Time Nick Message 03:52 * semiosis struggles with autovivification in logstash config dsl 03:54 larsks I cannot see the word "autovivification" without imagining a mad scientist yelling "IT'S ALIVE!!!!" 04:10 semiosis starring pdurbin as the mad scientist :) 04:47 codex What do people think about building commodity servers using the six-core i7s instead of the Xeons and scaling horizontally? 04:48 codex obviously a bit more on power draw, they run a bit hotter, and yes, they were not "meant" for 24/7 operation -- so probably designed for "3 years" vs the typical "5 year design" 11:03 pdurbin semiosis: :) 14:33 spilth I wrote this up this past weekend - http://spilth.org/blog/2013/01/21/automated-vm-generation-with-veewee-jenkins-and-amazon-s3/ 14:39 pdurbin spilth: this is awesome. want to help with the official centos vagrant base boxes? karanbir is looking for help: http://irclogger.com/.vagrant/2013-01-17#1358442970 14:40 spilth Well I already have a trajectory that requires plenty of learning on my part already :-/ 14:40 spilth But that post and the veewee documentation should be able to get them going I think. 14:42 agoddard for those openstackers in here https://twitter.com/anthonygoddard/status/293721620093231105 14:42 agoddard I guess that would be http://ops.anthonygoddard.com/OpenStack/demystifying-openstack-folsom-quotas/ 14:42 pdurbin agoddard: are you blogging again? :) 14:43 agoddard pdurbin: I locked myself in a room for 20min ;) 14:48 pdurbin :) 16:28 pdurbin spilth: http://irclogger.com/.vagrant/2013-01-22#1358872060 :) 16:29 spilth pdurbin: I'm not sure what I'd bring to the table. I don't know anything about CentOS. I just picked it because it's the "free equivalent to RedHat". 16:30 spilth My next step is to learn enough Puppet to get Apache, MySQL and PHP on a box via Vagrant 16:30 pdurbin oh 16:30 pdurbin cool 16:31 pdurbin spilth: here's me installing LAMP with vagrant: https://github.com/pdurbin/greptilian-vagrant/blob/master/modules/packages/manifests/init.pp 16:31 spilth in fact, you just reminded me that I want to download the puppet Learning VM at work 16:31 spilth oooh, thanks! 16:32 pdurbin but sjoeboo is really the puppet guru. semiosis and larsks too 16:32 pdurbin oh, everyone is welcome back in #sourcefu now: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-01-22 17:02 pdurbin nice. i'm dinking around with solr and 4.1.0 just came out: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/solrnews.html 17:04 spilth another thing on my ToDink list 17:04 pdurbin :) 17:06 pdurbin spilth: if you want to give this a try: https://github.com/dvn/solrpoc ... not really baked yet though 17:07 spilth I'm using it via http://sunspot.github.com/ which stands up an instance locally for you automagically 17:07 spilth I need to learn about configuring it more for "better" searches 17:07 spilth Have a Solr book in my queue 17:12 pdurbin spilth: which one? (link please) 17:12 spilth http://www.packtpub.com/apache-solr-3-enterprise-search-server/book 17:13 spilth I see there's one on 4 coming out in March - http://www.packtpub.com/apache-solr-4-cookbook/book 17:13 spilth I got it when there was some 2 for $10 deal or something 17:13 spilth In general I'm kind of "eh" about Packt books though 17:15 pdurbin i usually go for online references. official docs, etc 17:17 semiosis o'reilly? 17:18 spilth Well my heart belongs to Pragmatic Bookshelf. 17:18 spilth Though I was seen around town a lot with O'Reilly back in the day 17:19 spilth Though their Theory In Practice books are pretty nice 17:21 spilth I'll go with official docs if there's a PDF version I can read on my iPad (like the Puppet docs!) 17:22 spilth Sometimes it's good to get away from the computer and consume some stuff without trying to put it into practice right away 17:24 pdurbin yep 17:50 spilth So I want to run Jenkins *elsewhere* (not on my laptop/iMac at home) so pushing my boxes to S3 wil be fast - not over my home wireless and spotty internet connection. 17:50 spilth Trying to see if CloudBees support running VirtualBox but also considering EC2 17:51 spilth But I don't want to keep the EC2 instance running all the time... so wondering if there's a way I can get GitHub to spin up an EC2 instance to run the build only when there are changes... 17:51 spilth Is that crazy talk? 17:53 spilth My assumption is that leaving Jenkins running idly on EC2 most of the time will be expensive 17:55 pdurbin sounds expensive 17:57 spilth I guess I don't really have to expose my boxes to the world on S3, so I can just keep stuff local for now. 18:27 semiosis OH in ##infra-talk... http://pastebin.com/p6ctWdSH 18:27 semiosis mit.edu is having a bad day 18:29 pdurbin :( 18:31 agoddard yeouch 18:33 pdurbin my berklee address is still on http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers ... i love that oid... 16789 20:06 spilth btw, you can also just download what I wrote about in my blog here: https://github.com/spilth/veewee-centos63 20:06 spilth I should add a link to that in my post 20:06 pdurbin "fork me on github" 20:10 spilth I'm putting it at the bottom so people aren't tempted to skip the learning process :-) 20:14 spilth done! 20:19 spilth Boooo - https://twitter.com/spilth/status/293745426803355648 21:39 spilth I guess my first Vagrant box should be one that can build itself... 21:39 pdurbin that's the spirit 21:42 spilth insert inception joke here? 21:47 pdurbin in #vagrant they're saying kvm can run on kvm 21:47 pdurbin i dunno if virtualbox can run on virtualbox. i kinda doubt it 21:49 larsks pdurbin: Nested KVM: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/virtual/kvm/nested-vmx.txt 21:50 pdurbin yeah, nested. thanks larsks 22:39 JoeJulian You can run virtualbox in kvm 23:55 pdurbin JoeJulian: ok. cool 23:55 pdurbin java -jar /tmp/schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t pgsql -host localhost -db dvnDb -u dvnApp -p secret -dp /root/dvninstall/pgdriver/postgresql-8.4-703.jdbc4.jar -o /tmp/out -s public 23:56 pdurbin some schemaspy fu 23:57 pdurbin posted the output (temporarily) here: http://dvn-5.hmdc.harvard.edu/tmp-schemaspy-tmp/relationships.html per https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dataverse-community/be7KTyLC0FU/L1XAhaW-b6kJ 23:57 pdurbin i guess "public" is a postgres thing (-s is schema). or maybe it's our app? dunno 23:58 pdurbin 'By default such tables (and other objects) are automatically put into a schema named "public"' -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/ddl-schemas.html ... postgres thing, apparently :)