Time Nick Message 01:44 magoo chiming in for my monthly 'ask questions and run' session 01:44 magoo anyone in here with solid nginx experience? 01:44 magoo specifically, I'm trying to get caching working on my upstream but am not having any luck 01:59 JoeJulian I use nginx, but not for caching. :/ 02:01 jimi_c intresting: github is using elasticsearch now after migrating away from solr: https://github.com/blog/1397-recent-code-search-outages 02:19 dotplus magoo: if you pastebin some config and say what's happening or not, I'll take a look tomorrow probably. no promises of a magic answer but hey 03:20 pdurbin jimi_c: very nice writeup, that github post 11:16 nbozo pdurbin: I'm here, and looking for help about the RPM dedicated to virtio-win for a fedora oVirt v2v converter. Is this the best place? 11:35 pdurbin nbozo: it is. thanks. only problem is i'm trying to feed my kids breakfast. but tell us about your trouble with https://github.com/pdurbin/virtio-win please 11:36 pdurbin jeez, i guess i could have added a readme at least :( 11:36 pdurbin dunno if you noticed but it's forked from https://github.com/fasrc/virtio-win and there are more links there 11:38 pdurbin there's a newer version at http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/bin/ and i don't see any archived versions. you'll have to tweak the "Release" line in the spec file 11:40 pdurbin then, `rpmbuild -ba path/to/my.spec` 11:40 pdurbin after you download the iso to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES 12:17 nbozo Pdurbin: I saw the newer version, but I must admit my laziness lead me to prefer to ask a already made RPM. Lazyness is not the only reason : evaluating the risk of error between setting up a rpmbuild environement and copying the files by hand lead me to hesitate. 12:46 nbozo Ok, I will disapoint you soon: I'm running a whole pure oVirt setup with no redhat inside. But we still have a RHN account which I just used to grab the virtio-win rpm I just installed. I compared its content with the content of the altfedora one, and I see many files missing on the fedora side. 13:16 pdurbin nbozo: hmm, i've actually switched jobs so i'm not super invested in that RPM anymore 13:17 pdurbin https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/YKCbwiVtpfN 13:18 nbozo pdurbin: It's OK. Just know that your past job and your past investigations DID help me (3,2 minutes ago) to successfully import a windows VM into oVirt. So : thank you :) 13:45 pdurbin nbozo: awesome. that was my hope! 13:46 nbozo :) See you. 13:47 pdurbin heh. Petition | Oracle Corporation: Stop bundling Ask Toolbar with the Java installer | Change.org - https://www.change.org/petitions/oracle-corporation-stop-bundling-ask-toolbar-with-the-java-installer 14:23 pdurbin ahhhh. got my gmail filters sorted. Stop Gmail From Running All Filters - Web Applications - http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/14715/stop-gmail-from-running-all-filters#comment30416_14907 18:48 spilth Attending this in 10 minutes - First Steps with Puppet: Learning about the Puppet Agent/Master- https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/registrations/new?cid=4jyq44sttx06 19:07 spilth They're using Vagrant :-) 19:10 pdurbin for all their classes, i think 19:12 spilth Looks like he's using tmux too 20:17 magoo dotplus: i'm going to toss up a couple pastes for nginx 20:18 magoo http://pastebin.com/aNZ3zwMS 20:22 magoo http://pastebin.com/yZacRMag 20:22 pdurbin magoo: i can't believe you're not using ironcamel's pastebin ;) 20:23 magoo pdurbin: i really should 20:23 magoo i use to have nopaste set up on my prompt 20:23 magoo but i rebuilt and never put it back in place 20:24 magoo fwiw, i stood it up internally and we use pastebin amongst ourselves 20:24 pdurbin nice 20:25 pdurbin sorry, carry on with your pasting :) 20:25 magoo haha, no worries 20:26 pdurbin i kinda want to use that thing openshift guys use rather than google docs for real time collaboration 20:26 pdurbin but i guess i'll just use google docs 20:27 larsks pdurbin: Do they use something like Etherpad? 20:27 pdurbin yeah. http://etherpad.org 20:27 larsks Also: gist(.github.com) = best pastebin *EVER* :) 20:28 pdurbin huh, they switched from scala to node.js. for etherpad 20:28 pdurbin anyway, the openshift guys seem to really like etherpad 20:29 larsks I like to combine etherpad with http://markdress.org/ for live markdown rendering of the collaboritively edited text. 20:30 pdurbin 404 but https://github.com/sanand0/markdress works 20:31 larsks Well, not exactly, no (because you need it hosted somewhere for it to be useful). Bummer that markdress is gone! Oh well. 20:31 larsks ...yes, of course you could host it (and etherad) yourself. But it's fun when someone else is worrying about the details. 20:32 pdurbin +1 20:58 pdurbin right, so, if i want a local smtp server on mac, all i need to do is `sudo postfix start` - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8599791/a-simple-local-smtp-server/13958121#13958121 20:59 pdurbin i wonder if this was ever in Sharing under System Preferences 21:28 pdurbin "Discourse is the 100% open source, next-generation discussion platform built for the next 10 years of the Internet" -- https://github.com/discourse/core via http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2013/02/civilized-discourse-construction-kit.html 21:46 larsks Ooo, pretty. 21:49 spilth It's a Rails app :-) 22:01 spilth https://github.com/discourse/core/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-step-by-step 23:10 pdurbin sure beats what stackoverflow is written in 23:25 pdurbin .net Vs Ruby - Try Discourse - http://try.discourse.org/t/-net-vs-ruby/415/3 23:26 pdurbin "for open source projects, there's just too much friction in a Microsoft stack. So it was either Python or Ruby" 23:30 semiosis http://try.discourse.org/t/this-site-is-a-sandbox-it-is-reset-every-day/57/14 23:30 semiosis hahaha 23:31 pdurbin http://try.discourse.org/users/pdurbin 23:31 pdurbin semiosis: join us 23:31 semiosis will do, but gotta go afk for a bit