Time Nick Message 03:34 ventz pdurbin: http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-July/msg00782.html 03:34 ventz you will find that interesting 04:05 ventz pdurbin: another interesting one http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Virt_Live_Snapshots#Live_backup 12:38 pdurbin ventz: you're right. i do find that very interesting 12:39 pdurbin especially this: "Additionally, there's the --atomic option to snapshot-create-as, but it fails for guests with more than 1 snapshotable disks: 'atomic live snapshot of multiple disks is unsupported'." 12:40 pdurbin there's been a bit of internal debate about how much effort we should put into having VMs only have one disk image. with LVM, we could easily add a second or third disk image to a VM, but i'm sure i want all that disk image sprawl... 13:14 agoddard pdurbin: replied :) what happened to the splunk thang? 13:34 pdurbin agoddard: yes, i saw. thanks! splunk... i think a hole was poked in the firewall but i don't have an account to log in with? 13:34 * pdurbin searches email 13:36 pdurbin huh. maybe the hole got closed. timed out :( 13:40 pdurbin agoddard: i'm pretty interested in owning this service anyway, if that makes sense 13:42 agoddard pdurbin: yep 14:12 pdurbin to watch: logstash and other things - Jordan Sissel of DreamHost - PuppetConf '12 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuUFnog29M4 14:13 pdurbin oooooooo, a playlist of all the videos: All PuppetConf '12, All the Time - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV86BgbREluVFB73Wwqp_tCbw5Z9TMLX1&feature=plcp 14:13 semiosis awesome 14:16 pdurbin "In this talk... Hubot" -- Puppet at GitHub - Jesse Newland - PuppetConf '12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH2twW0dmrM 14:24 pdurbin agoddard: Pax hooked me up with a login to splunk. 5.4 billion events indexed :) 14:25 pdurbin earliest event: march 30, 2007 14:25 Pax 54 Billion 14:27 pdurbin Pax: you need to give a tech talk on this! 14:27 Pax sure, anytime 14:28 pdurbin i'm a little lost (ok a lot lost) in this interface 14:31 Pax Check this out, it's a pretty nice intro 14:31 Pax http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/User/Startsearchingtutorial 14:31 Pax I defaulted your group to the "search" app 14:32 pdurbin Pax: awesome. thanks! 14:32 Pax one of my absolute favorite apps is written by a user named Luke Harris 14:32 Pax http://splunk-base.splunk.com/apps/22374/splunk-for-nagios 14:33 Pax pdurbin: because I know you love api's … http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Developer/RESTIntro 14:34 pdurbin mmm, i do, i do 14:37 semiosis topic 14:37 semiosis oops 14:44 pdurbin semiosis: we can add more: http://crimsonfu.github.com/topics 14:45 semiosis pdurbin: i need more coffee... not only did i leave off the / but i thought i was in #logstash 14:46 semiosis whack just did a 1.1.3 release last night but the channel topic still says 1.1.2 14:53 ventz pdurbin: so i upgraded the hypervisor to 1.2 and snapshots (live, atomic) now work 14:54 pdurbin ventz: so new and fancy! 14:54 ventz but deletes, and restores don't -- b/c they have not been implemented -- which makes snapshots basically useless (live that is) 14:54 ventz also, for the snapshot part (from virsh) it calls kvm-img which is qemu-img :) 14:55 pdurbin snapshots work but restores do not... ok... not promising... 15:02 pdurbin ventz: so if you were me... how would you implement backups of VMs? 15:08 pdurbin larsks: how do you back up VMs? did you tell us already? 15:13 pdurbin mmm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta_refresh 15:13 semiosis hah, i just showed one of my web developers that page last week 15:13 semiosis now he's using meta refresh all over the place :( 15:14 pdurbin this should only be for a day or so 15:14 pdurbin whorka: the redirect 15:15 pdurbin cool, seems to work fine: http://git.greptilian.com 15:16 pdurbin now to put it on this server a work. once we stop glassfish 15:18 semiosis http://pic.jpgdump.com/23936.jpg 15:18 ventz pdurbin: you need to wait 15:18 ventz that's sadly the answer 15:18 ventz 1.2.0 fixes everything, but you need the next minor release for the restore+delete 15:18 ventz then it will all work 15:18 ventz i agree about having a 2nd disk/snapshot disk 15:19 ventz i want snapshots for checkpoint purposes, not drive extensions w/ multiple disks 15:19 pdurbin ventz: so... wait for centos 7? or are you thinking centos 8? 15:20 ventz so they said fc18 will have it, and they are not sure if it will make the cutover 15:20 ventz my guess is the next releast of 6x might ahve the new core 15:20 ventz but most likely 7 will be the "stable+functional" 15:26 pdurbin i like stable+functional 15:27 pdurbin hmm, now i need a rewrite rule for http://git.greptilian.com/foo/bar 16:10 * semiosis needs more meta refresh 16:11 pdurbin so in addition to this (split across multiple lines)... <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ / [L] </IfModule> 16:12 pdurbin i added... 