Time Nick Message 13:19 pdurbin happy mailman day! http://blog.wordtothewise.com/2012/05/happy-mailman-day/ 13:40 shuff oh my, this is wonderful: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawkinet/ 13:42 shuff a server that dynamically generates a VRML maze (remember VRML?) 13:42 shuff WRITTEN IN AWK 13:47 pdurbin shuff: do i want it? 13:51 shuff i cannot imagine that you do 14:10 Itkovian pdurbin: wrt to the autovivivivivivivfication, did not have any time to program this weekend, next weekend is not looking good either :-p 15:04 pdurbin Itkovian: take your time. looking forward to it :) 15:05 Itkovian just to make it clear, the idea is that all intermediate structures are created in some way, right? for all of the final JSON astructures you wish to derive 15:05 pdurbin yeah, ideally 15:06 pdurbin agoddard: you were lazy about this, if i recall... 15:06 Itkovian hmmz 15:06 Itkovian :-p 16:50 pdurbin_m yeah. data3 laziness: https://github.com/crimsonfu/code/blob/60d23d8df6983ffc0d782a8dfa9d488b0d548333/katas/autovivification/agoddard.rb 17:41 agoddard pdurbin: yep! 17:46 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky laziness is a virture 17:46 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Wall 17:46 pdurbin heh 17:46 pdurbin Itkovian: but not in this case 17:53 pdurbin hmm. looks like a decent sssd writeup: http://www.couyon.net/1/post/2012/04/enabling-ldap-usergroup-support-and-authentication-in-centos-6.html 18:38 pdurbin heh. "Cloudy with a chance of identity theft" 19:08 JoeJulian Ok, has nothing to do with system administration other than this one got to ride in this a few times this weekend: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/113457525690313682370/albums/5793758227161596833/5793758230395793042 20:37 pdurbin A Future Full of Badges - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - http://chronicle.com/article/A-Future-Full-of-Badges/131455/ 20:46 semiosis i found this over the weekend and thought it was pretty cool... http://todomvc.com/ 20:46 semiosis they have a trivial todo list implemented using the major javascript frameworks 23:38 jimi_c I just discovered bootstrap.js through using kibana - i love it 23:39 jimi_c angular.js is pretty cool too 23:39 * jimi_c fights urge to completely redo cobbler web... 23:39 jimi_c again... 23:45 * semiosis is reading the twitter bootstrap (bootstrap.js?) docs now 23:50 jimi_c yeah that's it 23:57 semiosis jimi_c: maybe you can help me understand this... but bootstrap seems totally concerned with ui/views, what about models & controllers? 23:58 semiosis say for example pulling in a list of thumbs/captions from a gallery json/rest api... 23:58 jimi_c yes, it's very much a UI-centric helper, so you really need to couple it with something else like angular.js 23:58 semiosis ah ha! 23:58 semiosis thx