Time Nick Message 01:44 pdurbin_m jimi_c: cool 02:15 pdurbin oh, i saw a raspberry pi this weekend. and a makerbot 02:28 jimi_c i'd love to get a raspi to test arm distros, but unfortunately apparently they do not pxe 02:31 pdurbin all we did was boot into what looked like LXDE. midori browser 02:39 jimi_c one of my coworkers has been waiting for his for months 02:39 jimi_c keep pushing his delivery date back 14:18 pdurbin wow. super useful. green circle thing spinning. hope it works... Bulk Deleting All Messages in a Folder in Microsoft Outlook Web Access - Super User - http://superuser.com/questions/150644/bulk-deleting-all-messages-in-a-folder-in-microsoft-outlook-web-access 15:28 pdurbin agoddard: do you have any thoughts on testing VM performance with regard to the underlying storage? i know you run a lot of your VMs on local disk rather than keeping the disk images on NFS where most of our other disk images live 15:28 pdurbin now we've got gluster storage as well, a new "pool" from a virsh perspective 15:29 pdurbin and i'm wondering how we can best benchmark NFS vs. gluster vs. local disk 15:30 pdurbin i don't mean to single our agoddard... he just happens to run some of his infra on our kit. anyone is welcome to jump in :) 15:51 * pdurbin asks in #gluster: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/2012-11-26#i_6185657 16:04 larsks_ pdurbin: No answers for you, but I'm curious what you find out! What about booting instances on your various pools and running something like "iozone" or some other benchmarking tool? 16:04 pdurbin larsks_: yes, iozone came up in our meeting this morning. i've never used it but it's probably what we'll try 16:04 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky iozone 16:04 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.iozone.org/ 16:05 pdurbin as i mentioned in #gluster, kickstarts are slower on gluster vs. NFS 16:07 larsks_ Huh. 16:10 pdurbin yeah, it's a bummer. our NFS server is in a different data center even. this is all a bit anecdotal right now... no hard numbers 16:16 pdurbin i think we've identified the bottleneck at least... the 1 gig link to the iSCSI storage. this is kind of a test with old hardware. with new hardware we'd make sure it's all 10 gig links 18:09 miah moin 18:30 pdurbin don't you hate it when job offers end up in your spam folder? 18:30 * pdurbin kicks self 18:31 miah doh 18:32 pdurbin i accepted it. i'm moving on from my current gig. since you folks know pretty well what i do day to day, please pass along this job ad for my replacement to anyone who might be interested! https://twitter.com/jamesdotcuff/status/269214493203128321 18:32 miah pdurbin: lols. i used to work for Research Computing @ Childrens Hospital Boston 18:34 pdurbin miah: nice. come on back and take my job :) 18:34 miah hahah 18:34 miah i learned a lot in my tenure at CHB.. but I've moved far beyond them technically =) 18:35 miah (also i dont have to worry about my salary being funded by grants and thus making peanuts) 18:35 pdurbin miah: i'm glad you here to share your expertise :) 18:35 miah my what? 18:35 miah :P 18:37 westmaas pdurbin: where you headed? 18:38 westmaas rackspace?! 18:38 pdurbin heh 18:39 pdurbin westmaas: nope, staying at harvard... back to my old department (IQSS) to do dev (and likely some sysadmin) for the dataverse network project: http://thedata.org 18:39 westmaas pdurbin: cool 18:40 pdurbin i'll prolly try to sell them on vagrant (and git): https://github.com/pdurbin/dvn-vagrant 18:42 miah awesome 18:43 pdurbin the dataverse project is open source. you can all make fun of my commits :) 18:43 miah vagrant is cool and all.. just cant wait until other backends are available because virtualbox sucks.............. 