Time Nick Message 00:01 pdurbin "on July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader" -- http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-second-spring-of-cleaning.html 01:01 pdurbin time for screen+newsbeuter I guess: http://newsbeuter.org 01:31 pdurbin my list of Google Reader alternatives: http://irclog.greptilian.com/spanworm/2013-03-14 02:04 agoddard pdurbin nice 02:04 agoddard I just need something to work with reeder.app, hopefully it just starts syncing with Dropbox or something 02:11 pdurbin it's funny... I was really into Google Reader maybe 2 or 3 years ago... but now I mostly check Twitter and Google+ ... I guess I'm part of the problem: "While the product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined." 02:16 agoddard ya, I never use the web app anymore, once I started using reeder I stuck with it 02:18 pdurbin reeder? 02:19 agoddard crimsonfubot lucky reeder 02:19 crimsonfubot agoddard: http://reederapp.com/ 02:20 pdurbin good old crimsonfubot 02:20 agoddard :D 02:20 pdurbin agoddard: so you use the mac and mobile versions? 02:20 agoddard yep 02:26 pdurbin I was just thinking I should send crimsonfubot into all the channel I hang out in 02:26 pdurbin I'm still a little stuck on the idea that there might be a better bot. 02:27 pdurbin semiosis: you didn't sound very excited about hubot though: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2013-01-10#i_6317262 02:27 pdurbin so maybe i'll stick with subybot 02:27 * pdurbin pets crimsonfubot 12:01 pdurbin heh. Hitler finds out Google Reader is shutting down - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A25VgNZDQ08 12:01 pdurbin agoddard: reeder gets a mention at the end :) 12:37 * pdurbin looks at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_Packaging_System (IPS came up in #glassfish) 12:39 pdurbin a guy in there says it's cross platform: http://www.evanchooly.com/logs/%23glassfish/2013-03-14 12:43 pdurbin whoops, i meant to say supybot, earlier. http://supybot.com 14:06 semiosis i use google reader a lot, sad to see it go 14:07 semiosis this morning i set up & played with flipboard, and while it's neat, i dont think it's going to be a good replacement for me 14:09 pdurbin i like the comparison of twitter as live TV and google reader as, um... something else.... something you can go through more methodically so as not to miss stuff 14:17 sjoeboo_ reader has been my rss app for years and years now....just clean and something i can read on one device, and know things are in sync (interms of whats read/starred) where every else i want to read it 14:18 sjoeboo_ really sad to here i need to find an alternative now 14:20 pdurbin I'd be sad if Google Calendar went away... at least there's the option to pay for it 15:38 larsks I think Feedly is a great alternative to Reader. 15:39 larsks I've been using it to read my Reader subscriptions for months. 17:53 * pdurbin makes noise about merging specific files with git: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-03-14#i_4019 18:20 StripeyType theoldreader.com is quite good, but as you might imagine, currently-slammed. 18:22 pdurbin StripeyType: full urls please :) 18:23 StripeyType Oh yes. http://theoldreader.com/ 18:23 pdurbin thanks :) 20:51 JoeJulian Heh, you end up with "Happy Smurf"? https://twitter.com/JoeCyberGuru/status/312298141510664192 21:15 pdurbin compute smurf