Time Nick Message 12:37 pdurbin almost all caught up on the /dev/hell podcast. it's pretty good. i'm part way through Episode 17: This Show Is Terrible - /dev/hell - http://devhell.info/post/2012-07-24/this-show-is-terrible/ 12:38 pdurbin only took me two weeks: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-07-20#i_5830373 14:28 pdurbin Nagios Service Check Acceptor... NSCA is an addon that allows you to send passive check results from remote Linux/Unix hosts to the Nagios daemon running on the monitoring server. -- http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/addons.html#nsca . so not through NRPE... 14:30 pdurbin Nagios Remote Plugin Executor. i keep wanting to call it NPRE... 14:31 shuff NSCA == how Nagios scales for performance 14:31 pdurbin i don't know if we're using NSCA or not... looking 14:31 shuff how many Nagios servers do you have? 14:32 pdurbin one 14:32 shuff i will be quite surprised if you are using NSCA somewhere 14:32 pdurbin well, that's not true. we have an old one too. and one on amazon 14:32 shuff oho 14:32 shuff does the one on amazon feed its results back to your local server? 14:32 pdurbin nope. all are standalone 14:33 shuff ok 14:33 shuff then prolly no NSCA 14:33 pdurbin so i want to run a command on a server other than the nagios server 14:33 pdurbin and feed the results into nagios... probably as a passive check, i guess... 14:34 pdurbin i guess i could have nrpe execute it... 14:34 pdurbin might be easier 14:34 shuff do you want Nagios to initiate the command? then NRPE, or an active check that uses SSH or SNMP or some other remote access 14:35 pdurbin i'm ok with the nagios server initiating the command, but i don't want it to run every 10 minutes or whatever. once a day is enough 14:35 shuff that's fine; you can set the check period appropriately in the nagios config 14:36 pdurbin ok. i was hoping 14:36 pdurbin i can just do this on a per-check basis? 14:38 shuff set a different check period per check? yes, you can 14:39 pdurbin do you have the syntax handy? or a doc? 14:39 pdurbin hmm, maybe it's called interval 14:40 shuff http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/nagioscore/3/en/activechecks.html 14:40 shuff When Are Active Checks Executed? 14:40 shuff Active check are executed: 14:40 shuff • At regular intervals, as defined by the check_interval and retry_interval options in your host and service definitions 14:40 shuff • On-demand as needed 14:43 pdurbin thanks. looks like the value is in minutes 14:44 pdurbin huh. it's "time units" apparently 14:44 pdurbin 'check_interval: This directive is used to define the number of "time units" to wait before scheduling the next "regular" check of the service.' - Object Definitions - http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/nagioscore/3/en/objectdefinitions.html#service 14:45 pdurbin "Unless you've changed the interval_length directive from the default value of 60, this number will mean minutes." 14:46 pdurbin Google Compute Engine: http://blog.jcuff.net/2012/08/gce-ftw.html 14:47 pdurbin "This thing is going to change the world yet again!!" 14:50 pdurbin Google Compute Engine - http://cloud.google.com/products/compute-engine.html 14:50 crimsonfubot http://cloud.google.com/compute/ 15:17 pdurbin "Full Virtual Machines Kernel-hosted virtual machines running either Ubuntu or CentOs. Launch 1, 2, 4, or 8 virtual core instances with 3.75GB of memory per virtual core." -- http://cloud.google.com/files/GoogleComputeEngine.pdf 15:22 pdurbin "While Google Compute Engine users have root access, Google Compute Engine kernels do not allow any modification or customization code to run at the kernel level" -- https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/instances 15:23 pdurbin "Google Compute Engine is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service product offering flexible, self-managed virtual machines hosted on Google. Google Compute Engine includes Linux based virtual machines running on KVM, local and durable storage options, and a simple REST based API for configuration and control." -- https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/faq#whatisgooglecompute 16:38 pdurbin "The Debian developers work closely with us to ensure that their packages are up to date... If any of the other packagers contact us, we're happy to extend them the same courtesy." -- Best Practical: Upgrading to RT 4 - http://blog.bestpractical.com/2011/07/upgrading-to-rt-4.html 16:40 whorka I am currently packaging all the RT 4 dependencies for RHEL5, since epel is still on RT 3. 16:41 pdurbin right, i was just looking at https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/rt3 16:41 pdurbin at least they're on the latest 3.8 16:41 pdurbin but whorka 16:42 pdurbin are you open sourcing your spec files? 