Time Nick Message 02:10 JoeJulian <sigh> Maybe I should just try oVirt. I get the feeling that nobody really understands OpenStack networking. 02:49 pdurbin it's interesting that cisco is involved in both oVirt and OpenStack 02:50 pdurbin oVirt 3.1 "narrows gap" with proprietary virtualisation - The H Open: News and Features - http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/oVirt-3-1-narrows-gap-with-proprietary-virtualisation-1667025.html 14:49 pdurbin */60 * * * * root su apache -l -s /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/bin/modules2json > /var/www/modules/api/1/avail 14:51 semiosis */60 ? 14:51 pdurbin semiosis: am i doing it wrong? 14:51 semiosis seems like that would mean "every 60th minute" 14:52 semiosis which is what would happen if you put any single number there 14:52 pdurbin i should just change it to @hourly. pretty sure this old box supports that 14:52 semiosis or just put any number there and it would run on that minute of every hour 14:53 pdurbin yeah, good point 14:53 semiosis "man 5 crontab" when in doubt 14:53 pdurbin i think at the time i was running it every 2 minutes or whatever. while i was working on the script 14:54 pdurbin anyway, just sent that to a web developer as a "run a cron job as apache" example. happy to have feedback :) 14:54 JoeJulian I'm not even sure it would ever hit that... 15:18 pdurbin Aug 16 11:00 /var/www/modules/api/1/avail 15:18 pdurbin it works. but i'm glad i posted it. silly the way i'm doing it 15:19 semiosis JoeJulian: don't ask why, but that reminds me... https://twitter.com/yourmombot 15:21 pdurbin "Follow me, and I'll sometimes @ reply you with hilarious nonsensical mom jokes." 15:21 pdurbin semiosis: i guess i am usually nonsensical... :) 15:40 pdurbin finding myself linking to http://nfsworld.blogspot.com/2006/02/real-authentication-in-nfs.html again. the whole "root access plus NFS home directories means you can su to someone else and get at their files" thing, as i discussed at http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-21#i_5619792 . if anyone has cracked this nut, please let me know 16:08 pdurbin i feel like #crimsonfu would benefit from an "unsolved problems" area. i guess i could just post this to http://serverfault.com 16:40 semiosis Writes detailed README file. No one reads it. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qidwv/ 17:23 pdurbin :) 18:03 JoeJulian "It CAN'T have stopped working right! NOTHING has changed on that box!" - Me, for three days now trying to figure out why it's not working right. 18:27 pdurbin JoeJulian: try samhain. to see if anything changed :) http://la-samhna.de/samhain/ 18:50 JoeJulian That's cool. I've checked though, and truly nothing has changed. pam ldap is failing occasionally for the last three days for cron events on one particular (fedora 6!) box, but every test says it's working fine. It's driving me nuts (and it didn't have far to go to begin with). 18:51 pdurbin fedora 6! 18:51 JoeJulian Yeah, it has a special kernel for running Microfocus COBOL. 18:51 pdurbin cobol! 18:51 JoeJulian :) 18:52 pdurbin this gets better and better 18:52 JoeJulian Doesn't it.