Time Nick Message 00:28 * JoeJulian hates ruby... 00:28 JoeJulian I haven't said that enough recently. 02:01 pdurbin_m ruby hates you 02:40 JoeJulian It does. I agree. 04:24 JoeJulian Yep, hate ruby... 6 hours to come up with https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-firewall/pull/99 10:03 pdurbin_m you broke Travis: https://travis-ci.org/#!/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-firewall/builds/2835095 10:12 pdurbin_m JoeJulian: any update on Shapado? I was looking at OSQA again last night 14:01 pdurbin agoddard: you're right, i'm wrong. we *will* be using iSCSI with the dell powervault md3000i's. we have to. they only support iSCSI (which is fine) 14:01 pdurbin KVM on gluster whiteboard, part 2 (primary storage for disk images) - https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/258930375093547008 14:02 pdurbin (a follow up to part 1: KVM on gluster whiteboard - https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/258646361438822400 ) 14:02 agoddard pdurbin: you could trunk them for 4Gbps ( I think?) 14:02 agoddard freakin Dyn DDos again 14:02 * agoddard asked for us to get a new NDS provider a year ago :-| 14:02 agoddard ^DNS :/ 14:04 pdurbin here's a link to yesterday's discussion of part 1: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-10-17#i_6072883 14:09 pdurbin agoddard: the poweredge r610's (i.e. gvm01, a cluster "head node" or whatever you call it) each have 8 physical ethernet devices. so yes, we'll probably do some bonding 14:47 * pdurbin learns gluster terminology from glusterbot: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/2012-10-18#i_6075482 14:54 agoddard pdurbin: nice 14:55 pdurbin JoeJulian: we should drag johnmark in here 14:55 JoeJulian Wouldn't be hard. 14:55 pdurbin his eyes might bleed... looking at my whiteboarding 15:05 pdurbin ☢ 15:49 agperson i like how glusterbot automatically picks up URLs and displays titles 15:54 agoddard any openstackers in th house? 16:00 Pax agoddard: I had the feeling of being at a concert just now… "Any open stackers in the house say "YEAHHHHAAAAA" 16:03 agoddard Pax: :D 16:28 agoddard nova volume-attach dbba71c5-4fba-426a-b2a5-039ca1238168 50f97fde-473d-4aac-a428-a2e9a6660913 /dev/vdb 16:28 agoddard ERROR: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404) 16:28 agoddard I know it's there. I'm looking right at it :-| 16:29 agoddard ERROR: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404) < would be nice to know *which* resource.. :/ 18:47 pdurbin westmaas: all the openstackers are at the conference, right? 18:55 agoddard it's a bad day to be asking q's in #openstack too :) 19:10 pdurbin i don't think i've used volume-attach yet. just boot, etc 20:08 larsks It's *always* a bad day to be asking questions in #openstack. It's the quietest channel with > 500 people I've ever seen. 20:08 larsks We've got volume-attach working. Tracing down errors often involves watching *all* your logs to find out where the actual error is generated. 20:19 pdurbin westmaas: you're on the hook for any openstack questions. you're our guy 20:21 larsks Really? Because if anyone knows why dnsmasq might stop talking to instances, I'm looking for pointers. 20:21 pdurbin ironcamel: you might know some openstack people too 20:21 pdurbin rackerhacker: you too 20:23 JoeJulian agperson: The only problem with glusterbot doing that is it makes it much harder to Rick-Roll people. 20:26 pdurbin JoeJulian: +1 20:41 westmaas pdurbin: I'm here too! 20:42 westmaas in SD 20:42 westmaas and yes 20:42 westmaas we are all here 20:43 agoddard larsks: thanks, I'll keep checking the logs, pretty sure I exhausted them :( 20:44 agoddard larsks: when you run a nova manage service list, do you see nova-volume or cinder?