Time Nick Message 04:02 codex http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236344&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-NA-_-NA 04:02 codex "NAS certified drives" - 3TB for $190 04:02 codex very quiet, long life 05:16 JoeJulian pdurbin: So am I which is why I use kickstart files. 18:58 pdurbin fun with "define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);" this morning. #wordpress 20:54 pdurbin where's Pax? thanks! https://git.huit.harvard.edu/splunk-apps/rcops <-- splunk app 21:38 pdurbin comptona: "man, I love openstack, but this sort of thing just makes me want to jump off a cliff and/or shovel money at vmware :-P" -- http://irclog.perlgeek.de/puppet-openstack/2012-11-14#i_6154145 !!! 21:39 comptona heh 21:39 pdurbin westmaas: ^^ 21:39 comptona the latest python-keystone RPM in epel-testing is busted 21:39 pdurbin i should get back to bodepd about the trace he wants on the puppet master that i'm not sure how to do 21:40 westmaas doh 21:40 westmaas I wonder if thats coming from the fedora folks, we offloaded all our packaging to the distros I think 21:41 westmaas let me ask my expert, but I think he's gone for the day! 21:41 pdurbin "this looks like an error on the server. Can you get a stack trace from the server?" he said at https://groups.google.com/a/puppetlabs.com/d/msg/puppet-openstack/nz8XHmEOMZs/aKXjHCNeTIUJ 21:41 pdurbin sjoeboo: you suggested looking at logs during a puppet run, which i haven't done yet. i guess i'll do that. tomorrow 21:43 comptona westmaas: I very much suspect the version of openstack-common that's been bundled with keystone is out of sync 21:43 comptona per http://wiki.openstack.org/CommonLibrary 21:44 comptona one bit of python-keystone instantiates ConfigOpts.cfg and passes that object a "project" parameter, but the definition of ConfigOpts.cfg (from openstack-common) doesn't accept it 21:46 comptona and apparently openstack-common is called "oslo" now? 21:47 westmaas comptona: yes - that rename is causing us heartache as well 21:48 westmaas I have a bug in the ear of some redhat/fedora people now 21:48 westmaas they didn't have an immediate answer but said they'd get back to me 21:51 comptona ugh, ok, I think I see now 21:53 comptona keystone in essex called openstack-common/configopts() with a bunch of parameters 21:53 comptona keystone in folsom calls configopts() and then passes the parameters to setup() of that object 21:53 comptona so the RPM package has the essex keystone code and the folsom openstack-common code 21:53 comptona *headdesk* 22:15 JoeJulian argh