16:42 pdurbin please please please please please 16:42 whorka yep 16:42 pdurbin \o/ 16:42 whorka they'll be at http://mirror.hmdc.harvard.edu/HMDC-RT/el5/SRPMS/ 16:42 pdurbin cool. and we can rebuild them for el6 16:42 whorka and if I find the time I'll push them to repoforge too 16:43 pdurbin that's fine 16:43 pdurbin whorka: had you considered contacting the maintainers of https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/rt3 ? 16:44 pdurbin asking them if they plan to build rt4 packages? 16:44 whorka not especially, since they're release cycle is pretty slow. 16:44 whorka I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask though. 16:44 pdurbin slow? what do you mean? 16:45 pdurbin like i said, they have the latest rt 3.8 16:45 pdurbin http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=rt3.git;a=blob;f=rt3.spec;hb=HEAD 16:45 pdurbin %changelog 16:45 pdurbin * Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering 16:46 whorka yeah I meant the RT 4 release 16:47 whorka although the RHEL5 build of RT3 has been out of date for a while too http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/repoview/rt3.html 16:48 whorka some thought was given to targeting RHEL6 for the upgrade, but we haven't ported the base of our configuration management yet. 16:48 pdurbin sure. that makes sense 16:49 whorka we do have someone actively working on starting clean with puppet for our RHEL6 management 16:49 pdurbin anyway, i always go to the fedora pkgdb first. since that's what goes in fedora, rhel, and epel 16:50 pdurbin whorka: cool. we use puppet too. love it 16:55 pdurbin whorka: any plans to contribute to epel some day? 16:58 pdurbin this keeps coming up :) http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-18#i_5609330 17:53 pdurbin spowers: racktables api coming to github: http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/writing-a-restful-API-in-php-for-Racktables,26 18:33 pdurbin http://blog dot jamesdotcuff dot net: GCE part II - fun with the API - http://blog.jcuff.net/2012/08/gce-part-ii-fun-with-api.html 18:34 pdurbin Module of the Week: pupplabs/node_gce - Google Compute Engine Plugin | Puppet Labs - http://puppetlabs.com/blog/module-of-the-week-puppetlabs-node_gce-google-compute-engine-plugin/ 19:14 pdurbin shuff: i get -v and -vvvv out of the box with http://search.cpan.org/~tonvoon/Nagios-Plugin-0.36/lib/Nagios/Plugin/Getopt.pm 19:15 pdurbin -v 5 doesn't work, but i can live with that 19:18 agperson to the room: do you use a datacenter designation in your hostnames? 19:19 pdurbin nope. i think sejeff said he does/did 19:19 pdurbin i miss sejeff :( 19:22 pdurbin agperson: we're storing the data center location in puppet facts, pulled from racktables 19:22 agperson i've been populating the puppet fact from the hostname ;) — but that's obviously backwards 19:24 pdurbin to each his own :) 19:25 agperson pdurbin: well, i'm trying to decide on Yet Another Naming Convention (™) 19:25 pdurbin trees 19:25 pdurbin dwarves 19:25 pdurbin birds 19:29 pdurbin shuff: is it overkill to use Nagios::Plugin when writing an nrpe check script? from this it looks like I can just return a code and print a message: Nagios and OP5 – writing a nrpe check script | KMG Group - http://www.kmggroup.ch/?p=126 19:33 shuff it is never overkill to use Nagios::Plugin when writing checks :) 19:33 shuff that was easy 19:33 pdurbin yeah, there's some handy stuff in there 19:33 pdurbin $np->nagios_exit( 1, "foo" ); 19:34 shuff aka $np->nagios_die( "foo" ); 19:34 pdurbin # nagios_die() is just like nagios_exit(), but return code defaults 19:34 pdurbin # to UNKNOWN 19:34 pdurbin right 19:34 shuff no, i am not right 19:35 shuff that would be 3, not 1 19:35 pdurbin oh, right. 1 is WARNING 19:35 pdurbin WARNING i say 21:19 whorka wow RT has a lot of prerequisites http://mirror.hmdc.harvard.edu/HMDC-RT/el5/SRPMS/ 21:22 whorka if you're going to use those srpms, pdurbin, beware that although they're tagged "noarch" some may actually be x86_64 21:23 whorka sorry, the rpms rather 21:34 pdurbin whorka: that's fine. we're all x86_64 21:34 pdurbin no rt4 rpm itself... YET! :) 21:35 whorka hopefully tomorrow it will be there 21:36 pdurbin \o/ 21:36 whorka to answer your earlier question I haven't thought much about contributing to epel. I thought my contributions to rpmforge would've put me on an auto blacklist there or something. :) 21:36 pdurbin heh 21:38 shuff no no, you'll get the same bureaucratic hurdles as anybody else :) let me know when you've found another packager willing to sponsor you 21:39 whorka do we have any authorized epel packagers in the room?