Time Nick Message 01:26 pdurbin simmel: heh. just thinking hard about shibboleth is all 01:26 pdurbin i think i'm finally spelling it right now 02:09 jimi_c JoeJulian: that looks like a straight up disk error, might want to fsck it 02:20 * pdurbin learns that java has more shared libraries than perl: http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2013-01-07#i_1347 02:46 jimi_c i love the hp n40l's I got, with all 3 running my 1500VA battery says it has 45 min expected life 03:14 semiosis pdurbin: and that was two years ago 03:24 pdurbin semiosis: huh. i didn't even notice that :) 03:24 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky hp n40l 03:25 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16859107052 03:25 pdurbin jimi_c: are they quiet? 03:25 jimi_c yes, very 03:26 pdurbin i kind of want a server at home 03:26 pdurbin has to be silent though 03:28 jimi_c i haven't added any extra drives to them, but out of the box they're pretty quiet - not surprising since they're based on a mobile chip 03:29 jimi_c i don't think the cpu even has a fan of its own, just a single system fan 03:36 JoeJulian jimi_c: Nope, freshly formatted filesystem. Looks to be a xen bug. 03:46 jimi_c yes it does: http://lzone.de/blkfront+barrier+empty+write+xvda+op+failed 06:04 * JoeJulian hates upstart and therefore ubuntu. :P 11:48 pdurbin jimi_c: cool that they're so quiet 18:48 dotplus puppet question: should I export @@nagios_hostgroup { "foo":....} for nodes that I want to be in hostgroup "foo" or is that for declaring the existence of a hostgroup named "foo"? 18:52 semiosis i think its for the latter 18:52 semiosis not positibe 18:52 semiosis positive 18:56 dotplus so in that case how do I do the former? do I need to modify the @@nagios_host { $fqdn : hostgroups => [] }? 18:58 dotplus node "node_foo" { $nag_hostgroups = ['all-servers'] } and then in class nginx or whatever { $::$nag_hostgroups += 'nginx' } 18:58 dotplus is that even valid/permissible? 18:58 semiosis idk :/ 18:59 dotplus or am I at "try it and see"? 19:34 pdurbin dotplus: try it and see :)