fastcgi! 18:52 pdurbin :)