Time Nick Message 03:37 miah irc channels dont require passwords, they require 'keys' :P 10:02 pdurbin miah: oh 10:22 pdurbin FernandoBasso: welcome! 10:22 FernandoBasso :) 10:23 pdurbin sounds like you've got some vim tricks: http://echelog.com/logs/browse/netbeans/1367445600 10:23 pdurbin I started a cheat sheet for translating vim commands to netbeans: http://wiki.greptilian.com/netbeans 10:46 FernandoBasso pdurbin: I'm going to work now. I'll come back soon. 12:11 melodie hello 12:30 pdurbin good morning 12:47 melodie good morning! :D 12:47 melodie quarter to 3 pm here :D 12:49 pdurbin I like this idea of writing down your timezone: http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC_People 12:49 melodie it should show in the chans should be more obvious 12:54 melodie pdurbin what do you think about the accessibility for the visually impaired in the Free software world ? 12:55 melodie if the topic is of some interest to you I would like to show something to you 12:56 pdurbin melodie: it's very important, and a focus of http://www.northeastlinuxfest.org which is organized by a blind Linux user 12:57 pdurbin you can read about him (Jonathan Nadeau) at http://www.northeastlinuxfest.org/About%20us 12:58 melodie I have had a mail with him lately starting from the LXDE mailing list 12:58 melodie here is the last mail from pcman about this topic and two answers he got so far: 12:59 melodie http://pastebin.fr/27199 12:59 melodie this is a temporary pastbin, the message will be removed after one month, but the discussion is publicly available at the lxde mailing list archive 12:59 melodie s/pastbin/pastebin/ 13:01 pdurbin melodie: can you dig up a more permanent link? 13:02 melodie my mistake, it was not Jonathan Nadeau 13:02 melodie pdurbin yes, 13:04 melodie here: 13:04 melodie http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=30795216 13:04 melodie and the topic started from here: 13:04 melodie http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=30781509 13:05 pdurbin thanks 13:11 melodie welcome 13:11 melodie I'll have more to say, but I'm following another discussion, so I'll be back in a few minutes 14:11 melodie pdurbin still around ? 14:13 melodie the Openbox project is interested to study the elements needed for making the different parts of the window manager accessible, in the future new versions 14:18 pdurbin Jonathan probably knows all about this 14:20 melodie pdurbin you have probably not heard about Jean-Philippe Mengual ? 14:20 melodie http://accelibreinfo.eu/?en/i-introduce-myself 14:21 pdurbin nope 14:21 melodie he translates LFS to French each time there is a new book and does a great job with providing blind and other visual impaired users with free software and hardware fit for their use 14:22 melodie when I saw the first discussions about accessibility on the LXDE ml last year I contacted him on the chans to ask if he would want to join the list 14:23 melodie recently he participated on the list to answer in the topic I pointed to earlier 14:23 melodie and later he might participate in creating a ring or work around accessibility in Openbox. Dana Jansen appeared to be interested, but had not enough knowlegde and time to dig about at-spi and atk 14:25 melodie Jean-Philippe Mengual (nick Texou) does not code but he can help testing. He usually installs LFS and compiles everything from source to be sure he has the native code 14:26 melodie for the time being the elements used in Openbox are not accessible, so the goal will be for Texou to bring people with additional knowledge to work with the Openbox team in order to put it in the direction 14:26 melodie which is what he started to do yesterday 14:26 melodie I am an Openbox fan, for it's lightness and large possibilities 14:32 pdurbin yeah, ironcamel speaks highly of openbox 14:32 melodie ironcamel ? 14:40 pdurbin melodie: you don't know ironcamel? 14:40 pdurbin ironcamel: meet melodie 14:41 melodie I think not 14:41 melodie pdurbin I am about to send a screenshot of the last Ubuntu Openbox I just uploaded 15:07 pdurbin melodie: you love your screenshots :) 15:10 melodie pdurbin I am making two and it's not that easy 15:15 melodie pdurbin here: http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/debian/images/bento2-mini-4-i386.12.04.png 15:15 melodie http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/debian/images/bento2-mini-4-snow-i386.12.04.png 15:16 melodie :) 15:16 melodie this is before install 16:53 pdurbin LFS must be http://www.linuxfromscratch.org 18:57 pdurbin what's the best IRC web client again? 18:58 JoeJulian pdurbin: Plans coming together for Red Hat summit. Will be staying with some friends in Boxborough for a few days after the summit to do some sight seeing. That's fairly near you, isn't it? 18:59 pdurbin 24 miles. 43 mins 19:00 JoeJulian Guess not. :D 19:01 larsks pdurbin: Run shellinabox and then use irssi :) 19:01 pdurbin larsks: asking for a friend ;) 19:01 pdurbin he's using Kiwi? http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-05-02#i_5718 19:39 * pdurbin looks at http://code.google.com/p/shellinabox/ 19:43 ben_e pretty slick 20:19 pdurbin JoeJulian: I'd love to get together anyway. somewhere in town 20:41 JoeJulian Right now I feel I suck as a network admin... Grr... 1st, I hate the wireless legacy that I have. I'm done with it. The old wireless key is dead to me. I'm implementing radius. But even at that, one bittorrent client on an effing cell phone should not have been able to overwhelm our other services. 20:42 JoeJulian I thought I rate limted the switch port the wireless was on, anyway... 21:07 pdurbin JoeJulian: speaking of the summit... you (or semiosis or mhayden) might know the answer to this: 21:07 pdurbin "@philipdurbin recommendations for hotel for Red Hat Summit at Hynes Center? Prefer not to spend $250+/night." -- https://twitter.com/smerrill/status/327180313979678720 21:07 pdurbin I have no idea 21:08 pdurbin that's from my friend who interviewed the CEO or Red Hat on stage last year 21:08 pdurbin he was a year ahead of me in high school 21:08 JoeJulian When I was shopping, there weren't a lot of options. Not being familiar with the area, I found a map with crime overlays and looked for hotels that avoided going through high crime areas. 21:09 JoeJulian I've heard it's probably best to avoid strolling through roxberry at 2am... 21:10 JoeJulian The best I could find was the Boston Hotel Buckminster at $189/night. 21:11 JoeJulian If he's really cheap, he could stay out at the HoJo at the airport and get a charlie card. 21:11 semiosis the trick is to get other people/orgs to pay for your travel 21:11 JoeJulian +1 21:12 pdurbin yeah. here was the interview: https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/218473667112353792 21:12 semiosis but 200-250/nt seems to be the going rate for a decent place in boston 21:13 pdurbin ok. thanks 21:26 pdurbin_m JoeJulian: of course, the other week we had a pretty serious crime right where the summit will be 21:42 mhayden pdurbin: i got in at the sheraton i think... couldn't find anything less pricey nearby 21:50 pdurbin_m we should all meet up 23:26 pdurbin huh. homebrew-cask/Casks at master · phinze/homebrew-cask · GitHub - https://github.com/phinze/homebrew-cask/tree/master/Casks