Time Nick Message 14:06 pdurbin agoddard: yet another "publish data on the web" tool - Nesstar - http://irclog.iq.harvard.edu/dvn/2012-12-18#i_175 15:04 * pdurbin runs `brew install coreutils` and wonders if this is a bad idea 15:06 pdurbin oh, interesting... "All commands have been installed with the prefix 'g'." 15:06 pdurbin export PATH="/Users/pdurbin/.homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" 15:07 pdurbin of course, as it turns out, i meant to run `brew install findutils` 15:08 pdurbin ahh... gfind is mine 15:11 * pdurbin votes up http://superuser.com/questions/293199/find-printf-on-mac-printf-unknown-option/293200#293200 15:32 larsks Hey, gluster people: any hints for monitoring the health of a gluster cluster? All the command seems to be human-readable rather than machine-parseable. 15:35 semiosis larsks: i have puppet set up nagios checks for all the gluster processes & log files 15:35 semiosis in addition to normal disk & mount checks 15:35 sjoeboo_ larsks: same, nagios checks, found some, written others 15:35 semiosis https://github.com/semiosis/puppet-gluster 15:35 semiosis you can see the nagios check commands i use ther 15:36 larsks I'll take a look. 23:16 pdurbin agoddard: i keep seeing this an can imagine you calling it "ohaiHandler" - http://www.lockss.org/lockssdoc/gamma/daemon/org/lockss/oai/OaiHandler.html 23:19 pdurbin heh. make CFLAGS= -std=gnu89 -fheinous-gnu-extensions