Time Nick Message 13:05 pdurbin hmm, i wonder how easily i can install python 2.7.3 on centos 6 13:11 pdurbin On linux SUSE or RedHat, how do I load Python 2.7 - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4149361/on-linux-suse-or-redhat-how-do-i-load-python-2-7 13:11 pdurbin "make install will damage the system Python. Use make altinstall instead." :) 13:31 Itkovian or use EasyBuild :-D 13:43 pdurbin Itkovian: yeah? i was thinking of easybuild more for the whole cluster. for use with "modules" 13:43 Itkovian surem but you can just install a single software package such as python as well 13:43 Itkovian just clone and try on your local system 13:44 Itkovian it's not going to install stuff where it overwrites other stuff 13:49 * pdurbin joins #easybuild 13:50 pdurbin looks like there's a quick start: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild/ 13:51 pdurbin Hearing on "The State of Research Infrastructure at U.S. Universities" -- http://casc.org/papers/THDJr_CongressionalTestimony_Feb10.pdf 13:57 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky easybuild yum repo 13:57 crimsonfubot pdurbin: https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild/wiki/FAQ 14:33 pdurbin whorka: try `yum install environment-modules`. it's in base on el6 14:37 pdurbin hmm, lots more people at https://github.com/crimsonfu?tab=members than http://crimsonfu.github.com/members 15:19 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky mpfs wikipedia 15:19 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_Path_File_System 15:39 GitHub38 [crimsonfu.github.com] pdurbin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/crimsonfu/crimsonfu.github.com/commit/716e2471740fd37f19cba26d6db9fad4441edf13 15:39 GitHub38 [crimsonfu.github.com/master] fetch the latest logs - Philip Durbin 15:40 pdurbin new! http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/today 15:57 pdurbin ventz: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/2012-10-05#i_6038551 17:03 ventz Anyone who is at Harvard/around physically, if you like geeking out, come by Wednesdays for geeknight (which has turned into lunch for now) 17:03 ventz (join #geeknight for more info) 17:29 pdurbin ventz: nice public service announcement :) 17:34 ventz :) 17:34 ventz hehe 17:34 ventz if you weren't in #geeknight, i probably would not have sent this here 17:34 ventz but i figured you approve on some level :) 17:49 pdurbin i do approve. and may geeknights spread to every land 17:49 agoddard ohai 17:50 pdurbin agoddard: howdy, stranger 17:50 agoddard pdurbin: now I'm "that guy" who just shows up when he wants to know something ;) 17:51 agoddard pdurbin: or, that super busy guy who's always getting trolled by his todo list ;) 17:51 agoddard I got a RAID / LVM question I thought I'd throw out there.. 17:52 agoddard I'm setting up a 24 disk array (500GB NL-SAS 7.2k disks) which will end up carved up as logical volumes through LVM on the host 17:52 pdurbin magoo: *cough* 17:53 agoddard I'm trying to decide if I should RAID-10 the array and present one big disk (RAID10 is kinda my instinct generally) or whether I should carve out a few RAID 10's, OR, whether I should even carve out a few RAID5's.. (I probably won't do one big RAID5) 17:54 magoo well hey guys! 17:54 agoddard I've been reading a bunch about high sequential reads being kinda useless in this use case, but then I read something else that says the more disks the better, just rock a giant raid10 (basically everything else here is RAID10 'cause of that) 17:54 agoddard magoo: hey hey :) 17:54 magoo don't need anything... just making sure everyone is having a great day ;) 17:56 pdurbin agoddard: what's the use case? 17:57 pdurbin magoo: you help us keep it friendly :) 17:57 agoddard the LVM volumes will end up as data volumes for VMs - a lot of solr, mysql, elasticsearch and maybe some hbase stuff 17:58 pdurbin VMs? JoeJulian likes VMs. so does comptona 17:59 pdurbin i assume raid 10 would be the fastest but what do i know 17:59 comptona that I do 17:59 comptona beats racking new servers for every little thing 18:01 agoddard and the i/o benefit of 24 drives would be worth it (as opposed to 2x RAID10's of 12 drives, both of which are added to the Volume Group)? 