Time Nick Message 01:52 pdurbin starting to participate in the meta site: http://meta.discourse.org/users/pdurbin 01:53 pdurbin i was about to write this thing off because it's pretty bad on my phone but they're working on it: http://meta.discourse.org/t/deliver-support-for-mobile-smartphones-as-soon-as-possible/661 02:28 pdurbin heh. in case they take down http://meta.discourse.org/t/libelous-quote-to-reply/724 i saved it here: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/ae5PvDjKyru 02:28 pdurbin i'm such a child 02:52 pdurbin "I highly recommend you try the Vagrant image if you want to start hacking on Discourse quickly. It includes a small db." -- https://twitter.com/evil_trout/status/298905129971748865 15:59 jimi_c good morning from my new laptop: Asus A55A-AH31, works pretty well with fedora 17 (rackerhacker, I'm looking at you :) 16:00 pdurbin 18 is out 16:00 jimi_c yeah, i had 17 on iso handy :) also after reading some reviews i'm holding off upgrading just yet 16:00 jimi_c i'm happy with 17 right now 16:00 * jimi_c meeting, bbl 16:01 * pdurbin is still on 16 :( 16:01 shuff the old and busted? 16:10 jimi_c meeting cancelled, wahoo! 16:10 jimi_c :) 16:22 pdurbin i've been ranting about meetings on google plus. one sec 16:23 pdurbin yeah, http://www.paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html and "Github projects don't have meetings" at https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/5C2xdtf7jSt 16:23 pdurbin ironcamel: heh. +100 from you :) 16:31 pdurbin “pgAdmin3” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer 16:31 spilth shift-click and choose Open 16:31 spilth or right-click, and choose Open 16:32 pdurbin hmm. ok. was just looking at Security & Privacy... which says "Allow applications downloaded from: Mac App Store and identified developers" (by default) 16:32 spilth yea, you can toggle that too 16:33 pdurbin "Open" gives me the same error 16:34 pdurbin i remember john siracusa talking about this on hypercritical 16:34 spilth http://osxdaily.com/2012/07/27/app-cant-be-opened-because-it-is-from-an-unidentified-developer/ 16:35 spilth you'll get the warning the first time but not after that 16:35 spilth with the right-click 16:35 pdurbin Gatekeeper adds security layer for businesses that load Mountain Lion | TechRepublic - http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/mac/gatekeeper-adds-security-layer-for-businesses-that-load-mountain-lion/2116 16:35 pdurbin "gatekeeper" i guess 16:36 pdurbin spilth: oh, you're right. i'm an idiot. different dialog. opens fine. thanks 16:37 spilth you are not an idiot :-P\ 16:37 spilth that is NOT me licking a piece of paper 16:37 pdurbin do i have to change that global setting for this one app? 16:37 spilth if you get tired of right-clicking you can 16:38 pdurbin ah. again, like you said... 16:38 pdurbin it was only a one time warning 16:38 pdurbin ok, that's fine i guess 16:39 pdurbin yum and apt have many more apps that i want than apple's app store 16:48 pdurbin right, and since i installed with `brew install postgresql` i get 'psql: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist' so i just use my mac username: http://www.johnplummer.com/rails/installing-postgresql-pgadmin.html 16:49 spilth are there a bunch of post-install instructions when you use brew? 16:49 pdurbin hmm, kinda :) 16:50 pdurbin miah: it's working out very well to run postgres from homebrew. thanks again 16:50 pdurbin miah: oh, and i'm using iTerm a bit too 16:51 pdurbin spilth: that johnplummer post is a pretty good write up of what i'm doing, more or less ^^ 16:52 spilth btw, regarding my question about Markdown slideshows, I found this - https://github.com/gnab/remark 16:53 spilth haven 16:54 spilth Have't given it a try yet. Debating how I want to run/present/document