Time Nick Message 01:36 pdurbin_m How I do vm management using Puppet, KVM, and GlusterFS on RHEL/CentOS http://joejulian.name/blog/how-i-do-vm-management-using-puppet-kvm-and-glusterfs-on-rhelcentos/ 12:52 pdurbin JoeJulian: nice post 13:58 pdurbin so glad sjoeboo is here. helping me out with his puppetdb fu 13:59 pdurbin Resources in the population: 3,098,972 14:13 pdurbin confused by " When backup is complete, merge the image into itself" -- http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/Snapshots2 14:31 pdurbin agoddard: you indicated you don't do a lot of kvm snapshots: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-08-03#i_5871287 14:33 pdurbin "There doesn’t seem to be a reliable way of backing up a live KVM VM at the moment, as you can’t guarantee the VM filesystem is in a consistent state." -- http://cassjohnston.wordpress.com/2012/05/02/lvm-snapshot-backup-of-kvm-vm/ 14:44 pdurbin "Live snapshotting of virtual machines running on virtualization hosts with QEMU 1.1 or higher is now supported" -- http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/OVirt_3.1_release_notes 14:45 * pdurbin wonders what HSM stands for in oVirt 14:46 agoddard I used to love snapshots, but my need for them is definitely decreasing 14:46 pdurbin agoddard: consider yourself lucky :) 14:46 agoddard though, I just inherited a box where my.cnf is: /usr/local/mysql-5.5.15-linux2.6-x86_64/my.cnf 14:47 agoddard I would happily snapshot THAT box before messing with it.. 14:47 pdurbin agoddard: heh. fun! ;) 14:47 agoddard and apache? /usr/local/websupport/etc/httpd/httpd.conf < grrr. 14:50 pdurbin in oVirt land, HSM is apparently "Host Storage Manager" - http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-02-07-14.00.log.html 14:50 pdurbin a link under live storage migration: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/Design/StorageLiveMigration#VDSM_HSM 14:54 pdurbin right, and SPM is "Storage Pool Manager" http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-06-28#i_5764951 15:22 agoddard crimsonfubot: lucky ovirt fog 15:22 crimsonfubot agoddard: http://cloudprovisioning.wordpress.com/ 15:32 JoeJulian http://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/nasa-jpl-curiosity/ 15:32 JoeJulian For a government entity, I'm impressed.