Time Nick Message 02:58 * pdurbin looks at the perl, eval, json thing again: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2013-02-19#i_6472566 02:59 pdurbin larsks: you're right that eval can and is used for exception handling in perl. i typically don't use eval for this... i write "or die" a lot 03:00 pdurbin i've heard this is a nice way to use exceptions: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Try-Tiny/ 03:00 pdurbin ironcamel: probably from you :) 03:01 pdurbin SEJeff_work: i still don't understand why you need eval to convert json to a perl data structure though 03:01 pdurbin perl -e 'use JSON; use Data::Dumper; my $valid_json = q{{"foo": "bar"}}; my $hashref = from_json($valid_json); print Dumper $hashref' 03:01 pdurbin that will die if you make the json invalid 03:03 pdurbin oh, an one last thing about eval. i think i just had a gut reaction to eval. i guess i was thinking about how "string eval" is frowned upon by perlcritic: Perl::Critic::Policy::BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval - search.cpan.org - http://search.cpan.org/dist/Perl-Critic/lib/Perl/Critic/Policy/BuiltinFunctions/ProhibitStringyEval.pm 04:07 ironcamel he could have also done my $Data = eval { $JSONObject->decode($ReturnData) }; 04:07 ironcamel by he, i mean SEJeff_work. eval returns the last thing evaluated in the block. 04:46 pdurbin ironcamel: hmm. ok 04:46 pdurbin now i feel bad that i only jumped back in here to link to this: This Open-Source, Robotic Tentacle Will Haunt Your Dreams | TechCrunch - http://techcrunch.com/2013/02/11/this-open-source-robotic-tentacle-will-haunt-your-dreams/ 04:46 pdurbin :) 13:42 SEJeff_work pdurbin, ironcamel morning gents! 13:43 SEJeff_work It turned out not to actually be the eval that was blowing up. I had a 200 line git diff for that to clean it up enough so that use strict/warnings would even execute. Just trying to make some ugly code go and it ended up being something above that which was throwing me off. 13:43 pdurbin SEJeff_work: cool 13:44 SEJeff_work And I've been forced to be a polyglot programmer at this new job. Perl, php, lots of python, and... golang! 13:49 pdurbin mmm, go. do you like it? 14:10 larsks SEJeff_work: Where are you working? 14:11 SEJeff_work larsks, A finance company in Chicago 14:11 larsks Spiffy. 14:11 SEJeff_work pdurbin, I like how it is smack in the middle of python and c 14:12 SEJeff_work It does make the concurrency issues of python go away and goroutines make it quite trivial to take a single threaded design and parallelize it. I'm a fan so far. 14:19 pdurbin SEJeff_work: cool. oh, hey, you've been gone a while [glad you're ok ;) ] ... I started a new channel: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/today 14:20 SEJeff_work heh 14:21 pdurbin :) 14:21 SEJeff_work You sir love your irc logs 14:23 pdurbin it's better than twitter 14:23 pdurbin SEJeff_work: have you used solr at all? 14:23 SEJeff_work Not a fan 14:23 SEJeff_work elasticsearch all the way 14:23 pdurbin :/ 14:23 SEJeff_work EL > solr 14:24 pdurbin i'm trying to add solr to our webapp: Dataverse Network - Feature #2656: Solr for DVN search - Project Management at IQSS, Harvard University - https://redmine.hmdc.harvard.edu/issues/2656 14:25 SEJeff_work Why not use elasticsearch? Setting up a ES cluster is much much easier. It is as easy as riak. Add another node to the ring by pointing it at any existing member and it configures itsself and rebalances work 14:25 SEJeff_work Both solr and es are lucene based if I recall 14:29 SEJeff_work pdurbin, This is actually pretty non-biased. If you need to scale out, it really sucks with solr in comparison to es: http://solr-vs-elasticsearch.com/ 14:40 SEJeff_work Has anyone used: http://git-deploy.github.com ? 14:46 pdurbin SEJeff_work: yes, both are lucene-based. i did mention ES in update #2 on that ticket ^^. i dunno, solr feels a little more tried and true, I guess. I only just moved the project from svn to https://github.com/iqss/dvn 14:46 SEJeff_work To each their own 14:46 SEJeff_work I found solr used up a lot of memory and got an es cluster up in running in about 10 minutes 14:47 SEJeff_work Then I threw a ton of syslog data at it with graylog2 and logstash (check those projects out if you have some time) 14:47 SEJeff_work I never looked back 14:47 pdurbin agoddard: you're forever talking about those projects 14:47 SEJeff_work because they are amazing :P 14:47 SEJeff_work Neither compare to splunk granted, but they are free 14:48 pdurbin SEJeff_work: dunno much about git-deploy but i did link it up here: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/VnFeuMEqGEn 14:49 SEJeff_work My use case is pushing 2-3 webapps to central sites that are then replicated out automatically to the various slave appservers 14:49 pdurbin SEJeff_work: did you set up a custom schema for ES? that's what i'm working on now: https://github.com/dvn/solrpoc 14:49 SEJeff_work pdurbin, es is schemaless 14:49 SEJeff_work Again... much much easier to get going and usable than solr 14:50 pdurbin oh yeah, i forgot. :) 14:50 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Just read the front page: http://www.elasticsearch.org 14:52 pdurbin right 14:54 SEJeff_work Oh and using git-deploy, I don't git push to the production servers. I made it use rsync 15:00 pdurbin 96 nicks in #solr, 235 in #elasticsearch 15:03 pdurbin now that i'm actually dinking with a solr schema the idea of schema-less seems attractive :) 15:05 SEJeff_work Yeah I see es vs solr much like salt vs puppet: https://www.ohloh.net/p/compare?project_0=salt&project_1=opscode-chef&project_2=Puppet 15:06 SEJeff_work salt is the config management / remote execution tool I hack on in free time. 15:06 SEJeff_work saltstack.org 15:06 pdurbin es is more active that solr, you mean? 15:07 SEJeff_work The community and traction, yeah 15:07 pdurbin yeah. we're thinking about moving from hudson to jenkins for this reason 15:07 SEJeff_work ha! 15:07 SEJeff_work All of the hudson devs moved to jenkins almost 15:07 pdurbin yeah 15:09 SEJeff_work http://www.ohloh.net/p/compare?project_0=elasticsearch&project_1=Apache+Solr 15:09 pdurbin solr has more activity :) 15:11 SEJeff_work es is hands down the underdog. solr is the entrenched player 15:11 SEJeff_work Both will more than work for what you're trying to do. Go with what you like the best 15:12 SEJeff_work I've had great exp with logstash + elasticsearch 15:12 pdurbin semiosis: you're a fan of ES too: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2012-12-11#i_796 15:13 SEJeff_work pdurbin, speaking of reportlab... 15:14 SEJeff_work pdurbin, I know the guy who wrote this, pretty decent stuff: http://blingalytics.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ 15:15 pdurbin reportlab? 15:19 SEJeff_work http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2012-12-11#i_791 15:38 pdurbin ah 17:35 larsks|phone hmm. an iPhone irc client without server push is only mildly useful. 20:08 pdurbin mount cifs in mountain lion: mount_smbfs //pdurbin@cifs/dataverse ~/dataverse