18:01 agoddard oh, VMs :) ya. +100000 18:04 pdurbin i'm not much of a storage wonk. you might want to ping our internal mailing list and report back the answer 18:04 pdurbin whorka knows storage but he's idle, looks like 18:05 pdurbin agoddard: could pop in #gluster. those guys know storage 18:05 agoddard pdurbin: sweet, will ping rcops, I'd ask in gluster but I'd be worried they'll be like "lul raid wut!" ;) 18:08 pdurbin JoeJulian: they'd never say that 18:10 agoddard rackerhacker: ICQ lulz. 18:10 rackerhacker yeehee 18:10 rackerhacker worst of all, it's a guy who is probably trying to hire me :/ 18:10 pdurbin agoddard: openstack cluster? :) 18:12 agoddard rackerhacker: ha! 18:13 agoddard pdurbin: yep, I had enough of my cloudstack experiment so thought I'd actually sit down and read all the OS user guides, pumped about it now. Built a test cluster, demoed it to the CEO and a scientist who wants to start using it straight away 0_O 18:13 pdurbin westmaas: ^^ 18:14 pdurbin agoddard: cool, i'm sending all my tickets to you. so glad you have RT access now 18:14 agoddard the test cluster is just an all-in-one machine, but the prod cluster I just started on is 1 controller node, then 1 cinder node (with this array) and then the project to move 216TB of gluster to swift 18:14 agoddard pdurbin: haha.. sweet, we should join clusters :) 18:16 westmaas agoddard: pdurbin: nice! 18:16 westmaas rackerhacker: trying to hire you?! 18:16 pdurbin agoddard: well, even i've set up an openstack all in one machine 18:17 agoddard pdurbin: I wouldn't be surprised if your laptop was an openstack all-in-one machine 18:17 agoddard ;) 18:17 pdurbin westmaas: i know. who would want to hire rackerhacker 18:17 westmaas haha 18:18 agoddard protip, don't present a new cluster idea to the CEO based on a little demo instance, when they get excited it seems to introduce unnecessary pressure :-/ 18:18 rackerhacker westmaas: it's a former racker who i'd never work for anyway :) 18:18 westmaas agoddard: its fine don't worry about it? 18:18 westmaas rackerhacker: haha 18:18 westmaas agoddard: did I mention we sell installation and support services for openstack clusters? :P 18:19 pdurbin agoddard: moving *off* of gluster for VM storage? 18:19 agoddard westmaas: I think I rememebr..u at Rackspace? 18:20 westmaas agoddard: yep yep 18:20 westmaas but thats not my group 18:20 westmaas so I'm happy to provide the services of rackerhacker for free 18:20 agoddard pdurbin: we don't do any VM storage on gluster at the moment, just a whole ton of storage for a giant image repository 18:20 rackerhacker westmaas: that doesn't sound right 18:20 westmaas rackerhacker: don't worry about it 18:20 agoddard haha 18:23 pdurbin agoddard: ok 18:23 agoddard westmaas: /me checks budget.. curses, makes note to talk to boss about budget 18:23 westmaas lol 18:23 westmaas anyone making it to OS summit this year? 18:23 westmaas its in a week! 18:23 westmaas or so 18:23 agoddard pdurbin's boss is I think 18:23 westmaas managers, huh guys? buncha jerks 18:24 pdurbin agoddard: that sounds right 18:24 westmaas hmm yes its in san diego, I better go 18:24 westmaas pdurbin: want me to say hi to him or stay away? 18:25 pdurbin westmaas: please! 18:25 pdurbin i wanted to have something for him to demo. something openstack-y :( 18:27 * agoddard will be back in 5, if he's not back in 10, he's been crushed by a heavy server 18:35 * agoddard made it out alive 18:35 pdurbin phew 18:36 pdurbin migration-status.pl > status/raw.mdwn 18:36 pdurbin i love ikiwiki 18:38 agoddard :D 18:39 larsks Aaaaa, I went to install ikiwiki to look at it and it's pulling in like 90% of CPAN. My system is being perled! 18:39 larsks Could be worse. Could be RT. 18:40 agoddard I'm one of the people who hates JIRA so much he uses it.. :-/ 18:40 larsks Oh, I like RT; it just has a dependency list a mile long. 18:40 agoddard I gave up fighting against it, and now I (don't really) like it :) 18:47 pdurbin larsks: try my rpm: http://wiki.greptilian.com/ikiwiki 18:47 larsks pdurbin: I *am* install via an RPM (ikiwiki is included in F17, which is what I run on my desktop). 