Time Nick Message 10:33 pdurbin "Kanban is a method for developing software products and processes with an emphasis on just-in-time delivery while not overloading the software developers. It emphasizes that developers pull work from a queue, and the process, from definition of a task to its delivery to the customer, is displayed for participants to see." -- Kanban (development) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_(development) 10:34 pdurbin hearing about kanban in the context of this, basically: Kanban Process Management | Atlassian: http://www.atlassian.com/software/greenhopper/overview/kanban 10:35 pdurbin this is about 23 minutes in. from Episode 11: Etsy Examined - How the Best Do Their Business - Food Fight: http://foodfightshow.org/2012/05/episode-11-etsy-examined-how-best-do.html 12:02 rackerhacker pdurbin: we do a kanban/agile mix here 12:02 rackerhacker it's a loosely timeboxed kanban basically 12:11 pdurbin rackerhacker: cool. here's a quote from the podcast episode above: 12:12 pdurbin "Kanban is a way of working, a workflow if you will. It came from, I believe it was, Toyota a while ago. And what they said was is that you take small pieces from a big project, and you work on just that piece until it's done, and then you grab another bit and another bit. Essentially it is breaking bigger projects into smaller tasks and focusing in on just those tasks to get more work done. . . better transparency as well as more efficiency 12:12 pdurbin they call their four lanes... hopper, backlog, in process, done 12:27 rackerhacker we have more lanes than that since we have to stage stuff prior to production 13:09 pdurbin rackerhacker: i had never even heard of kanban. i wonder if i can make RT do kanban :) 13:10 pdurbin interesting to hear the etsy guys talk about their "blameless culture" 13:10 pdurbin jimi_c: they use cobbler 13:10 pdurbin and centos exclusively... retired their other flavors of linux 13:10 pdurbin f5 hardware load balancers 13:13 pdurbin sjoeboo: here's my new dotfiles repo i was telling you about: http://git.greptilian.com/?p=dotfiles.git 13:14 pdurbin for the vim stuff i'm using this: Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen - http://vimcasts.org/episodes/synchronizing-plugins-with-git-submodules-and-pathogen/ 15:22 sjoeboo but, do you have nested submodules?!?!?! 15:22 sjoeboo ha 15:23 pdurbin you can do that?? 15:25 sjoeboo yeah 15:25 sjoeboo for instance, my dot files repo has a vim submodle 15:25 sjoeboo which has all sort of some modules for bundles 15:26 * pdurbin looks at https://github.com/sjoeboo/dotfiles 15:26 pdurbin neat! 15:27 sjoeboo still working out the kinks though 15:28 pdurbin it's good for your soul, having your dotfiles in order 17:28 pdurbin code available from the guy who's working on an api for racktables: http://cache.gmane.org//gmane/comp/misc/racktables/user/1766-001.bin 17:29 pdurbin that's what he's calling "api.php" in his message at writing a restful API in php for Racktables - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.misc.racktables.user/1730/focus=1766 17:34 pdurbin had to grab it from there as i don't believe freelists saves the attachment: http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/writing-a-restful-API-in-php-for-Racktables,11 17:54 pdurbin meh. gave it a quick test but couldn't get it working. my report: http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/writing-a-restful-API-in-php-for-Racktables,12 :) 18:01 pdurbin updated my "i wish racktables had an api log": https://projects.cs50.net/project/97/build-a-restful-api-for-racktables-at-philip-durbin/ 18:38 pdurbin hey, this api.php for racktables DOES work: http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/writing-a-restful-API-in-php-for-Racktables,15 "go go go" --me :) 19:39 pdurbin sjoeboo: this is the dashboard i was talking about: https://github.com/etsy/dashboard . supports Ganglia, Graphite, Cacti, NewRelic, and FITB out of the box. that page doesn't do it justice. sounded like a nice tool for pulling out the stuff you really care about from ganglia. and for organizing by topic or whatever 19:40 sjoeboo neato 19:42 pdurbin maybe it's better explained by this video: John Allspaw on selecting what to dashboard at Etsy on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/25542367 (haven't watched it) 19:45 pdurbin ok, i'm very happy the racktables api writer is interating quickly (new version at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.misc.racktables.user/1771 ) but it's time for him to put it on github :) 19:45 pdurbin iterating 19:57 pdurbin talking about if you could talk to siri... and she'll add stuff to puppet for you 19:57 pdurbin agoddard: or chef 20:14 pdurbin "Anyway, my point is, everyone else is an idiot." -- Michael Orlitzky { resizing a kvm or qemu disk image } - http://michael.orlitzky.com/articles/resizing_a_kvm_or_qemu_disk_image.php 20:40 pdurbin "has_problems": "no", #racktablesAPI