Time Nick Message 05:25 agoddard magoo: heyoo.. I'm back. I'm at ChefConf, so might not be on much though 12:48 dotplus pdurbin: I have to confess that most machines I am responsible for do not have selinux enforcing. But everything I build is permissive not disabled, so at least in theory, if the mgmt who decided enforcing is too expensive to administer change their collective mind, it will be comparatively straightforward to do so 12:54 pdurbin dotplus: yeah, makes sense 12:55 dotplus yup, frankly, for our usage scenarios, that's *not* one of the reasons I'm leaving:) 12:56 pdurbin :) 12:56 pdurbin dotplus: you're leaving? 12:59 mhayden JoeJulian / pdurbin: oh my 13:13 * pdurbin makes sure our new release installs ok in a fresh install of centos with vagrant: https://github.com/dvn/dvn-install-demo/commit/3b13ae5 15:49 magoo agoddard: I'm jealous! 15:50 magoo I hope to attend next year 15:51 magoo I wasn't getting correct IPs populated with vagrant-ohai until I realized that I didn't have the main ohai cookbook loaded in my runlists for my VMs. Once I put that in place, everything started working properly 15:56 agoddard magoo: awsiq! I'd forgotten about that cookbook ;) 15:57 magoo haha, it's alive and well! I have a huge multi-vm Vagrant config (nagios testing, etc) and it's crucial 15:58 pdurbin magoo: is it open source? :) 15:59 magoo pdurbin: agoddard wrote it 15:59 magoo i'm actually using a fork of it now, so yes, very much open source 16:00 pdurbin o_O 16:01 pdurbin crimsonfubot`: lucky agoddard vagrant fu 16:01 crimsonfubot` pdurbin: http://community.opscode.com/chat/chef/2013-03-14 16:03 magoo oh lord, what is this madness?! 16:08 agoddard :/ 16:09 magoo to be clear, i was talking about the bot syntax :) 16:09 agoddard ah :) 16:51 pdurbin magoo: which repo did you fork? 16:56 magoo pdurbin: i didn't fork it, I just meant that I used this guy's: https://github.com/tknerr/cookbooks-vagrant-ohai 16:58 pdurbin ah, but he borrowed some stuff from https://github.com/agoddard/street-chef 17:09 magoo right 20:32 pdurbin has anyone ever run an xmpp/jabber bot? python-jabberbot is easy to install on centos: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/python-jabberbot 20:32 pdurbin for now all I want it to do is join/create a room on google talk 20:33 pdurbin and then hopefully I can then join the room with my own gtalk account 20:39 semiosis pdurbin: logstash? 21:26 * pdurbin asks at https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/CfX9fWq551j in the Google+ community for http://gbin.github.io/err/