18:44 pdurbin i hear the master branch is where the non-virtual box stuff is 18:44 miah ya. i dont want to do my dev on dev =) 18:44 miah i've been working on this: https://github.com/miah/chef-collectd 18:44 miah as part of a bigger infrastructure project here 18:45 pdurbin agoddard: you use collectd 18:45 miah that cookbook still has work to be done 18:45 miah i need to deal with the collectd packages race conditions of post-install scripts 18:48 pdurbin miah: dunno if agoddard still uses this... https://github.com/agoddard/collectd-cookbook 18:49 miah ah. its a fork of coderangers old book, which is what mine is based on =) 18:49 miah mine does away with the definition and implements lwrp 18:50 miah i've forked/rewritten lots of cookbooks. mostly for practice. i'm still quite the ruby noob. 18:50 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky lwrp 18:50 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Lightweight+Resources+and+Providers+(LWRP) 18:51 pdurbin oh. chef thing. i keep forgetting 18:51 miah ya. i started out with cfengine, moved on to puppet, and am now dealing with chef. 18:51 pdurbin collect them all 18:51 miah i dont think any of them are perfect or meet all my needs 18:52 miah though nixos goes more in the direction i'm thinking 18:52 miah i need to read more about it and do some testing though 18:53 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky nixos configuration management 18:53 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://lwn.net/Articles/337677/ 18:53 miah i think the standard of unix distributions providing 'configurations' for software is on the way out. 18:53 miah or at least, package managers need to allow me to disable certain portions of that 18:54 miah because in many ways, i know more about how i want my system configured and running than the vendor does 18:54 miah though, what the vendor provides may be worthwhile for 90% of their customers currently 18:54 miah i think that will change in time as configuration management adoption increases and becomes more the standard 18:57 pdurbin do any of the linux vendors ship puppet or chef? 18:58 semiosis what do you mean linux vendors? distros? hardware? 18:59 semiosis answer is yes to both afaik 18:59 pdurbin semiosis: i mean on centos i get puppet from EPEL not "base" 18:59 semiosis oh well yeah 19:00 semiosis ubuntu (and probably debian as well) has puppet in the standard repos 19:00 pdurbin gotcha 19:00 semiosis idk about chef tho 19:02 miah ubuntu no longer includes chef as opscode has requested it be remoed 19:02 miah removed.. 19:02 miah because distro's are slow to upgrade to newer releases 19:02 miah and you end up with an army of people on a version from 4 years ago that you have to support 19:03 semiosis tell me about it -- we've been having that problem with glusterfs 19:03 semiosis and all the "howtos" from 2009 lingering around the web don't help either 19:03 miah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer 19:03 miah search for 'chef' 19:04 miah Chef 0.8.16 (948437) and corresponding Ohai packages (948438) removed from precise at the request of OpsCode. 19:04 miah chef 0.8.16.. ancient 19:05 semiosis distros having outdated packages is certainly a problem, but i'm not sure that's the right solution :/ 19:07 miah in this case, opscode provides packages for ubuntu. so they are doing a better job than cannonical can in supporting their product. 19:07 miah cannonical doesn't have a commercial interest in making sure chef works well 19:08 semiosis looks like chef (10.12.0) is in ubuntu quantal... 19:09 miah well, thats at least newer =) 19:10 semiosis i wonder what the backstory is re: why opscode didn't contribute package updates to the ubuntu repos 19:11 miah possibly too much effort in the reverse? 19:11 miah i dont know though 19:11 miah opscode has grown into a big company 19:11 miah so they probably have the people to pull it off at this point 19:13 pdurbin maybe in 10 years when puppet and chef are nice and stable the distros can include them 19:13 semiosis lol 19:14 semiosis all i know is the puppet packages in ubuntu have been great for me since 10.10, no trouble 19:14 semiosis besides the upstream bugs, no extra hassles introduced by the distros 19:14 pdurbin whatever version of puppet is in the vagrant base box i use is good enough for me 19:23 miah ya. the templates used to build those generally pull from rubygems 19:25 miah at least, the veewee templates do 19:25 miah not sure if thats what mitchell is using to build his baseboxes though 19:28 semiosis wow thats so unlike production 19:29 semiosis i have been skeptical about this whole "vagrant" fad 19:30 semiosis i wonder if it would be possible to boot the ubuntu cloud guest images in vagrant 19:30 semiosis that would be nice (for me) 19:31 pdurbin it look me a while to become a believer in vagrant 19:32 larsks I like the vagrant idea, but the whole virtualbox-only thing is annoying. 