Time Nick Message 00:12 larsks Coming late to the party...but SecurID has the same problem when using software tokens (and honestly, the way FAS has distributed the software keys makes it mostly a joke). 00:14 larsks We are seriously looking at Google Authenticator as a replacement for SecurID. 00:33 pdurbin_m whorka: nothing, but the rsa secureid software works the same way, as I understand it 00:36 pdurbin_m larsks: that's what our solution is built on https://github.com/fasrc/openauth-puppet 00:37 pdurbin_m Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) algorithm specified in RFC 6238, using the google-authenticator PAM module 00:42 larsks Cool. 00:44 pdurbin_m Boo. Could not prettify this RFC The source XML for this RFC isn't available, therefore it can't be reformatted. http://pretty-rfc.herokuapp.com/RFC6238 00:48 pdurbin_m http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/2220/what-are-the-advantages-of-totp-over-hotp 12:09 pdurbin for Google+ users... "Add Hangouts to your meetings... We use it inside Google all the time." https://plus.google.com/+YonatanZunger/posts/gcr2mFHUy3k 15:36 gridiron Whoa! This is genius. https://github.com/videlalvaro/gifsockets 15:38 semiosis back in the late 90s i set up a webcam stream on an sgi indy which was delivered by an endless animated gif 15:38 semiosis worked like a champ even back then 15:40 gridiron I never would have thought about it 15:46 * semiosis wonders if that would fill the browser's cache until the disk was full 17:00 ironcamel pdurbin: Bug #79648 for App-p: Integrate Data::DPath to App::p https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=79648 ... what do you think? 17:57 pdurbin gridiron: that's nuts. i love it 17:59 pdurbin ironcamel: so... p ' dd ((xl r "/etc/xml/xml-core.xml") ~~ dpath "//catalog" )' 17:59 pdurbin it take it dpath is like xpath? 17:59 pdurbin crimsonfubot: google Data::DPath 17:59 crimsonfubot pdurbin: Data::DPath - search.cpan.org: <http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::DPath>; Steffen Schwigon / Data-DPath - search.cpan.org: <http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-DPath/>; Steffen Schwigon - search.cpan.org: <http://search.cpan.org/~schwigon/>; App::DPath - search.cpan.org: <http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?App%3A%3ADPath>; dpath - cmdline tool around Data::DPath - metacpan.org: (2 more messages) 18:00 pdurbin heh. "Data::DPath - DPath is not XPath!" :) 18:00 pdurbin "XPath is for XML. DPath is for data structures, with a stronger Perl focus." mmm 18:00 pdurbin ironcamel: ship it 19:02 pdurbin http://xiki.org - Xiki: A shell console with GUI features. Xiki does what shell consoles do, but lets you edit everything at any time. It's trivial to make your own commands and menus to access other tools. 19:08 gridiron Been playing around with that. It sits on emacs 19:08 gridiron They need documentation help if you have time 19:10 pdurbin only just hit my radar 19:11 pdurbin tychoish: emacs! ^^ docs! :) 19:47 pdurbin right... so i just changed a host's subnet from to and i can still reach it. i forget why this works or what it's called 19:56 whorka 128 dec is 10000000, so you just widened the subnet mask by one bit. 19:58 comptona pdurbin: the netmask is just used to tell the tcp stack which hosts are considered local for routing purposes 19:58 comptona you could make the netmask on one of the machines, and if the IP addresses fit properly it'd still work 19:59 pdurbin "If your ISP has assigned your organization multiple contiguous subnets, see if you can determine the network prefix they use for routing to you by entering the top and bottom IP addresses you own, then widening the network mask until they are on the same subnet" -- http://www.ipprimer.com/subnet.cfm 20:01 whorka If we were writing in CIDR notation it would be /24 vs /25 as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#IPv4_CIDR_blocks 20:01 pdurbin comptona: hmm. thanks. unfortunately, the ip i'm using doesn't fit in the /26 subnet 20:01 pdurbin so i can't test it. but i believe you guys :) 20:02 pdurbin i guess people just call this "widening the subnet", like whorka said 21:32 ventz Why spotify didn't exist in the 80s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSxEm8LGWuA 21:32 ventz :) 21:47 semiosis pdurbin: if DST_HOST & NETMASK == SRC_HOST & NETMASK, then the remote host is local and an ARP request is sent to find its mac address. otherwise an ARP is sent for the mac addr of the default gateway (or specific gateway if there is a route for the specific network) 21:48 semiosis & is bitwise AND 21:51 semiosis a problem i like to present to subnetting n00bs is to give them an odd numerical range of IPs and ask them to find the optimal set of CIDR-subnets to match that range 22:02 semiosis like - 22:34 semiosis possibly a good interview question... hmmm