Time Nick Message 02:21 pdurbin "If you’re confused about the difference between Couchbase and Apache CouchDB you’ve come to the right place." -- http://www.couchbase.com/couchbase-vs-couchdb 02:21 pdurbin "What's the future of CouchDB? It's Couchbase." -- http://damienkatz.net/2012/01/the_future_of_couchdb.html 02:23 pdurbin "When engineering set off to integrate Apache CouchDB and Membase to form Couchbase, they started with Membase as the base technology." 02:24 JoeJulian I need to replace a couple GigE switches. Any recommendations? 02:26 pdurbin cisco? 02:28 JoeJulian Why Cisco vs Arista, Blade, Juniper,... 02:31 pdurbin good question :) 02:31 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky arista switch 02:31 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.aristanetworks.com/ 02:31 JoeJulian hehe 02:32 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky blade network gear 02:32 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/16/ibm_blades_and_networks/ 02:32 pdurbin hmm :/ 02:32 JoeJulian I've never really been one for the TTWIABD solution. 02:32 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky ttwiabd 02:32 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.woltz.com/779/documents/at11-12-RMA.pdf 02:33 JoeJulian "That's the way it's always been done" 02:42 pdurbin ah. thanks :) 02:42 pdurbin i've heard of juniper at least. i think they make good stuff 14:27 pdurbin buttons! https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/2gnoMApHLC1 21:28 JoeJulian rackerhacker: Any knowledge about a problem resizing the partitions and mounting a second one inside a rackspace vm? http://fpaste.org/DPRi/ 22:45 simmel pdurbin: Somewhat pong