Time Nick Message 00:29 jimi_c_ I have been looking for something like that... 13:04 pdurbin semiosis: thanks for for chiming in on my (ongoing) discussion of how to best curate clips from podcasts: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/EaycNBRDx6x 15:02 pdurbin so, we have various data sources for information about server: Puppet facts, Racktables for physical location, Cobbler helps us keep IP unique (and we're starting to keep metadata in there: description, owner, etc.) 15:02 pdurbin BUT 15:02 pdurbin i feel like i want to use DNS as a data source as well 15:03 pdurbin BIND has an API, i believe 15:03 pdurbin i think I want to hit the BIND API and dump to JSON or whatever the entire contents of our zones 15:03 pdurbin any thoughts on this? 15:05 dotplus hm. the metathought is "have a single authoritative source for information and generate config for all tools based on that". It could be that you store such data in TXT/SRV records (and secure it as necessary with views). 15:08 pdurbin dotplus: i've made peace with the fact that no single system is the authoritative upstream source of data. i do want a single system to *aggregate* all the data ( http://git.greptilian.com/?p=wellington.git;a=blob;f=readme.md;hb=HEAD ) but i'm really talking about the various API's that the aggregator pulls from. i want to use BIND's API, i think 15:12 dotplus I'm willing to accept that sometimes "single" is a little optimistic, but it's a good goal nonetheless:) 15:16 pdurbin Chapter 12 BIND API(s) - http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch12/ 15:20 dotplus I've never used the bind api, but you might find that it's less work to take XFR and dump to zone files because there are lots of existing parsers for those in whatever language you want to use. 15:21 pdurbin dotplus: cool. pointers to any existing parsers would be most appriciated. i just want the data that comes out on the other side to be organized 15:21 dotplus what language do you want to use? 15:22 pdurbin dotplus: perl python or ruby 15:22 dotplus http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/DNS-ZoneParse-1.10/lib/DNS/ZoneParse.pm 15:22 pdurbin mmm. DNS::ZoneParse - Parse and manipulate DNS Zone Files. thanks 15:23 dotplus but there are bound to be parsers available in the others as well. I'd bet real money on it. 15:24 pdurbin seems a little shabby to parse the zone files themselves if there's a nice stable API i can use 15:25 dotplus I'm not trying to discourage you from using the API, if it's quick/easy enough for you to do so. I just think that it's possible that that approach might take a lot longer 15:26 pdurbin meh. maybe :) 15:31 pdurbin previous discussion on BIND... more about using puppet to update BIND configs though: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-04-24#i_5488807 15:36 dotplus I'd like to pay some more attention to this. I have a need to deal with dns and provisioning, but it's not pressing enough (yet) for me to have researched the current tools/approaches and determine whether they'll do for me. At the moment ni $dayjob dns is more or less by hand and the initial automation effort went into libvirt/kickstart/puppet. 15:39 pdurbin dotplus: sadly, i'm still waiting for this guys BIND/git magic: https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/180763979310837761 15:41 pdurbin dotplus: dns here is by hand but at least we back it up to git now: http://serverfault.com/questions/383628/should-i-avoid-using-git-to-track-individual-files-with-separate-history-such-as-in-var-named 15:53 pdurbin i shouldn't say dns by hand. it is by hand on the primary but our secondary dns has some stuff in puppet related to how it transfers zones. and some other config 15:53 dotplus heh, randal is always quite opinionated. 15:55 pdurbin dotplus: his grumpy tweet at me :( https://twitter.com/merlyn/status/195702294677950465 15:58 dotplus yes, I make distinction between 1ary and 2ary as well. 1ary is sort of by hand, 2aries are all IXFR and their configs are puppetized. 15:59 dotplus btw, are you crimsonites aware of LOPSA? 16:00 pdurbin i am 16:01 pdurbin do they have a publicly logged irc channel? 16:01 dotplus I don't think it's publicly logged, but #lopsa 16:02 dotplus in fact I think that the informal policy is that logging is permitted (indeed how could it be prevented?) but that it's not to be posted. but I'm not sure about that. 16:03 pdurbin there's also ##infra-talk, of course, but they don't log either 16:04 dotplus oh yes, forgotten about that one. 16:05 pdurbin was just tweeting to @kbsingh about it this morning: https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/247644029951569920 16:06 pdurbin rackerhacker: i see you going on and offline on IM. are you around? 16:06 rackerhacker pdurbin: yeah! which IM? gtalk? 16:06 rackerhacker i wonder if it's my phone futzing around 16:06 pdurbin gtalk has been flakey for me this morning 16:07 rackerhacker perhaps that's it 16:07 pdurbin anyway, i'd like your professional opinion on something 16:08 pdurbin how grumpy to datacenter clients get when 75% of their gear is powered off? https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/TRots9ZCniv 16:11 pdurbin s/to/do/ 16:16 agoddard what's the idea behind UPS maintenance on a Saturday? 