Time Nick Message 02:05 pdurbin i'm seeing lots of "no hyphens ever" at http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/allowed_characters_in_identifier_names 11:11 pdurbin boegel: i just woke up to a pull request from you or something :) 11:11 * pdurbin yawns 11:24 boegel pdurbin: yeah, just added the commands I ran on top of yours 11:24 boegel pdurbin: didn't bother to relocate the gzip.eb though 11:41 pdurbin ok. will have to look later. just created this (not a permanent url): http://git.greptilian.com/?p=dvn-5-vagrant.git 11:41 pdurbin need shave, shower, breakfast for kids. will look at your pull request later :) 11:42 pdurbin again you can always start fresh under the easybuild org if you want :) 14:59 pdurbin so, today's my last day. looks like someone removed me from here, which saves me the trouble: http://rc.fas.harvard.edu/about-rc/research-computing-staff/ 15:00 pdurbin i'd like to mention again that if anyone out there is interested in open source virtualization and openstack, you should certainly apply for the job i'm vacating: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-11-26#i_6186072 15:03 pdurbin and speaking of job opportunities in my old department, another job was just posted. this one is higher up the chain, higher pay grade... Manager of Research Computing IT Operations - https://twitter.com/jamesdotcuff/status/277062038407233536 15:05 dotplus pdurbin: exciting. where are you going next? 15:05 pdurbin dotplus: well, i made a website for myself at my new department. i think it does a pretty good job at explaining: http://people.iq.harvard.edu/~pdurbin 15:06 pdurbin i'm going to be a software developer for The Dataverse Network Project. "a web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data" - http://thedata.org 15:07 pdurbin agoddard: you had sent me some links for similar projects. we should capture them here 15:08 pdurbin i think this was one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedora_Commons 15:10 pdurbin yeah. and this was the other - "DSpace open source software is a turnkey institutional repository application" - http://www.dspace.org 15:10 pdurbin we call our project #dvn for short. i just started a channel here on freenode for it. will have logging set up next week 15:13 dotplus sounds interesting. I'm sorta missing the .edu world at the moment. 15:20 pdurbin i'm a fan :) 21:28 pdurbin time to reformat my workstation. my goodbye note: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/YKCbwiVtpfN