Time Nick Message 09:45 jgtimmer pdurbin: if you use git mv instead of a regular move it will know for sure 09:45 jgtimmer git rm, git add in the same commit will also work most of the time 11:14 pdurbin jgtimmer: i definitely agree with you about the same commit thing 11:15 pdurbin in practice i never really use `git mv`. just `mv` and `git add . && git commit .` works well for me usually 11:15 pdurbin but i'll pass this along. thanks! 11:16 pdurbin see also https://redmine.hmdc.harvard.edu/issues/1188#note-12 18:58 sjoeboo_ pdurbin: johnmark asking about irc logging, just let him know you're in here 19:01 pdurbin sjoeboo_: cool 19:01 pdurbin i love me some irc logging 19:02 pdurbin here's iqlogbot: https://github.com/dvn/iqirclog-vagrant 22:32 pdurbin RT @ijstokes: Any Boston Python people want to help out with the Harvard ComputeFest Python Workshops? http://computefest.seas.harvard.edu -- http://twitter.com/bostonpython/status/291203924059381760