Time Nick Message 11:38 jimi_c pdurbin: https://github.com/jimi1283/cobbler/tree/mysql 11:38 jimi_c ^ from yesterday 11:38 jimi_c the schema: http://pastie.org/4329642 11:41 jimi_c oh, and you'll probably need to add a 'cobbler'@'localhost' user too, I never understood why % doesn't cover that... 11:41 jimi_c maybe /me needs to reread the mysql docs 13:03 pdurbin jimi_c: from MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 6.3.2 Adding User Accounts - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/adding-users.html ... 13:03 pdurbin Two of the accounts have a user name of monty and a password of some_pass. Both accounts are superuser accounts with full privileges to do anything. The 'monty'@'localhost' account can be used only when connecting from the local host. The 'monty'@'%' account uses the '%' wildcard for the host part, so it can be used to connect from any host. 13:03 pdurbin It is necessary to have both accounts for monty to be able to connect from anywhere as monty. Without the localhost account, the anonymous-user account for localhost that is created by mysql_install_db would take precedence when monty connects from the local host. As a result, monty would be treated as an anonymous user. The reason for this is that the anonymous-user account has a more specific Host column value than the 'monty'@'%' account and t 13:04 pdurbin whoops. cut off 13:04 pdurbin The reason for this is that the anonymous-user account has a more specific Host column value than the 'monty'@'%' account and thus comes earlier in the user table sort order. (user table sorting is discussed in Section 6.2.4, “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”.) 13:08 pdurbin mysql -e "SELECT Host,User,Password FROM mysql.user" 13:08 pdurbin jimi_c: you could use that to look at your user table ^^ 14:49 Pax what are people using out there for to keep track of devices you can't build/manage? i.e netbotz or small appliances like that? I know some folks use rack tables, but I was thinking of using cobbler, since you *have* to go there to build a system, it seems like kinda a natural place to put other $stuff, and the API makes it pretty easy to do thinks like, build nagios configs(for example) 14:50 pdurbin we use racktables. and now that racktables is getting an api, we're getting more into it 14:50 Pax so something like "build a nagios server on cobbler with puppet, have puppet push out a script that runs nightly that hits the cobbler api and builds nagios configs for non-puppetized devices" 14:50 pdurbin racktables api: https://projects.cs50.net/project/97/build-a-restful-api-for-racktables-at-philip-durbin/ 14:50 Pax do you think you'll have rack tables push configs into cobbler? 14:51 pdurbin hmm, i guess we could... 14:52 pdurbin we need a way to correlate hosts/systems/servers across the various tools we use: puppet, racktables, nagios, cobbler, etc. 14:52 pdurbin but what you're saying makes sense... put it all in cobbler. the mac addresses for each device (netbotz or whatever) will be unique 14:53 Pax I *think* cobbler has a unique ID for each device too, even if you don't have something like MAC entered 14:54 pdurbin "uid": "MTMzMDcxNDI5MS45NTM3OTc2MzcuMjg5NzQ", 14:54 pdurbin yep. each "system" in cobbler has a uid. you can see it in the json 18:33 pdurbin tsocks git push -u origin master 18:33 pdurbin stupid firewall 18:34 pdurbin anyway, new! https://github.com/fasrc/nagios-plugins-check_sas2ircu 18:53 pdurbin "status-json duplicates the output of status.cgi in JSON format to make it easier for other applications/services to use Nagios data" -- http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Addons/APIs/JSON/status-2Djson/details 19:02 pdurbin everyone here is content with his or her monitoring system 19:03 pdurbin move along. move along 19:42 spowers pdurbin: do you know if ian bettinger has made any more progress on the racktables rest api? 19:44 pdurbin spowers: no idea. someone was nagging him on the list :) 19:45 pdurbin "I'm just wondering what you think the ETA" --Chubby Wl http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/REST-API 19:46 pdurbin i do hope ian puts his code on https://github.com/racktables 19:46 pdurbin er, forks or whatever 19:46 pdurbin maybe he has and i haven't noticed 19:48 spowers i've stalked and found nothing 19:49 spowers he posted something on the list that I think was a good start 19:49 spowers i am planning to use the API to pull info from racktables into other systems 19:50 spowers i guess i could just query, but I think that bypasses a whole layer of decent validations 19:51 pdurbin i'm using the initial file he sent. seems to be working 19:52 spowers could stand to be fleshed out a little bit, but I am happy with it so far 19:52 pdurbin these methods work for me: http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/writing-a-restful-API-in-php-for-Racktables,15 19:52 pdurbin http://racktables.foo.com/apiv0.php?method=get_depot for example 19:52 spowers that's good enough for most things i think 19:52 pdurbin yeah 19:52 pdurbin i'm fine with read only for now 19:52 pdurbin we can update via the web gui 19:53 spowers eventually I'd like to post data to racktables from my xenserver pool 19:54 spowers it has its own database tying IPs to hostnames, and other meta 19:54 spowers but read only is enough to push info to zenoss, observium, i figure even dns 19:57 pdurbin sure 20:00 pdurbin crimsonfubot: google observium 20:00 crimsonfubot pdurbin: Main Page - Observium: <http://www.observium.org/>; Observium Demonstration: <http://demo.observium.org/>; Installation - Observium: <http://www.observium.org/wiki/Installation>; Observium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observium>; Observium : Project Summary - Ohloh: <http://www.ohloh.net/p/observium>; Install Observium: <http://www.blah- (1 more message) 20:01 spowers i think observium is really cool 20:01 pdurbin cool 20:01 spowers it's like cacti but without all the tedium of plugging in endless SNMP OIDs 20:01 spowers also it's way more than cacti 20:01 pdurbin we should add it to https://github.com/crimsonfu/crimsonfu.github.com/blob/master/_includes/topics.yaml 20:02 pdurbin i have big plans for that yaml file 20:02 pdurbin BIG PLANS 20:03 spowers ha 20:03 spowers yeah, i have big plans for api.php, i don't know if it will ever come to anything 20:04 spowers https://dl.dropbox.com/u/621532/reconplan.png 20:05 spowers just some brainstorming for what to do with a racktables api 20:05 pdurbin NICE 20:05 spowers my plan is to package it up as a virtual appliance 20:05 spowers like, racktables and all that other crap 20:06 pdurbin spowers: if you're looking for a place to blog about this, consider https://github.com/crimsonfu/crimsonfu.github.com/tree/master/_posts 20:06 spowers that wouldn't be a bad idea 20:07 spowers do i send you a pull request or something? 20:07 pdurbin yep 20:07 spowers yay, i get to send a pull request 20:07 pdurbin :) 20:08 pdurbin please note you'll need to add yourself as an author in https://github.com/crimsonfu/crimsonfu.github.com/blob/master/_config.yml 22:17 jimi_c pdurbin: ok, so i'm not doing something wrong :) I had always done both % and localhost, but wasn't sure if there was a better way