Time Nick Message 13:51 pdurbin there seem to be a lot of good arguments for KeePass: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KeePass 14:27 shuff good morning folks! 14:27 shuff i was pitching crimsonfu to a friend last night, and this morning i notice that the members page (http://crimsonfu.github.com/members/) is a bit… sparse 14:27 pdurbin i've noticed that too :) 14:28 shuff if you feel so moved, please submit pull requests to help remediate this issue 14:29 shuff as an additional incentive, anyone who submits such a pull request will get added to the crimsonfu GitHub organization (unless you request otherwise) 14:29 pdurbin shuff: i proudly link to my crimsonfu member page from my homepage: http://greptilian.com :) 14:29 shuff as well you ought 14:30 shuff my homepage is a "you've just installed Apache!" placeholder page, so i do not 14:30 pdurbin shuff: you saw that crimsonfu full of awesomeness, right? http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-11-07#i_6133343 14:30 shuff !!! 14:31 pdurbin bodepd: you're too kind 14:35 * pdurbin watches cutover of puppetdb to new hardware. old: http://software.rc.fas.harvard.edu/ganglia2/ganglia2_misc/?c=other&h=db.rc.fas.harvard.edu&m=cpu_report&r=hour&s=descending&hc=4&mc=2 new: http://software.rc.fas.harvard.edu/ganglia2/ganglia2_misc/?c=service&h=puppetdb.rc.fas.harvard.edu&m=cpu_report&r=hour&s=descending&hc=4&mc=2 14:36 pdurbin look at that network load drop on the old 15:30 pdurbin :( Could not evaluate: undefined method `hostgroup_name' for #<Nagios::Base::Host:0x2aaabd7e22e0> 15:31 pdurbin "Solution: rm -rf /etc/nagios3/puppets.d #wtf" -- https://gist.github.com/3661686