Time Nick Message 02:43 pdurbin this seems cool: 'There is a new project starting up called "Arch Women" Its a group for female Arch Linux users and the guys who support them. :) The main goal is to make the arch community easier for women to get involved in.' -- https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1180744 13:04 larsks pdurbin: Those sound like people who don't hang out on #archlinux, which is apparently populated solely by rude teenager boys. 13:05 pdurbin i've never been in #archlinux 13:13 jimi_c It's not like #fedora or #ubuntu are any better 13:15 pdurbin :( 13:16 jimi_c http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19 <- explains everything 13:17 pdurbin ah yes... http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory 13:19 larsks jimi_c: #fedora is *substantially* better. 13:19 larsks There's active moderation there, and they require registered nicks, which immediately cuts down on some of the worst of the crap. 13:19 larsks Sure, not all of it. 13:19 larsks But it's a step up. 13:23 jimi_c maybe it has improved, it has been a while since I've been in either, but there was definitely a time you'd be called an idiot if you asked a basic question in there 13:24 jimi_c but this is a group that did name their last release "Beefy Miracle" ;) 13:26 pdurbin according to https://gist.github.com/nyux/aa55651de42818f6f971 rule number 1 for #archlinux-newbie is "don't be an ass" 14:08 larsks #archlinux-newbie is brand new as of last week. Hopefully they'll cultivate a friendlier environment there. 14:08 StripeyType pdurbin : which was the Nexus7 keyboard/case you really liked? 14:10 pdurbin StripeyType: i've only had a few days to play with it: Amazon.com: MiniSuit Google Nexus 7 Bluetooth Keyboard Stand Case (Slim Rubberized Non-Slip Grip Back): Computers & Accessories - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009WSCW4S/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B009WSCW4S&linkCode=as2&tag=thecommandl0a-20 14:10 pdurbin the keys are too small, in my opinion. and it's not like i have huge sausage fingers 14:10 pdurbin but it makes a nice protector to clamp on to the screen if you want to throw it in a bag 14:12 StripeyType My fingers are big and sausage-y, but having a physical keyboard is a really nice thing, even so. I lament that I can't seem to find a similar product for the Nexus4. 14:12 StripeyType thanks for the pointer. 14:24 pdurbin larsks: didn't know #archlinux-newbie was new. +1 for friendliness 16:26 codex StripeyType, pdurbin: the best keyboard that i've seen to date for android is this: http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Wireless-Keyboard-Retail-Packaging/dp/B004L9MBH6/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1363019157&sr=8-6&keywords=android+keyboard 16:27 codex all the other ones suffer from one of two problems: they break within 6-8 months, or they end up making your wrists/hands hurt (b/c of size, spacing, etc...) 16:28 semiosis whats the deal with wireless keyboards on airplanes? 16:37 codex you can't have one? 16:37 * codex doesn't take airplanes 16:39 semiosis must be nice 16:44 codex :) absolutely 16:44 codex old job was the complete opposite, but even there I managed to do everything remotely 16:44 codex but yea, people there flew to utah/vegas once every 2-3 weeks (usually for 4-5 days) 22:27 JoeJulian I was using a bluetooth keyboard on the planes coming back from Red Hat Summit last year. Was I not supposed to? 22:28 pdurbin JoeJulian: you should have been paying attention to the crew member's instructions 22:51 JoeJulian I couldn't. I was on my computer. 22:53 JoeJulian I love how nobody actually turns anything off anymore. They don't even put their phone in airplane mode before they drop it in their carry-on. Same for tablets. The FAA should really change that rule so their other rules don't get lumped in with the "they don't know" mentality.