16:16 pdurbin agoddard: it was news to me 16:18 agoddard pdurbin: damn. seems like it'd make sense to do it at like 9am so the crew can go to battlestations if it breaks :-/ 16:18 pdurbin it was a busy weekend 16:20 pdurbin "D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS" -- http://d3js.org . someone opened a ticket. wants to run this 16:20 agoddard d3 is siq 16:20 agoddard bbiab 16:21 pdurbin hmm, related to this apparently. cool. X Prize variant preparation: allele balance metrics - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTqmjSCCe4M 16:27 agoddard nice, we have some cool histograms in our LigerCat app: http://ligercat.org/articles/Durbin,%20P. 16:27 agoddard ^ releasing new version this week 17:42 pdurbin agoddard: +1 for MeSH Cloud for Durbin, P Generated from 382 articles :) 17:43 pdurbin "Messing around with https://github.com/allegro/ralph as an InventoryDB. A little involved to setup. Hoping for results. Stuck in discovery currently." -- https://twitter.com/jeremy_carroll/status/247452038907179008 17:43 pdurbin Ralph is an asset management system for your data center. It lets you see what hardware and software is installed. It also lets you keep track of who is using every device, for what, and how much it costs. 17:43 pdurbin Ralph's database can be accessed through a web interface, a RESTful API and through command line tools, the most important of which is the discovery command, which lets Ralph gather information about your data center automatically. You can also export and import parts of the database into different formats. 18:37 * pdurbin reads Class: ERB (Ruby 1.9.3) - http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/erb/rdoc/ERB.html 18:39 pdurbin i can only assume erb(1) has a more official online man page than http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/erb/erb-1.9.2-p0.php 18:43 pdurbin was given this as a syntax check: erb -P -x -T '-' foo.erb | ruby -c 18:45 semiosis sysadmins who code, i ask you, is this an interesting in-person coding interview question? http://dpaste.org/zAqBp/ 18:45 Pax to my mind, no 18:46 Pax I'd rather spend the hour-ish getting to know the person, how they work, and if the'll fit with my team 18:47 semiosis how would you go about that? 18:47 pdurbin Pax: you don't want them to code in front of you? you at least want a code sample, right? 18:47 semiosis a good one (non-coding) i heard was "tell me about your home network?" but that doesnt get at any coding 18:48 semiosis my hope for that subnet program would be to see how they attack the problem not necessarily that they have lots of syntax memorized 18:48 Pax I think sample code is nice, and I'd like to look at it, but I'm not sure an interview setting is where I'd want them to demonstrate coding skills, unless I had lots more time 18:48 semiosis good point 18:49 Pax I think I'd go about getting that information by asking, how they'd attack the problem, so maybe that question becomes more interesting as pseudo-code 18:50 pdurbin semiosis: having them say they'd download http://jodies.de/ipcalc would be good enough for me in case of your question :) 18:51 semiosis pdurbin: i like http://www.subnet-calculator.com/cidr.php but afaict there's no range-to-cidr-set conversion util out there 18:52 semiosis not that i've found in 5 min of googling anyway 18:53 semiosis ah, never mind, found one 18:53 semiosis :) 18:53 semiosis ip2cidr.com 18:54 pdurbin semiosis: ipcalc <ADDRESS1> - <ADDRESS2> deaggregate address range 18:54 semiosis ooh is ee 18:54 pdurbin semiosis: did you mean and not 18:55 semiosis yeah, as you can tell i did not use one of those utilities to write the problem :) 18:56 pdurbin i'm just looking at the output of `ipcalc -` 19:00 pdurbin semiosis: have them do one of our katas :) https://github.com/crimsonfu/code/tree/master/katas 19:01 semiosis ooh! 19:01 pdurbin larsks: no larsky.py yet? 19:01 pdurbin er, larsks.py. sorry 19:02 * larsks is home sick and not really thinking about Python at all right now :(. 19:02 pdurbin larsks: booo. hope you feel better 19:03 pdurbin larsks: hey is mattdm still with us? or has he started at red hat already? 19:03 larsks mattdm is in Raleigh/Durham for training even as we speak! 19:03 larsks In theory he will be hanging out on freenode at his new job. 19:03 pdurbin ok, i'm going to send something to you instead. to reply to at your leisure 19:03 larsks Okee dokee. 19:04 pdurbin nice. hope to see him here more 19:04 pdurbin Fwd: SNMP read only access to network gear 19:05 semiosis pdurbin: i only see one kata 19:05 pdurbin semiosis: add more! 19:06 semiosis hehehe 19:07 larsks pdurbin: Re: switch access, I had actually replied to that back in august...but apparently sent my reply to Matthew rather than to the original sender. So now you have it. 19:10 pdurbin ah. i see it now. is your script open source? 20:34 pdurbin he asks a sick man 20:35 pdurbin take care, guys 22:33 JoeJulian Just read that about your datacenter. Bummer. My datacenter runs us on generators when they have to take the ups offline for that kind of stuff.