18:47 pdurbin ok 18:47 larsks It just wants a bunch of perl modules :). 18:48 pdurbin it's full of perly goodness 18:49 pdurbin larsks: my setup, if you're interested: http://git.greptilian.com/?p=wiki.git;a=blob;f=wiki.setup 18:49 larsks Thanks, I'll take a look. 18:58 JoeJulian wrt me liking VMs, Keeping services on separate virtual hosts allows me to do system and hardware level maintenance without service interruption. 18:59 pdurbin JoeJulian: sing it 19:00 pdurbin spotted; "ATLAS is a nasty bitch, it does auto-tuning" 19:01 comptona JoeJulian: plus, if people insist they need root to run their services, then you can give them a VM to screw up without bothering anybody else 19:02 pdurbin comptona: but then they break their vm and bring you the pieces 19:03 comptona at least it's fewer pieces than if they break a machine other people use too :-/ 19:03 pdurbin oh, people break the whole cluster too 19:03 comptona ! 19:04 larsks ...this is why we're playing with OpenStack. We those people to be able to deploy their own vm and services without requiring help from us. 19:04 pdurbin it's ok. it's in the name of science 19:04 comptona yeah, I just set up openstack at $work and it's getting super popular 19:05 JoeJulian If the vm is broken, I just delete it and let puppet rebuild it from scratch. 19:10 pdurbin JoeJulian: yeah, i about to suggest to this user that we rekickstart this sick vm. we use cobbler and puppet for that 19:10 pdurbin don't overwrite the system python, kids 19:14 pdurbin s/i/i'm/ 19:24 pdurbin agoddard: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/gluster/2012-10-05#i_6039201 ask away, i'd say :) 19:30 boegel pdurbin: don't overwrite the system Python kids, use EasyBuild instead! ;-) 19:30 pdurbin boegel: trying! is this the "quick" demo? 19:31 boegel pdurbin: :D 19:32 boegel pdurbin: it's quick in the sense that you only need three commands 19:39 pdurbin ah 19:43 boegel pdurbin: ;-) 19:44 boegel pdurbin: it's something like execute the commands, have a coffee (or two), and EasyBuild did the work for you 19:50 pdurbin i'm on my 5th coffee 19:50 pdurbin Process 24999 detached 19:51 pdurbin WARNING: Build exited with exit code 1. 2277 possible error(s) were detected in the build logs, please verify the build. 19:51 pdurbin :( 19:52 pdurbin 18 MB log 19:54 pdurbin boegel: zips down to 556 KB. have an email I can send this to? 19:55 boegel pdurbin: is this the full log? 19:56 boegel pdurbin: those detected errors probably all are false positives 19:56 pdurbin 18 MB sounds pretty... comprehensive for a log 19:56 boegel pdurbin: and yes, I have an email :) 19:56 boegel pdurbin: it's a debug log :) 19:56 boegel pdurbin: kenneth . hoste @ gmail 19:58 pdurbin Subject: easybuild-ATLAS-3.8.4-20121005.123157.log.gz 19:58 pdurbin boegel: sent 20:03 boegel pdurbin: oh, build failed :-/ 20:04 boegel that's not good 20:04 boegel let me check the log 20:04 pdurbin i didn't think so 20:05 pdurbin thanks 20:05 boegel pdurbin: what processor are you building on? 20:05 boegel pdurbin: Intel Sandy Bridge, by any chance? 20:05 pdurbin qemu something.. 20:06 pdurbin QEMU Virtual CPU version (cpu64-rhel6) 20:07 boegel pdurbin: hmm 20:07 boegel pdurbin: the real issue is this: fatal error: atlas_pthreads.h: No such file or directory 20:08 boegel pdurbin: but I'm not sure how that even can happen 20:10 boegel pdurbin: I think ATLAS is having a hard time handling your Virtual CPU... 20:10 pdurbin boegel: i swear i didn't fake the logs ;) 20:11 boegel pdurbin: I'm seeing stuff like " dmm.c:1750: Error: bad register name `%r8' " as well 20:12 boegel pdurbin: I think building ATLAS on a system with a virtual CPU is the real issue here... 20:13 pdurbin boegel: want to make me an "easy python 2.7" instead? :) 20:13 boegel pdurbin: well, you're going to need a toolkit first 20:13 pdurbin oh 20:14 boegel pdurbin: do you have access to Intel compilers? 