Time Nick Message 15:19 pdurbin whorka: i'm curious what you think about http://mirror.hmdc.harvard.edu/HMDC-RT/el5/SRPMS/rt-4.0.6-1.HMDC.RHEL5.src.rpm vs. http://corsepiu.fedorapeople.org/packages/rt4.spec 15:28 larsks Hey, do either of those repositories actually have all Perl dependencies? 15:28 larsks In the past I've had to build a zillion Perl RPMs to support the RT installation. 15:29 pdurbin larsks: do you guys run RT? 15:30 pdurbin whorka has very nicely packaged up a bunch of perl RPMs, RT dependencies: http://mirror.hmdc.harvard.edu/HMDC-RT/el5/SRPMS/ 15:30 larsks Cool. 15:31 pdurbin also, on ubuntu and debian, RT 4 is only an `apt-get install request-tracker4` away... 15:32 pdurbin see also: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-08-01#i_5866507 15:32 whorka pdurbin: I think the fedora packager has been very thorough in his specfile design. 15:32 pdurbin whorka: i haven't even looked at yours yet... sorry! 15:36 pdurbin i forget if we're blocked on any perl rpm dependencies. need to check with sjoeboo 15:36 sjoeboo need to revisit that later, but yeah, there was something i hadn't found a good srcrpm/spec for yet 15:36 pdurbin ok. i think whorka 15:37 pdurbin is saying that between his repo, epel, and repoforge, we should have everything 15:37 pdurbin though we do use a couple extra modules we might need to package ourselves... the rt via email thing and the api thing 17:27 agperson Anyone have any preference between Red Hat's and Ubuntu's methods of configuration Apache (i.e. layout of /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd)? 17:28 pdurbin agperson: i prefer red hat's but only because of greater familiarity 17:29 shuff the Puppet Labs apache module works *much* better with ubuntu-style 17:29 agperson shuff: that makes sense, the Debian/Ubuntu style does seem well-built for automated management 17:29 pdurbin i was annoyed by this on a red hat system though: http://serverfault.com/questions/325812/why-are-chinese-traditional-big-5-fonts-served-up-by-apache-garbled 17:30 agperson pdurbin: ha, asked and answered! 17:30 pdurbin sigh 17:30 shuff there is something to be said for keeping your vhost configs separate from the little config files that RPMs drop into place (e.g. ssl.conf, php.conf etc.) 17:32 pdurbin shuff: you blog posts to http://crimsonfu.github.com have not gone unnoticed 17:32 pdurbin your 17:33 shuff oh boy 17:33 agperson the panopticon has noticed! 17:34 pdurbin oh, i fixed up my "download the #crimsonfu logs" script. faster and smarter now. just like shuff 17:38 pdurbin shuff: next i'd like you to write a blog post entitled "from zero to http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xAD5402518477B706 ... setting up your PKI keys" 17:40 * pdurbin checks notes 17:40 pdurbin i guess there's http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_GPG_Keys 18:14 * semiosis prefers the debian way 18:18 sjoeboo perl(Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings) was the perl pkg for rt4 rpms on el6 i was stuck on 18:26 pdurbin sjoeboo: huh. yeah, i don't see it in repoforge. whorka? 18:30 pdurbin so http://search.cpan.org/dist/Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings/ 18:31 JoeJulian Warning: Your stash is approaching '70s porn... 18:32 JoeJulian Yeah, I know the spelling's wrong, but that's where my brain went. 18:32 shuff huh 18:32 shuff dependencies don't look too hairy 18:32 pdurbin go shuff go! 18:32 shuff that's a runtime dependency? 18:32 pdurbin dunno. sjoeboo? 18:33 sjoeboo its a build dep 18:33 sjoeboo based not the spec i'm using 18:33 sjoeboo on* 18:33 shuff i figured :) 18:33 pdurbin sjoeboo: you're still working off http://corsepiu.fedorapeople.org/packages/rt4.spec right? 