Time Nick Message 11:02 simmel pdurbin: Cool, my scrollback went fubar so I saw nothing what you said (just that you hilighted me) 11:17 pdurbin simmel: no problem. hey, would you be willing to jump in #dvn here on freenode? it logs at http://irclog.iq.harvard.edu/dvn/2013-01-09 11:19 pdurbin also, i should mention that i need to wake up my kids, feed them breakfast, bike to work, etc... but i'll be more available in a couple hours :) 11:35 simmel pdurbin: That makes two of us, hit me later and see if I'm available 12:00 pdurbin simmel: sounds good :) 12:02 pdurbin simmel: if you want, please poke around http://testshib.org as that's what i'm thinking about trying to use for now, to get a working shibboleth demo up 13:01 pdurbin simmel: at my desk now 13:02 pdurbin just started using an external monitor with my retina macbook. my setup could use some work: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/7DQUnZAr61S :/ 14:14 jimi_c upgraded my jenkins server to 8GB RAM and a 120GB SSD last night, the cobbler test build on the master branch only took 1.75 hours 14:14 jimi_c as opposed to it just completely falling over and dying after 8+ hours (when it was about 20% done) 15:28 semiosis played with hubot last night & checked out the plugin situation 15:28 semiosis gotta say not as impressed as i thought i'd be 15:29 semiosis given the hype 15:31 pdurbin semiosis: :( 15:31 * pdurbin pats crimsonfubot 16:29 pdurbin "With $30 in new hardware, inventiveness and some Perl and Shell glue, we design and build from scratch a Linux-based, secure disk-deletion rig exceeding the requirements of several industry standards for data wiping" -- http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/54027902/ 16:30 pdurbin oh, cool. Federico Lucifredi, the maintainer of `man`. type `man man` and scroll to the bottom. i met him at a perlmongers meeting a year or two back 17:48 sjoeboo shuff: no need to fear a mass exodus, AFAIK 17:48 pdurbin sjoeboo: cool 17:49 sjoeboo everything is just very uncertain is all 17:49 pdurbin yeah, i imagine :( 19:12 pdurbin for anyone trying to run `gem install jekyll` on Mac OS X 10.8.2 with Xcode 4.5.2 who's getting "make: /usr/bin/gcc-4.2: No such file or directory" - http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-01-09#i_1589 19:12 pdurbin phew! i was about read to give up on jekyll. and i kind of like jekyll 21:07 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky internet traffic report 21:07 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/ 21:09 semiosis anyone here use any nagios apps for android? 21:58 simmel pdurbin: Pretty full day all day, tomorrow too = / I'm on paternity leave (just got my first born this weekend) 22:09 pdurbin simmel: congrats!! 22:09 pdurbin i'm making noise at you in #dvn but speaking of kids... i need to go pick mine up :)