16:12 pdurbin ErrorDocument 404 / 16:12 pdurbin ErrorDocument 301 / 16:13 pdurbin anyway, seems to work fine. catches the 404s (and any urls hopefully), and redirects them to root, the homepage, where my meta refresh is :) 16:13 pdurbin my git server was just for testing. this is really for http://theastrodata.org 16:13 semiosis pdurbin: you could just have a rewrite rule match everything and do a redirect itself 16:14 pdurbin semiosis: i'm sure there's a better way. please show me the fu :) 16:14 semiosis meta-refresh should only be needed if you can't/dont want to use apache config or server-side dynamic pages like php, etc 16:14 pdurbin semiosis: sure. i just need something that works though. and only until dns changes propogate 16:15 semiosis http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/flags.html#flag_r 16:15 pdurbin semiosis: but does that handle 404's? 16:16 semiosis rewrite happens before apache goes to the filesystem, so if your rewrite rule really does match everything then no 404 should ever happen 16:16 pdurbin semiosis: i agree in theory but in practice that's not what i was seeing :) 16:17 pdurbin semiosis: we need a vm we both have root on :) 16:17 semiosis pdurbin: perhaps because you don't have rewrite loaded, so your ifmodule block gets skipped? 16:17 pdurbin perhaps 16:17 semiosis also need RewriteEngine On before the RewriteRule 16:18 pdurbin i iterated a bit. i posted above the combination that worked for me 16:21 semiosis i would just use these two lines: RewriteEngine On / RewriteRule .* http://www.lmgtfy.com [R=302] 16:22 semiosis and skip the ifmodule stuff 16:22 semiosis i mean, no ifmodule, because we *need* that module 16:22 pdurbin semiosis: i get you 16:22 semiosis so youd get a warning/error on startup or reload if the module isnt loaded 16:24 semiosis ooh, docs say to use R with L, so that should be [R=302,L] 16:24 semiosis although we're not constructing the target, so it shouldn't matter 16:24 pdurbin semiosis: if you're on google talk... i'll paste you the email i just sent 16:24 semiosis ok see pm 16:29 pdurbin thanks 16:29 pdurbin we should have some katas where the solutions are vagrant files 16:30 pdurbin if that makes sense 16:30 pdurbin because you can have vagrant configure puppet 16:30 pdurbin agoddard: or chef 16:31 agoddard :D 16:32 pdurbin oh, nice, karanbir (lead developer of centos) is chatting in #gluster: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/2012-10-24#i_6094478 16:46 larsks pdurbin: What is this "backing up" of which you speak? 16:47 larsks We're generally not backing up VMs. We aim to have the systems themselves redeployable via Puppet, and we store data on NFS volumes that are backed up daily. 16:47 larsks We pretend that VM disk images are stateless. 16:49 pdurbin larsks: sigh. i wish i had that luxury 16:49 pdurbin most of our VMs are precious snowflakes that must be preserved 16:53 pdurbin larsks: do you have any kind of guide on your website for people who might want to host their VM with you? i've been thinking of putting something like this on our website. to explain stuff, set expectations, etc. 17:08 larsks You mean...documentation? I've heard of that. 17:09 pdurbin heh 17:09 larsks We don't have much right now. Most of our vm hosting to date has been one-offs (we are our own biggest customer). 17:09 larsks If we turn openstack into a real service offering we're really going to have to address the documentation issue. 17:09 pdurbin yeah, us too 17:09 pdurbin and the rule will probably change with openstack 17:10 pdurbin more cloudy, more ephemeral 17:19 larsks In an ideal world: we want some sort of dropbox-like sync mechanism that is easy to deploy in virtual instances so that users can have persistent storage and *we* don't have to manage it. 17:19 larsks We've considered something like SparkleShare (http://sparkleshare.org/)... 17:19 larsks ...which is a git-backed dropbox clone. 17:20 larsks (By "not manage" I mean we don't need to create NFS volumes and manage export permissions etc. etc. etc.) 17:20 pdurbin that would be nice 17:58 pdurbin do people still use awstats for apache logs? what's super quick and easy for some analysis of existing apache logs? doesn't have to be graphical 18:08 pdurbin hmm, webalizer is in base centos 6. output looks fine: http://server1.greptilian.com/usage/usage_201210.html 18:08 pdurbin stupid baiduspider 18:09 pdurbin (awstats is in epel) 18:44 pdurbin stupid bitrot. loco page is a 404: bash - What UNIX commands support coloured output? - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563500/what-unix-commands-support-coloured-output/668527#668527