Time Nick Message 06:00 pdurbin ok #crimsonfu, you may have noticed that the other day i was making noise about a *new* channel on freenode very much like this one but with more of an emphasis on coding: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-11-26#i_6187102 06:00 pdurbin now is your chance to get in on the ground floor of... 06:00 pdurbin #sourcefu! :) - http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2012-11-28 06:01 pdurbin and look! irc logging on my domain! it works! 06:01 pdurbin (no backups yet) :) 06:02 pdurbin the config is *mostly* captured... 06:03 pdurbin i should probably make it into a proper puppet module 06:27 pdurbin jeez, i wrote more over at #sourcefu than i meant to - http://irclog.greptilian.com/sourcefu/2012-11-28 :) 06:28 pdurbin anyway, hopefully it gives a flavor of where i'm going with it 16:58 pdurbin hmm, "the global timeout 16:59 pdurbin is absolute and you won't be able to go over it" -- Re: [Nagios-users] Setting Command Timeout that isn't global? - http://www.mail-archive.com/nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg34020.html 17:00 * pdurbin was wondering if i can change command_timeout in /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg for just one of the "command[foo]" checks in that file 17:08 codex anyone here use mutt? 17:09 pdurbin barely 17:11 codex About a year ago i added support for HTML, and within a day I realized I need a way to shorten URLs. It worked well however it had a performance hit when you opened your emails (up to 5+ seconds delay). I figured out how to do it in almost real time today 17:14 pdurbin codex: i'm not sure what you mean. sending or receiving html mail? 17:15 pdurbin i *do* want to master a command line email client some day. thunderbird's future seems uncertain - https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/iA1gyNt31tv 17:16 codex receiving 17:16 codex as html emails came in 1.) they were super ugly and 2.) the html was all over the place 17:16 codex i used lynx at first which produced terrible results (for readability) 17:17 codex I went to elinks as the HTML engine and a perl script for the URLs 17:19 pdurbin so... with your solution as of today... you're happy? :) 17:20 codex very 17:20 pdurbin cool. i'll be bugging you if i ever make the switch :) 17:25 codex pdurbin: http://blog.vpetkov.net/2011/01/06/my-solution-to-dealing-with-mutt-and-long-urls/ 17:25 codex that was the old post 17:28 JoeJulian lI wish I had the time and money to put together a new company to build a decent integrated enterprise class "outlook killer" (open source, of course). 17:31 codex JoeJulian: so you mean...zimbra :-D 17:31 codex the problem I think is that microsoft had so much time to fail, that they actually got it right 17:31 codex (outlook, office, etc...) 17:32 codex almost every open source alternative i've used just sucks in one way or another 17:32 codex (abiword, neo office, open office, zimbra) 17:33 JoeJulian Yeah, and none of them have scaleable and redundant backends. 17:36 JoeJulian Outlook has this horrible data storage scheme. T-bird's not that much better. There's a strong resistance to browser based solutions within many enterprises, so zimbra's up against that... 17:39 JoeJulian Plus, I can't run outlook on my android, my Fedora box, or my coworker's ipad. It would have to be something that's multi-platform, sync's through the backend so that it's always consistent. 17:40 codex doable (obviously), but not easy 17:41 codex As you said, the best bet is some sort of a semi-web frontend 17:41 codex and that's how you can get the same UI for the most part/same interaction on all the devices 17:42 codex you are right about the storage -- it's terrible. I couldn't believe zimbra offers this crazy infrastructure, and the storage end is still a single system -- if you put multiple it spreads the users over multiple, but still, each users is on one "store server"...amazing 17:42 codex this is why when comcast loses a server, there is an email outage 17:44 JoeJulian It shouldn't be that hard, and it would be relatively efficient, to use a map-reduce store for emails. 18:29 pdurbin JoeJulian: have you looked at SOGo (formerly named Scalable OpenGroupware.org) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOGo 18:43 miah moin 18:45 JoeJulian Mon dieu! I hate CLink! Let's just take down the entire connection without telling anybody so we can run line tests... 19:58 pdurbin my boss is giving a talk at cloudbeat right now. to watch it live: https://twitter.com/jamesdotcuff/status/273835571586142208 20:17 semiosis pdurbin: thanks, excellent lunchtime watching 20:19 pdurbin :) 20:19 semiosis well... i caught the last minute of that 20:21 semiosis now, where have i heard this song before 20:21 semiosis anyone know what that tune is playing on the stream now? 20:22 semiosis ah, i remember now... https://twitter.com/vihartvihart/status/270033384531693568 20:23 semiosis or maybe not 20:23 semiosis damn 20:23 pdurbin semiosis: sorry we turned it off. back to work! 20:23 * semiosis feels foolish 21:11 pdurbin agoddard: you love iscsi right? wanna buy our old hardware? ;) 21:20 pdurbin sjoeboo_: i have a correction for http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-10-23#i_6090367 ... i tried to remove qcow2 corruption using `virsh snapshot` but the corruption remained :( 21:21 pdurbin as before the VM itself seems fine. i just don't like the scary errors from `qemu-img check`