Time Nick Message 01:00 pdurbin i dropped my phone :( ... any suggestions for me? https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/WLuLBdsjJJq 01:08 jimi_c I like my moto razr (new model) 01:10 pdurbin_m cool. I'm thinking android 01:10 pdurbin_m and a cheap plan like I have now, as I posted about 01:11 jimi_c i was very tempted to switch to t-mobile from verizon on that front 01:18 pdurbin_m I've been happy with virgin mobile. $25 per month for unlimited texts and data 01:23 boegel pdurbin_m: are you ready for our EasyBuild talk at PyHPC tomorrow?! 01:54 pdurbin_m is it going to be awesome? is it going to be recorded? break a leg! 02:01 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky pyhpc 2012 02:01 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-hpc/2012-July/000013.html 16:16 JoeJulian rackerhacker: Just heard about your promotion. Congratulations. 16:16 rackerhacker thanks :) 17:33 JoeJulian rackerhacker: Does this mean I'll be reading new security related blog posts? 17:33 JoeJulian Also, rackerhacker, care to comment to Jeff? https://twitter.com/Obdurodon/status/269481751921963008 17:34 rackerhacker i love to make comments, errr, harass jeff 17:34 JoeJulian :D 17:34 rackerhacker oof, no comment there :P 17:34 JoeJulian lol 17:34 * rackerhacker ventures outside for food :) 18:29 pdurbin westmaas: rackspace is giving out promotions like candy 19:10 westmaas pdurbin: yeah, idk how that guy got it 19:17 JoeJulian speaking of rackspace promotions, I need a contact in that area. 21:10 JoeJulian westmaas, rackerhacker: Could you please have someone from promotions contact me@joejulian.name? I'm looking to find sponsors and/or speakers for the 2013 Cascadia IT Conference. http://casitconf.org/casitconf13/ 21:39 jimi_c So this is interesting, just got my feedback from interviewing with google. Strengths were scripting, etc., but the hiring committee thought I needed more work on troubleshooting. Considering the degree of difficulty in the question they asked I thought I had done well in isolating it to a random hardware bug in 45min. Que sera I guess :) 21:40 jimi_c I knew they were very picky so I'm not overly surprised, but sheesh 21:41 jimi_c but hey, I did get an all expense paid trip to CA out of it at least :D 22:44 pdurbin jimi_c: interesting. i had a phone screen and then a phone interview back in may (they had contacted me). didn't really get any feedback 22:46 pdurbin it was for a "site reliability engineer" position 22:52 jimi_c yeah, i was going for an SRE position too, did 3 phone interviews (not including the initial screen with the recruiter), then they invited me out to Mountanview for onsite interviews (5 more over the course of 1 day) 22:52 jimi_c all in all, it was pretty fun 22:54 jimi_c the really interesting thing was, they contacted me out of the blue based on my github projects 22:55 semiosis i recently lost a dev from my team to an apple subcontractor... they found him on linked in 22:56 semiosis seems like the bay area is sucking up all the good talent from the rest of the country 22:56 semiosis having a hard time finding good people here in miami :( 22:58 jimi_c I'm in St. Louis, MO, not exactly a tech mecca :) 22:59 JoeJulian jimi_c: Really? I thought wustl was a leader in producing tech talent. 23:00 semiosis producing != retaining 23:00 jimi_c wustl to me was always more of a med school, though some computer science stuff does come out of there 23:00 jimi_c i don't think it's anymore than comes out of MST (formerly UMR, where I went) 23:02 JoeJulian I just remember that wustl was one of the early kernel mirrors and they had the fastest downloads. 23:02 jimi_c yeah that is true, they still do mirror a lot of FOSS stuff 23:34 pdurbin semiosis: yeah, i remember you talking about hiring people. you had fancy interview questions and all 23:35 pdurbin larsks: that "delete key sends ctrl-h" checkbox on mac os x terminal is the bees knees. i also figured out i just need to tap option for meta (screen+irssi) 23:36 pdurbin i'm on my wife's mac again because my kids have taken over my laptop. i just discovered tux paint 23:36 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky tux paint 23:36 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://tuxpaint.org/ 23:37 pdurbin yeah. that one. which works really well on my thinkpad since it has a touch screen. i guess it's a tablet pc, technically. has a pen and all 23:37 pdurbin how else would i have drawn our lovely crimsonfu logo 23:39 pdurbin my tweet about it: "my kids love playing Doodle Buddy on my mom's iPad. I just discovered Tux Paint and even though there's no poop stamp they're really into it" 23:42 pdurbin see, on this mac i have to hit Shift-Fn-PageUp to scroll up but on linux i just hit PageUp