19:33 pdurbin yeah. the main thing is the idea 19:33 larsks So I wrote https://github.com/larsks/drifter, which is a similar thing but for openstack. I decided to use ansible for provisioning rather than trying to write my own provisioning system. 19:33 semiosis i get the feeling it's mostly for mac people 19:34 pdurbin semiosis: vagrant works great on my fedora laptop 19:34 pdurbin larsks: wait, are you reinventing that other thing? the vagrant for openstack thing? 19:34 larsks You mean cloud envy? 19:34 pdurbin yeah 19:35 pdurbin it's right there in your readme :) 19:35 larsks Have you *looked* at cloud envy? 19:35 pdurbin nope 19:35 pdurbin huh. cloud envy implements its own provisioning? bleh 19:35 larsks Cloud envy only works with a single instance, can't copy files as part of your provisioning process, doesn't know how to run scripts as root when connecting as an unprivleged user, etc etc... 19:35 larsks And yeah, that. 19:36 pdurbin that's what sold me on vagrant. that i could use puppet or chef 20:14 miah you can run arbirary scripts with vagrant. its quite flexible. 20:19 codex http://forums.pinstack.com/content/7710-apple_s_journaling_system_ios_makes_geotagging.html 20:19 codex Apple's journaling system for iOS makes geotagging a system-wide feature 21:24 ironcamel pdurbin: congrats on your new job. will you be doing more coding now? 21:25 pdurbin ironcamel: that's the plan! some sysadmin still i'm sure. i doubt you guys are rid of me 21:25 ironcamel pdurbin: have a link to the dataverse source code? 21:27 pdurbin ironcamel: https://dvn.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dvn/dvn-app/trunk via http://guides.thedata.org/book/3-check-out-new-copy-dvn-source 21:29 miah coding is fun 21:30 pdurbin miah: yes 21:31 pdurbin that reminds me, i'm kinda thinking about starting up another channel on freenode modeled on this one, but with more of an emphasis on coding 21:31 pdurbin need a name. suggestions welcome! 21:31 ironcamel coding is life and death, love and hope, creation and imagination, all rolled up into nice little bits 21:32 semiosis #codingfu appears available 21:33 pdurbin semiosis: you're welcome to squat on it :) 21:34 semiosis at this point that would be less work than /leave-ing it 21:34 semiosis or is it /part, idk 21:41 codex semiosis: /win close? 21:41 codex pdurbin: neat idea btw - but why not use this one? 21:42 codex tech/systems/coding/network/security - pretty thin line in some cases 21:42 codex might as well take advantage of diverse crowds no? 21:42 semiosis +1 21:42 JoeJulian I think that "coding is life and death, love and hope, creation and imagination, all rolled up into nice little bits" might be a bit long... 21:43 miah also. there is ##infra-admin 21:43 miah er 21:43 miah ##infra-talk 21:43 * miah herps while she derps 22:12 codex miah: for a second I thought you worked for chia pet :-D 22:17 miah lol. 22:17 miah ITS THE POTTERY THAT GROWS 22:18 miah i've owned this domain for years.. prior to that i had goatcheese.org but stupid network solutions fucked up hard enough to guarentee i'd lose it. 22:44 miah fwiw. i work here: hoteltonight.com 22:50 comptona if anybody's in SF, we're having an unstructured meetup tomorrow to hang out and talk shop: http://www.meetup.com/sysadmins-San-Francisco/events/92218962/ 22:54 miah how good will the food be? 22:54 miah :P 22:58 miah guh. 23:04 comptona no food provided, unfortunately 23:05 comptona but that means it'll be as awesome as you want it to be! ;-) 23:07 miah will fsargent be there? 23:16 comptona I don't know 23:16 comptona the list of people who are coming is on that page I liked; I'm not sure who fsargent is IRL 23:16 comptona liNked 23:17 miah he works at rackspace.. i suspect in that office. unless he left already =) 23:17 comptona then that's very possible 23:17 comptona JasonF would know; he's the contact at rackspace who organized it 23:17 miah ah