Time Nick Message 01:57 rackerhacker pdurbin_m: i figured out how to get decent markdown data out of WP with jekyll's tools -- now i just need to get a decent web design going before i can use pelican full time 02:28 pdurbin ironcamel: nice 02:28 pdurbin JoeJulian: buh. i'll let you know 02:30 pdurbin rackerhacker: i just commented on a post about pelican. apparently, it's all the rage. https://plus.google.com/114723964985237592593/posts/N8jnK4a34G7 02:32 pdurbin rackerhacker: i get a lot of mileage out of this: my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'Markdown' ); 02:32 pdurbin http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-WikiConverter/ 03:10 rackerhacker ah, i tossed in my $0.02 03:11 rackerhacker my requirement for it was that the static generator was written in python 03:11 rackerhacker so it came down to nikola, mynt or pelican 03:11 rackerhacker pelican seemed to be the most straightforward 15:01 jimi_c my $0.02: i've gotten a lot of use out of jekyll, having to use it for our github project page 15:02 jimi_c and twitter bootstrap = nice and easy + good looking web page 15:02 semiosis surprised i've not heard anyone mention octopress... my impression was that it succeeded jekyll 15:06 jimi_c i'm stuck with jekyll, unless github changes their backend :) 15:06 jimi_c the main annoyance with them is they force running in --safe mode, which means i have to pre-generate dynamic content before pushing it up to their repo 15:09 semiosis @lucky octopress 15:09 crimsonfubot semiosis: http://octopress.org/ 15:09 semiosis (for pdurbin :) 15:09 semiosis i guess it's just jekyll with some preset themes & features 15:10 * semiosis runs in --danger mode 15:12 jimi_c me too, i wrote a whole bunch of plugins to do cool stuff and then found out i couldn't use them :/ 15:12 jimi_c https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler.github.com/tree/master/_plugins 15:13 jimi_c ^ what i use for cobbler.github.com/manuals/ 15:14 jimi_c yeah looking at octopress it looks like they rewrote it to use jekyll recently 15:15 * jimi_c may have to check that out 15:15 semiosis its been a while already 15:16 jimi_c oh yeah by recently i mean within a couple of years, i see a lot of the docs have 2011 on them 15:17 semiosis hehe 15:21 jimi_c this is much easier than my process: http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/ 15:23 jimi_c right now, i run a script i wrote to generate dynamic content under my _dynamic folder, followed by an rsync to copy the generated content into place, followed by "git add"s for all the new changes (including the pre and post generated dynamic content) followed by a git push 16:31 pdurbin jimi_c: http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/ is interesting but if i'm going to generate a site locally before pushing it to GitHub Pages, I'll just use ikiwiki, which is awesome. would that GitHub Pages supported ikiwiki :) 16:34 pdurbin i wonder if http://www.anandtech.com/tag/Podcast is any good. via http://5by5.tv/hypercritical/97 16:42 jimi_c pdurbin: when using vagrant + veewee, is it faster to turn hostiocache on? any other tips on speeding up disk performance? I haven't used vbox much 16:42 jimi_c my cobbler import tests are disk heavy, and are taking quite a while under vbox :/ 16:47 semiosis meh, ordered a galaxy note ii from tmo yesterday and now the order status says backordered 17:17 pdurbin jimi_c: sorry, i don't know. one of the centos base boxes i tried booted quickly and the other didn't. not sure why 17:17 pdurbin semiosis: careful with the samsung vulnerability, as i warned rackerhacker: https://plus.google.com/101646943125332675164/posts/Ja7C7RpPzNU 17:18 pdurbin semiosis: also, i've been a tmo customer for a week or so. taking some notes here for now: http://wiki.greptilian.com/vendors/t-mobile 17:32 jimi_c pdurbin: virtual ssd :) 17:33 jimi_c i'll fire up a vm later and try some of the usual tricks while running a disk benchmark 17:33 jimi_c the n40L i'm running this on just has the one disk, so i'm sure that's not helping 17:56 pdurbin jimi_c: ok 17:58 pdurbin if anyone local to boston wants to sit with me and help me root and android phone and put cyanogen mod on it for the first time, please let me know. i'm thinking about contacting http://www.meetup.com/boston-android/ to see if it's something they do 17:58 pdurbin this is the phone i have and i don't much care for whatever skin HTC has put on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-Mobile_myTouch_4G 18:00 pdurbin the mytouch 4G seems to be well supported by cyanogenmod: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/wiki/TMobile_myTouch_3G:_Rooting 18:04 semiosis pdurbin: thanks for the info. i'm doign that same plan 18:40 pdurbin has anyone looked into Google+ Communities? i'm intruiged by them but i'm concerned about data liberation as i posted here: https://plus.google.com/114723964985237592593/posts/NAnQhJ8awDj . these days i don't want to put my data into anything that won't give it back 18:41 pdurbin this give me doubt the Google+ Communities can be accessed via an official API: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761665/grabbing-lists-of-members-of-google-communities 18:41 pdurbin maybe i'll look into using http://vanillaforums.org instead 18:47 pdurbin this would be for a non-technical community. parents of kids at my daughter's school 18:48 pdurbin i prefer Q&A sites usually but a forum might be better for them 18:49 pdurbin maybe i should run my own irc network and log it. :) ... not that i know anything about running an irc network 18:59 semiosis realistically you'd just run a server, not a network 19:00 semiosis but i wouldnt recommend it 19:05 semiosis so, best android irc client? yaaic? 19:05 semiosis was there consensus on this recently? 21:02 pdurbin semiosis: you could also try andchat: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-12-27#i_6278044 23:18 pdurbin more podcasts (i haven't heard of): http://www.edgecasesshow.com http://www.imore.com/tag/debug http://www.coreint.org via http://5by5.tv/hypercritical/97