18:34 sjoeboo yes 18:34 sjoeboo rt4-4.0.5-0.20120206.1.fc17.src.rpm 18:34 sjoeboo rather 18:34 pdurbin one thing about that spec file... RT 4.0.6 is out... whorka's has that version 18:34 sjoeboo yes, i'm hoping to rev it once i get it built 18:34 pdurbin i mean, we can just bump the version to stick with the epel one 18:35 sjoeboo but, with all the projects going on, this is pretty low on the list 18:42 shuff ok, just pushed a spec for that perl mod 18:44 pdurbin shuff: thanks! https://github.com/repoforge/rpms/commit/148a3f442aecdabb8acde23193c4c574296bac17 18:45 shuff https://github.com/repoforge/rpms/blob/master/specs/perl-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings/perl-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings.spec is a (slightly) more human-friendly way of finding it 18:45 shuff and with that, it's meeting time 18:48 pdurbin hmm, on centos 6.3 we have perl-Devel-StackTrace-1.22 but it wants perl-Devel-StackTrace-1.23 18:49 pdurbin er, rather, `yum install 'perl(Plack::Request)'` a build dep, does 18:55 pdurbin "This requires Devel::StackTrace 1.23" -- http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/MIYAGAWA/Plack-1.0001/Changes 18:57 pdurbin looks like repoforge has 1.26: https://github.com/repoforge/rpms/blob/master/specs/perl-Devel-StackTrace/perl-Devel-StackTrace.spec 18:58 whorka that's the one I used 18:58 pdurbin whorka: ok. thanks 19:01 whorka and I don't have perl(Plack::Middleware::Test::StashWarnings). RT 4.0.6 on RHEL5 doesn't seem to require it. 19:07 pdurbin whorka: interesting. el5 vs. el6 i guess 19:08 pdurbin sjoeboo: http://pkgs.repoforge.org/perl-Devel-StackTrace/ 19:08 sjoeboo whorka: where is your spec file again? I'd like to try from that... 19:08 pdurbin sjoeboo: scroll up :) 19:08 pdurbin http://mirror.hmdc.harvard.edu/HMDC-RT/el5/SRPMS/rt-4.0.6-1.HMDC.RHEL5.src.rpm 19:10 sjoeboo that actually got to build 19:10 sjoeboo but failed 19:10 sjoeboo + make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rt-4.0.6-1.HMDC.RHEL.x86_64 19:10 sjoeboo Can't locate CPAN.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 525. 19:10 sjoeboo BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 525. 19:12 whorka CPAN.pm comes in the stock perl rpm on RHEL5. /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CPAN.pm 19:12 sjoeboo just added it to the spec... 19:16 sjoeboo so….no buldrequires in that spec file eh? 19:23 whorka not as such, but you could probably turn each Requires line into a duplicate BuildRequires. 19:23 sjoeboo mmm 19:23 sjoeboo why not ? you just assume they are all installed on your build host? 19:23 sjoeboo (i'd trying to do everything in mock these days) 19:24 whorka building all those perl deps made me think I might have been better off setting up a build env like mock... but I was doing the build on the install host. 19:41 jmdh Hullo. Saw a reference to here on #rt, read the crimsonfu web page, though I'd pop in. 19:42 jmdh I'm more often known as Dom, but that's taken here. Hello oliver. 19:46 pdurbin hi Dom 19:50 pdurbin jmdh: or should i use your nick? :) hi 19:50 jmdh hi :) 19:50 DomH let's see if this feels more comfortable 19:50 pdurbin heh. up to you 19:51 pdurbin DomH: is this you i'm seeing at http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/perl.html ? 19:51 DomH Nope, that's registered on t'NickServ 19:51 jmdh pdurbin: yes 19:51 jmdh Guilty as charged. 