this Ruby and Rails crash course I'm working on 16:54 pdurbin wow, i'm pretty sold by http://gnab.github.com/remark . thanks 16:54 spilth yea, should've linked to that 16:54 spilth I just wish ##'s were the slide delimeter. Then it could be both a regular page and slides 16:55 pdurbin wait, this is the source though? https://github.com/gnab/remark/blob/gh-pages/index.html 16:57 spilth yea, the markdown is IN the HTML 16:58 ben_e none of those browser-based slideshows play well with pentadactyl 16:58 ben_e but that is pretty slick looking 16:58 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky pentadactyl 16:58 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://5digits.org/pentadactyl/ 16:59 ben_e it's vi keybindings for firefox 16:59 ben_e i saw it and thought "that's a gimmick" 16:59 ben_e then i tried it for a week and thought "that's pretty handy" 17:00 spilth not compatible with Firefox 18.1 17:00 ben_e you gotta use the nightly version 17:00 spilth yea, just figured that out 17:00 spilth woo, tab commands work! 17:07 spilth it actually disabled the menus? 17:10 pdurbin there's some other one westmaas likes 17:10 ben_e vimperator 17:10 pdurbin yeah, http://www.vimperator.org/vimperator 17:10 ben_e yeah, you can put the menus back if you miss them 19:17 miah pdurbin: awesome. i _live_ in iterm2. its the best term on osx by far. iterm2 + tmux == my home 19:18 pdurbin i'm still using screen 19:21 spilth_ miah: do you use tmuxinator? 19:21 miah no 19:22 spilth_ let's you create config files for commonly used tmux setups 19:22 miah ya 19:22 miah i have a tmux config, but i change window arrangements all the time 19:23 spilth_ I have a few common setups I do for Rails and Jekyll projects 19:23 miah its definitely handy 19:23 spilth_ vim/guard rspec, rails server, git 19:23 spilth_ vim/jekyll --server, jekyll-s3, git 19:23 miah ya 19:23 miah i have a decent vimrc too 19:24 spilth_ http://spilth.org/images/original/tmux-dev.png 19:25 spilth_ sometime I go hardcore fullscreen terminal/tmux! 19:25 * spilth_ should install lynx... 19:26 * spilth_ should install Linux without X... 19:27 ben_e you'll be happier with Elinks probably 19:28 miah just curl and read the code 19:28 shuff what's wrong with netcat? 19:28 spilth_ http://xkcd.com/378/ 19:28 ben_e not that i am a terminal-happy unix bofh who demands vi keybindings in every application he uses 19:28 ben_e you can do sockets in bash if you're really motivated... :P 19:28 miah yup 19:29 ben_e nc is totally overkill man! 19:29 miah people forget about bashs ksh roots 19:29 spilth_ I prefer to watch the flickering light of my ethernet card 19:29 miah programming in bash is painful 20:07 pdurbin shuff figured out how to do arrays in bash but that's when i switch to perl 20:07 shuff that is, in fact, my red flag 20:08 shuff to indicate that i am using the wrong tool 20:11 pdurbin :) 20:30 jimi_c oop, one problem remains with the laptop - closed lid/opened lid = black screen, no waking up from hibernate :/ 20:34 jimi_c fixed after editing /etc/acpi/events/videoconf :) 20:35 jimi_c would be nice if gnome3 had an option to do that for you, but that's gnome for ya 20:36 pdurbin jimi_c: that works fine for me on fedora 16 on my thinkpad 20:36 jimi_c yeah the acpi power stuff for the lid event is commented out by default in f17 20:38 pdurbin ok 21:30 semiosis my new asus doesnt resume from hibernate in ubuntu quantal. all i can do is suspend & shutdown 21:30 semiosis seems to have been disabled by default & i havent tried reenabling it yet 21:31 pdurbin well i don't know if it's hibernate or what. all i know is close the lid and later open it. works just like my mac 23:10 JoeJulian gnome3 removed hibernate from the options. There's some way to add it back in with gconf but I haven't bothered to do it.