Time Nick Message 14:22 pdurbin shuff: mornin' 14:23 shuff good morning! 14:23 shuff another day, another $ 14:23 pdurbin heh 16:50 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky collectd monitoring 16:50 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://collectd.org/features.shtml 16:53 pdurbin larsks: thanks, i'll try that out on a mac sometime. there seems to be a checkbox for the meta key too (re: screen+irssi) 20:51 pdurbin "For machines with at least 50 GB of free disk space, autopart will create a reasonably sized root partition ( /) and the rest will be assigned to /home" ... autopart -- https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Migration_Planning_Guide/ch02s02s02s02.html 21:06 * pdurbin is used to building VMs with smaller disk images