19:51 pdurbin cool. so you're the guy who made `apt-get install request-tracker4` happen on debian/ubuntu 19:52 jmdh Assuming that's a good thing, yes ;) 19:53 pdurbin it's a very good thing 19:53 pdurbin ubuntu is out backup plan. well, one of them :) 19:53 pdurbin our 19:54 pdurbin whorka: yeah, i agree with sjoeboo. these should be BuildRequire's... maybe shuff can give us a ruling :) 19:59 jmdh pdurbin: your primary plan being the RPMs I read about on chat log? 19:59 pdurbin jmdh: i'd really like to have RT 4 packaged up as RPMs 19:59 jmdh s/on/on the/ 20:00 pdurbin i did a similar thing with ikiwiki: http://wiki.greptilian.com/ikiwiki/ 20:04 pdurbin jmdh: is perl just better supported on debian/ubuntu? is that where the perl people hang out? 20:10 jmdh I'm not sure I have enough visibility of the communities to answer objectively 20:11 pdurbin fair enough :) 20:11 jmdh I get the impression that plenty of core perl devs use RH and derivatives, but then they might just want to brew their own perls 20:11 pdurbin i just know i felt like the first person to install ikiwiki (also perl) on centos 20:11 jmdh I think Debian is just bigger, sint 20:11 jmdh isn't it? 20:11 jmdh to some extent it's pure chance whether a given thing is well supported there 20:12 jmdh ikiwiki is written by a Debian developer, so it's not surprising that Debian is better for that 20:14 pdurbin i wish i could get ironcamel to care about packaging. hmm. don't see him on IM. maybe not here to defend himself 20:14 * jmdh last supported RH systems in 2005. That feels a bit limiting in terms of keeping up to speed with other stuff, but as a developer I have quite a lot of personal investment in the thing. IYSWIM 20:15 pdurbin jmdh: sorry, confused. invested in which? 20:15 jmdh Debian 20:16 pdurbin like i said, we'll run RT on debian or ubuntu, maybe. we're just a centos shop, primarily 20:17 pdurbin rpmbuild -ba ~pdurbin/rt/hmdc/rt.spec 2>&1 | grep -v ^err | awk '{print $1}' | xargs yum install -y 20:17 pdurbin installing 224 packages. still not done! 20:21 pdurbin whorka: fyi there is no perl-Encode on el6. it's part of the perl rpm itself 20:24 pdurbin same with URI, apparently 20:25 pdurbin whoops! ignore me perl-URI-1.58-1.el6.rfx.noarch 20:27 whorka yeah, the perl rpm provides perl(Encode) on RHEL5 too, but not a new enough version. fortunately rpmforge has it. 20:28 pdurbin perl(HTML::Mason) >= 1.43 is needed by rt-4.0.6-1.HMDC.RHEL.noarch 20:28 pdurbin i have perl-HTML-Mason-1.42-2.el6.noarch 20:29 pdurbin repoforge has 1.45 spec... https://github.com/repoforge/rpms/blob/master/specs/perl-HTML-Mason/perl-HTML-Mason.spec 20:29 whorka rpm too http://pkgs.repoforge.org/perl-HTML-Mason/perl-HTML-Mason-1.45-2.el6.rf.noarch.rpm 20:30 pdurbin huh. wonder why yum isn't pulling down the latest.. 20:32 pdurbin interesting... perl-HTML-Mason-1.45-2.el6.rf.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package 20:34 pdurbin huh, the path is different. /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason for what i have installed and /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/HTML/Mason for that newer one 20:34 pdurbin oh. i have the one from epel. hmm 20:34 pdurbin this might be a mess :) 20:38 pdurbin whorka: does yum install 'perl(Log::Any)' work for you? 20:39 pdurbin hmm, there's an epel package... https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/perl-Log-Any 20:41 pdurbin built ok from http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/perl-Log-Any.git/plain/perl-Log-Any.spec 20:42 pdurbin ok, able to install perl-HTML-Mason-1.45-2.el6.rf.noarch.rpm now 20:45 pdurbin bah! upgrading from perl-libwww-perl-5.837-3.el6 to perl-libwww-perl-6.04-1.el6 is going to be a pain 20:54 whorka oh. yes. I hit a big branch there falling down the dependency tree. 20:57 pdurbin before i can install perl-libwww-perl-6.04-1.el6.noarch i need perl(HTTP::Status) >= 6.0 and perl(HTTP::Negotiate) >= 6.0 and perl(HTTP::Cookies) >= 6.0 ... 20:57 pdurbin and i have to go :( 21:05 whorka HTTP::Status is in perl-HTTP-Message, and I put SRPMS for all three in the HMDC-RT repo (somehow I overlooked perl-HTTP-Negotiate but I just added it now). 21:19 semiosis jr devops just nuked the production database :( fml 21:20 semiosis fortunately it's the production database for a system no customers are using yet 21:20 semiosis but still, this does not inspire any faith 22:10 JoeJulian ouch