Time Nick Message 11:20 pdurbin JoeJulian: already fav'd your tweet, but nice post 11:21 pdurbin listened to http://qconlondon.com/dl/qcon-london-2012/slides/DanNorth_DecisionsDecisions.pdf http://qconlondon.com/london-2012/presentation/Decisions,%20decisions on the ride in this morning, via http://huffduffer.com/tags/programming 11:22 pdurbin i love the bit about not drowning 13:02 pdurbin Automatically purge old configuration from Nagios deployed by Puppet - http://www.mnxsolutions.com/linux/automatically-purge-old-configuration-from-nagios-deployed-by-puppet.html 13:03 pdurbin "You can purge Nagios resources using the resources type, but only in the default file locations. This is an architectural limitation." 13:26 pdurbin huh, in ack i can use 'foo\s' but in vim i need '/foo\(\n\|\s\)'? woof. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680022/is-there-a-decent-vim-regexp-or-command-what-is-the-best-way-to-find-mismatched http://vimregex.com/#alternations 13:32 shuff do you know about the various levels of magic in vim regexes? 13:32 pdurbin shuff: no. please educate me 13:32 shuff from your vim session, in command mode, run :help magic 13:32 shuff i'm serious :) 13:33 * pdurbin reads 13:33 pdurbin so is there a better way? 13:33 pdurbin 'the following chars in the pattern are "very nomagic"' 13:33 pdurbin very nomagic? 13:33 shuff not very magic? 13:33 shuff that's not the same :) 13:34 pdurbin tychoish: is this easier in emacs? 13:38 pdurbin or any other $EDITOR? i'm not religious about vim 13:45 shuff here are some suggestions for using PCRE in vim: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Perl_compatible_regular_expressions 13:53 shuff pdurbin: this plugin seems to work reasonably well https://github.com/othree/eregex.vim 13:56 pdurbin shuff: perldo is very interesting. thanks! so some reason \s is matching underscores... 14:07 pdurbin my "if you think experts are expensive you should see how much amateurs cost" tweet seems to have touched a nerve: https://twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/238221068467306496 . i heard that in the podcast i mentioned above 15:30 * pdurbin re-reads http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/inventory_service.html 15:35 pdurbin hmm, this kind of covers what i want, which foreman has... the ability to return fact values from a fact search in addition to the hostnames: Feature #7426: Inventory Service API should provide a list of all available facts and all values for a specific fact - Puppet - Puppet Labs - http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/7426 15:39 pdurbin i.e. curl -s 'http://foreman:3000/fact_values?search=fact+%3D+ipaddress++and+value++~+1.2.3&format=json' 15:40 pdurbin shows me the hostnames and the fact i queried 17:06 pdurbin App::Nopaste::Service::ssh - copies files to your server using scp - metacpan.org - https://metacpan.org/module/App::Nopaste::Service::ssh