Time Nick Message 00:10 pdurbin with your help, obviously 00:10 pdurbin dunno if he ever said if it was worth it or not ;) 00:12 melodie time will tell him if he likes it that way 00:12 melodie anyway he was happy about help given it seems 00:12 pdurbin yep 00:39 melodie hi again 00:43 pdurbin melodie: you're welcome to just start typing :) 00:48 melodie well, all who want to test Ubuntu Openbox Remix, code name Bento, version 1 (after several prior test versions) are welcome to do so! 00:49 melodie all who are willing to help improve it as well (still a few things need to be worked on) 00:49 melodie here it is shown and linked to: http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,224.msg1494.html#msg1494 00:49 melodie :) 00:50 pdurbin does Ubuntu Openbox Remix have its own website? 00:53 melodie yes, LinuxVillage 00:54 melodie as well as the Debian boxes the buddies did 00:54 melodie they also work on nice projects around light environments, with the same spirit 00:54 melodie we all help each other doing so 00:57 pdurbin hmm. so the distro is called VillageBox? http://linuxvillage.org/2013/02/06/linuxvillage-distribution/ 01:01 melodie VillageBox is a Debian testing spin made by Taco.22, and meant to be as small as possible, but yet easy to build on top of it (with remastersys which is in it) 01:02 melodie this is really the linuxvillage spirit : build in a way which allows creative customizations 01:04 pdurbin cool 01:09 melodie we are a few there with a few years experience of work done together around this kind of project 01:10 melodie djohnston also has done spins around Debian testing, interesting ones too 01:11 melodie he did a script to switch on/off zram in a Debian box, from the menus 01:11 melodie I have not looked at it yet, I should 01:12 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky zram 01:12 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZRam 01:15 melodie pdurbin zram from the Compcache projet at google code 01:16 melodie crimsonfubot lucky compcache 01:16 crimsonfubot melodie: http://code.google.com/p/compcache/ 01:16 melodie yes ! 01:16 melodie that's the one. :) 01:16 pdurbin :) 01:18 melodie the author, nitin gupta is an indian student, and the zram module from his project was integrated to the kernel since the version 2.8.37 01:18 melodie at the beginning, another module from his project was necessary to be able to use it 01:19 melodie now several distros have made a script to start it and provide a default configuration (which can be slightly modified throught the initramfs.conf file, at least this is what I could see in Ubuntu) 01:19 melodie pdurbin is Debian what you use ? 01:19 melodie Redhat ? 01:28 melodie pdurbin still around ? 01:34 pdurbin melodie: in and out. getting my kids down for the night 01:34 melodie oh yes ! 01:35 melodie here it is night already... what time is it for you ? 01:35 pdurbin the laptop I'm on now is Fedora. my home server is CentOS 01:35 melodie oh good 01:35 pdurbin 9:30pm. I'm in Boston 01:37 pdurbin I'm curious about Debian and Arch but I haven't dedicated much time to using them 01:37 melodie same for me about Fedora and CentOS, tried but very fast 01:43 pdurbin a buddy of mine is really into NetBSD. I haven't made time for that either :) 02:02 melodie BSD's use slides, and I read there is a very special way to multiboot linux distros with bsd distros 02:02 melodie slides instead of partitions 02:05 pdurbin slides or slices? 02:05 melodie slices 02:05 melodie ^^ 02:05 melodie my bad XD 02:06 melodie strange... such as lemon slices... 02:06 pdurbin :) 02:07 pdurbin yeah, solaris had slices too. might still have them 02:32 melodie when I heard about opensolaris I wanted to try it, then on their chan someone talked to me about a small fork from it, and I tried it in vbox 02:33 melodie that was strange but fun however all was still under heavy development and I didn't go anywhere with that once it was installed 02:35 melodie going. good night 10:14 pdurbin these days, rather than plain Open Solaris, I'm more likely to give http://smartos.org a try... ZFS+DTrace+Zones+KVM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SmartOS 14:22 sjoeboo so, I'm asking this again, in case anyone has answers i haven't found yet... 14:23 sjoeboo looking for a good, simple datacenter inventory/system location tracking application 14:23 pdurbin :) 14:23 sjoeboo pdurbin: yeah, STILL on this 14:24 sjoeboo so close to just throwing my hands up and doing a 20% project of just writing one, but i can't belive this isn't a solved problem 14:25 larsks Yeah, my experience is they all suck and appear to be stuck about 10 years in the UI past. 14:25 pdurbin sjoeboo: hmm, we talked about collins already: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-11-21#i_6173625 14:26 pdurbin seems to be our most recent discussion, based on https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Airclog.perlgeek.de+inurl%3Acrimsonfu+racktables#q=site:irclog.perlgeek.de+inurl:crimsonfu+racktables&hl=en&ei=HBhLUceqGePV0gHC64DwCg&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.dmQ&fp=9c786816b0626539&biw=1052&bih=644 14:26 pdurbin whoops long link 14:27 pdurbin long broken link :( 14:28 sjoeboo yeah....ugh 14:29 pdurbin sjoeboo: why not nventory again? has api: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/nventory/wiki/RubyAPI 14:29 sjoeboo yeah, considering it 14:30 sjoeboo just still one of those "look at all the things we can do not that well" tools it seems like 14:30 sjoeboo instead of "i tell you where your things are and track very little info about them otherwise" 14:31 pdurbin yeah 14:31 pdurbin sjoeboo: if you write your own, please open source it :) 14:32 sjoeboo oh, of course 14:33 pdurbin post it to https://projects.cs50.net ... maybe a student will write it for you :) 14:40 ben_e racktables is the one i hear about from time to time 14:41 ben_e but i've never used it 14:44 sjoeboo ben_e: what do you use? 14:44 ben_e the sysadmins a few desks over have a racktables install 14:45 sjoeboo ah 14:46 ben_e but someone filled out the first racks worth and then wrote "hire intern to finish" 14:46 ben_e and it's been that way for 18 months 14:46 ben_e :-) 15:01 pdurbin sjoeboo: what's the latest on the "official" racktables api? 15:01 sjoeboo i've seen 0 action on that 15:02 sjoeboo searches yeild the conversation from 2011 15:02 pdurbin didn't you file some issues? 15:02 sjoeboo yep 15:02 * pdurbin checks https://projects.cs50.net/project/97/build-a-restful-api-for-racktables-at-philip-durbin/ 15:03 sjoeboo the racktables github doesn't have issues enabled anymore :-( 15:03 pdurbin hmm, 5 open issues. 0 closed issues: https://github.com/ibettinger/racktables/issues 23:25 melodie hi 23:53 pdurbin melodie: hi 23:58 melodie hello pdurbin