Time Nick Message 14:05 * pdurbin dinks around with his irc logger: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-02-09#i_2894 15:38 pdurbin heh 15:38 pdurbin everyone should run this: traceroute 15:38 pdurbin via https://plus.google.com/+CmdrTaco/posts/4o5EXpw69MK 16:31 * pdurbin asks a question: How can I see what I've typed in irssi? - Super User - http://superuser.com/questions/548875/how-can-i-see-what-ive-typed-in-irssi 18:12 ben_e user a wider terminal? shift+enter in iterm makes it fullscreen 18:12 ben_e i also like vim mode for irssi: https://github.com/shabble/irssi-scripts/tree/master/vim-mode 18:13 ben_e so input line movement is not so painful 18:13 * ben_e -> go play in snow 18:35 pdurbin ben_e: hmm, wider terminal is a good idea. i just hit the green button in Terminal.app. thanks 22:19 pdurbin hadn't see http://secushare.org before. via http://irclog.greptilian.com/spanworm/2013-02-09#i_2960 23:17 pdurbin oh noes! i had written up a very nice answer to my irssi question but it was lost due to site maintenance :( 23:17 pdurbin so i posted another one. not as good 23:18 pdurbin well, maybe it's better. short and sweet :)