Time Nick Message 10:05 pdurbin "MBTA service suspended pending further notice" -- https://twitter.com/MBTATransitPD/status/325183370734743552 10:28 pdurbin "Update 4/19 5:52am Harvard University is closed due to public safety concerns. Please continue to watch this page for updates." -- http://www.harvard.edu/emergency 14:30 pdurbin schools closed too. my 3 and 6 year old wanted to play mario kart so why not :) 14:52 melodie hello :) 14:59 pdurbin melodie: hi 15:00 melodie hi pdurbin ! 15:02 pdurbin rough day. police are trying to find one of the guys responsible for the boston marathon bombings: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/04/who-is-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-boston/64382/ 16:51 pdurbin I'm tweeting about the manhunt etc. at https://twitter.com/coolcorn if anyone's interested. mostly retweets 16:52 semiosis you have many identities "pdurbin" 16:53 pdurbin heh. I guess so :) 16:54 pdurbin I think of them as channels... for different audiences... that's my "hyperlocal news stream" 16:54 pdurbin that's what Jeff Jarvis calls something like that anyway 16:54 semiosis identity, channel, whats the diff 16:56 pdurbin hmm. looks like I haven't linked to this in here yet: My split personality online - http://thedurbins.com/phil/blog/2012/01/14/my-split-personality-online.html 16:58 semiosis nice 17:00 pdurbin the guy they're looking for goes to school a block away from my office 17:02 semiosis scary 17:05 ben_e went 17:05 ben_e he's at umass dartmouth now 17:05 ben_e or was anyway 17:06 pdurbin I've been getting emails all week from my friend who knows the guys who lost legs in the bombing. I posted about that here: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/L5Crmck7P68 17:07 pdurbin ben_e: ah. thanks 17:08 ben_e city of cambridge gave him a scholarship actually 17:09 ben_e http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/04/who-is-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-boston/64382/ 18:56 pdurbin I hope my wife gets in ok. her flight is supposed to arrive in BOS late tonight 19:21 semiosis +1 19:33 pdurbin public transportation is still shut down. I hear cabs are running again. or I could put the kids in the car and pick her up. I think roads are open, except in Watertown 19:34 pdurbin some food for thought: Was Shutting Down Boston Really a Good Idea? - The Daily Beast - http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/19/was-shutting-down-boston-really-a-good-idea.html 19:57 melodie pdurbin I think in France they would not have forced people to stay inside, but rather enforce the security with their methods, "vigie pirate" and such 20:04 * pdurbin looks at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigipirate 20:06 pdurbin melodie: sounds a little like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeland_Security_Advisory_System , which the US phased out a few years back 20:06 pdurbin after 9/11 I think we were in constant orange for years. it was silly 20:07 pdurbin melodie: not that I'm saying France's system is silly :) 20:51 melodie pdurbin the problem with living in sillyness is that we get used to it 20:51 melodie I wouldn't say it is sane, in fact I think it is not sane at all 21:11 pdurbin melodie: ok 21:11 pdurbin I just read this and found it interesting: What You Need To Know About Chechnya And The Boston Bombing Suspects | ThinkProgress - http://thinkprogress.org/security/2013/04/19/1893511/boston-chechnya/ 21:47 melodie pdurbin why do you find it interesting ? 22:22 pdurbin melodie: well, I haven't thought about Chechnya lately and I don't know a lot about it. where the attackers come from seems somewhat important... I'm completely puzzled about why they attacked innocent people 22:23 semiosis as if there were a rational explanation for such behavior. it's because of insanity imo 22:28 pdurbin semiosis: are you done trying to understand the "why"? you chalk it up to insanity? 22:28 semiosis i dont expect to understand the why 22:30 semiosis i cant imagine any rational person committing such an atrocity, esp. against civilians 22:31 pdurbin but in some cases of terrorism, attacks against civilians, there are reasons given 22:32 semiosis no good reasons, none that i can understand 22:32 semiosis "reasons" 22:33 semiosis i'd rather call them remarks 22:33 * semiosis philosophy major 22:37 melodie pdurbin the problem I have with news related to this kind of events is around the concept of suspiciousness... suspect does not always mean involved for real, and even arrested would not be a proof either 22:38 semiosis ianal but there seems to me enough evidence available to get a conviction, if the cops catch him alive 22:39 semiosis if the news is reliable 22:39 melodie the if is always the problem 22:39 semiosis which i agree is a big assumption :) 22:40 melodie the news, the enquiry (let's say "they" would ask for "fast results", give the news "something to say, anything... ") 22:41 melodie what would be more interesting for all if they could say something about the engines which exploded, what clues did they find around them ? what was it made of ? that kind of thing ? 22:42 semiosis that's been reported 22:42 semiosis "in the news" of course 23:07 pdurbin lockdown lifted (not that they caught the guy!) ... kids are dying to go outside 23:18 melodie I would have said impatient ? 23:19 melodie what about the grown ups ? Not impatient to feel a bit free again ? 23:37 pdurbin we went for a walk. felt great 23:38 pdurbin passed a burrito place, which was closed. my six year old said, "maybe they're helping to catch the people who put the bombs at the marathon" 23:38 melodie what is a burrito place ? 23:38 melodie some stuff to eat perhaps ? 23:43 semiosis google burrito 23:43 crimsonfubot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrito 23:47 melodie thands semiosis I see 23:48 melodie pdurbin were there as many people as there are usually or much less people out compared to usually ? 23:50 ben_e sounds like they got the guy 23:51 melodie ben_e sounds ? 23:52 ben_e it sounds like he's cornered, but not clear if he's dead 23:52 ben_e and since his brother was wearing a suicide vest, the cops are being cautious 23:53 melodie :o 23:58 pdurbin melodie: it was very quiet and almost every shop was closed. very few people and cars. very different than usual. 23:59 melodie pdurbin I would have thought so 23:59 pdurbin ben_e: he's on a boat or something? but in watertown? I'm confused 23:59 semiosis thats the cambridge i remember https://twitter.com/pragmaticism/status/318146407846510593 23:59 semiosis (quiet, closed)