Time Nick Message 02:27 pdurbin_m http://bendyworks.com/geekville/lab_projects/2012/11/getting-plan-9-running-on-the-raspberry-pi 02:39 pdurbin_m heh. two retweets already 02:40 pdurbin_m people like their plan 9, I guess 03:11 pdurbin i take back what i said at http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-12-01#i_6203205 ... i went ahead and renumbered my irclog database id's with ... set @a=0; update irclog set id=(@a:=@a+1); 03:12 pdurbin as i mentioned at http://irclog.perlgeek.de/ilbot/2012-12-02#i_6204142 i found the fu here: sql - How to renumber primary index - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643371/how-to-renumber-primary-index 03:13 pdurbin oh and i did a restore of the backup from the puppetlabs mysql::backup. works fine. easy. ran this: bzcat mysql_backup_20121201-215239.sql.bz2 | mysql 03:14 pdurbin i'm sure the people who chose these flags to mysqldump know them better than i do: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-mysql/blob/master/templates/mysqlbackup.sh.erb 03:17 pdurbin hmm... i don't see any sort of rotation in place though... 12:24 pdurbin uh oh. my 3 year old wants this linux laptop for tuxpaint 19:14 simmel pdurbin: yes, no im not. why do you ask? (we use vmware and pretty soon vcloud) 21:53 pdurbin simmel: i was asking about shibboleth at http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-11-30#i_6200943 because i had just come from a meeting and it came up in the context of openstack. i don't know much about shibboleth, actually, but maybe it could be useful in letting people log into a private cloud. anyway, it sounds like westmaas knows all about shibboleth, which is good :) 21:55 westmaas haha really don't 21:55 westmaas got it setup during a weeklong hackathon 3 years ago :) 21:55 pdurbin westmaas: meh. good enough :) 21:55 westmaas lol 21:57 pdurbin westmaas: does shibboleth make sense in the context of openstack? would it be useful to let people who wouldn't ordinarily have accounts log in or something? 21:57 pdurbin i feel like i've heard of shibboleth for 10 years but have never known anyone who uses it 21:58 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky shibboleth authentication 21:58 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth_(Internet2) 21:59 pdurbin yeah, some other department does this stuff, generally. identity management 21:59 pdurbin good to know what's out there though 21:59 westmaas I suppose it could - I just don't know what you are gaining exactly 21:59 westmaas oh is it that you already have SSOs, and you want to use that to auth 22:00 pdurbin i dunno 22:00 pdurbin larsks: you've already cooked up some nice integration in your openstack for auth 22:01 westmaas I bet they support LDAP auth, which keystone can back into, then you set up the right groups in keystone and are all set 22:02 pdurbin this might be it: https://github.com/seas-computing/cloudusers 22:03 pdurbin the problem is when you have a bajillion departments each with their own LDAP ;) 22:03 westmaas ooh, lots of different authn authorities it looks like 22:03 westmaas yea 22:04 pdurbin anyway :) 22:04 westmaas for the number of auth calls that openstack does, I'd recommend trying to avoid going through multiphase shiboleth auth for each one if possible 22:04 westmaas though I could be misremembering details! 22:07 pdurbin here be dragons 22:08 pdurbin i mean, openstack is designed for ISPs, right? so either you're a customer in their database or you're not 22:08 pdurbin no confusion. single auth system 22:12 westmaas not just for ISPs, but yes, it does assume a single auth system 22:13 westmaas I wonder if keystone could have a shibboleth backend actually 22:13 westmaas now that I think about it, the way it'd work is the auth would be done, and a token created 22:13 westmaas and then everything after that would be fast 22:14 westmaas https://answers.launchpad.net/keystone/+question/190859 22:15 westmaas and looks like there is a modification to the keystone/swift stack called "colony" that did actually modify keystone to auth to shibboleth 22:16 westmaas http://wiki.openstack.org/Keystone/Federation/Blueprint 22:17 westmaas from: https://www.terena.org/mail-archives/tf-emc2/msg02285.html 22:17 westmaas looks like next release is intended to support federated auth 22:25 pdurbin westmaas: cool, thanks 22:26 pdurbin sorry, distracted. throwing a couple of these in my cart. seem fast (class 10), cheap, and big enough. microsd cards: Amazon.com: AmazonBasics 16 GB microSDHC Class 10 Flash Memory Card with SD Adapter: Electronics - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0058GH4U0/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER 22:27 pdurbin note sure i'd hear of AmazonBasics before... AmazonBasics: Bezos and Co. starts private-label consumer electronics line - http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/20/amazonbasics-bezos-and-co-starts-private-label-consumer-electr/ 22:28 pdurbin heard