20:15 boegel building Python will requires BLAS and possibly LAPACK support 20:15 boegel that's not going to work without a toolkit 20:15 pdurbin i thought building python required make and gcc 20:17 boegel pdurbin: ok, wait, if you exclude numpy/scipy, you can build Python with EasyBuild without a toolkit 20:17 boegel pdurbin: which is not it's intended use, but it will work 20:18 pdurbin boegel: might make a faster demo 20:18 boegel pdurbin: well, we really want to encourage people to use toolkits 20:19 boegel pdurbin: because that way the software you build is as independent from OS-provided stuff as possible 20:19 pdurbin hmm. ok. not sure what an easybuild toolkit is 20:19 * pdurbin has not read the docs 20:20 boegel pdurbin: it's basically a compiler with an MPI library and math libraries (BLAS, LAPACK, ...) 20:20 boegel pdurbin: it's everything you need to build most scientific software 20:21 boegel pdurbin: the evil thing is that you need to built the toolkit first, i.e. build GCC, ATLAS (which provides BLAS, LAPACK, ...) 20:21 boegel pdurbin: there are replacements for ATLAS though, which may maybe fit better in a quick demo 20:21 boegel pdurbin: e.g. we could use GotoBLAS+LAPACK to replace ATLAS 20:22 pdurbin boegel: gotcha. making more sense now. ATLAS truly is a dependency 20:23 boegel pdurbin: if you want to build scientific stuff, yes 20:23 boegel pdurbin: I can explain you how to get Python built with a toolkit, if you like 20:23 pdurbin and we would, in the general case 20:23 boegel pdurbin: you just need to copy and adjust a simple text file (easyconfig file) 20:23 boegel pdurbin: and then run eb with that file provided 20:24 pdurbin boegel: that might be useful. right now i usually go check fedora or rpmforge for newer versions of software 20:25 pdurbin the ikiwiki rpms i was pointed out to larsks earlier are just rebuilds of fedora srpms 20:25 boegel pdurbin: ok, here's how 20:26 boegel pdurbin: 1) copy the $EBHOME/easybuild/easyconfigs/p/Python/Python-2.7.3-goalf-1.1.0-no-OFED.eb file to $HOME/Python.eb 20:27 boegel pdurbin: then, edit it to use a dummy toolkit ("toolkit={'name':'dummy','version':'dummy'}" ), and remove the pkglist specification (or atleast remove numpy/scipy in that list) 20:27 boegel pdurbin: then, run eb while supplying that file 20:27 boegel pdurbin: EasyBuild will download the Python sources, built it, install it and create a module for it 20:28 pdurbin boegel: that's it? 20:28 boegel pdurbin: that's it 20:28 boegel pdurbin: there's a reason it's called EasyBuild 20:28 boegel pdurbin: let me know if you run into problems there... 20:29 GitHub41 [crimsonfu.github.com] pdurbin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/crimsonfu/crimsonfu.github.com/commit/4f0cf91320264de7990ca90f8aac5ac196445510 20:29 GitHub41 [crimsonfu.github.com/master] save the easybuild fu - Philip Durbin 20:29 boegel pdurbin: I haven't tested this right now, but it should work 20:29 pdurbin boegel: will do. later. thanks! 20:30 * boegel tries it on his end to verify 20:30 pdurbin heh 20:32 boegel pdurbin: you can even drop the "--robot X" part of the command, that's only required to resolve dependencies, and Python doesn't have any 20:32 pdurbin ok 20:32 boegel pdurbin: so, the command would look something like "eb Python.eb" 20:32 boegel pdurbin: easy, huh? ;) 20:32 pdurbin and -ld was what i used to see some output, to know eb is alive 20:33 boegel pdurbin: well, there are other ways to check it's alive, but yeah, -d for debug info, -l for logging to terminal 20:33 pdurbin yeah, i found strace useful ;) 20:34 boegel pdurbin: top works as well :P 20:34 boegel pdurbin: or "ps axfu" 20:34 pdurbin :) 20:35 boegel pdurbin: just tested, instructions work 20:35 boegel pdurbin: Python builds fine with a dummy toolkit, i.e. using the system compiler 20:35 boegel pdurbin: assuming you have a compiler installed :) 20:36 pdurbin i do. even intel. somewhere 20:38 pdurbin pedmon was in this channel the other day. he went to IDF a few weeks ago 20:38 boegel pdurbin: if you have Intel source tarballs, you can make sure EasyBuild finds them, and then make it install the ictce toolkit 20:38 pdurbin http://www.intel.com/idf 20:39 pdurbin ok. i don't know what this is but i'm sure pedmon does 20:42 pdurbin 29 more VMs to migrate. have a good weekend, all