Time Nick Message 12:51 pdurbin not sure why it took me so long to stumble upon the code monkey song: https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/K7Sdtjvv8oF 13:02 pdurbin agoddard: "Last edited by agoddard" -- https://github.com/sensu/sensu/wiki/Overview 15:39 pdurbin Academic Computing Technical Blog: Chasing OpenStack idle connection timeouts - http://actech.seas.harvard.edu/2012/07/chasing-openstack-idle-connection.html 15:44 pdurbin it all came down to a typo?!? "If it's not obvious, heartbeat was mispelled hearbeat in the above block of code. Putting this change into production has completely resolved the idle connection timeout problem." 15:56 spowers i once hunted a bug in a backup script that turned out to be "#/bin/bash" 15:56 spowers for hours 15:57 pdurbin *face palm* 15:57 spowers a great time to just slam the laptop shut and walk away 16:28 pdurbin "Philesight is a tool to browse your filesystem and see where the diskspace is being used at a glance" -- http://zevv.nl/play/code/philesight/ pretty: http://zevv.nl/play/code/philesight/philesight.cgi?cmd=img&path=%2F 17:31 pdurbin "The Simian Army is a suite of tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form. Chaos Monkey, the first member, is a resiliency tool that helps ensure that your applications can tolerate random instance failures" -- https://github.com/Netflix/SimianArmy via The Netflix Tech Blog: Chaos Monkey released into the wild - http://techblog.netflix.com/2012/07/chaos-monkey-released-into-wild.html 17:52 agoddard pdurbin: how did you deploy openstack? 17:55 pdurbin agoddard: right now... only as a demo. on one box :( 17:56 pdurbin no change since http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-07-16#i_5817977 17:57 agoddard k :) 17:58 pdurbin the seas guys (link to their blog above) seem to be actively working on their openstack. but i just ran /names and i don't see any of them here 17:59 agoddard cloudstack has me flipping tables at the moment 17:59 pdurbin all these projects want to be the apache of virtualization but they aren't there yet :) 19:14 agoddard pdurbin: is there a roadmap for you guys to crank OS into production? 19:16 pdurbin um 19:16 pdurbin do you mean a plan? 19:16 pdurbin or do you mean a timetable? 19:21 agoddard both I guess :) 19:22 pdurbin i don't have much of either at the moment, i'm afraid :( 19:22 pdurbin busy fixing breakage 19:22 pdurbin my plan is... make it awesome :) 19:22 pdurbin at a high level anyway... 19:22 agoddard a good plan :) 19:23 pdurbin i need to spin up more instances of myself 19:23 agoddard +1 19:23 agoddard no pun.. ^^ 19:24 pdurbin while true; do vagrant up pdurbin; done