Time Nick Message 01:59 * jimi_c is working on creating a pxe preboot environment for cobbler using tinycore linux 03:29 pdurbin_m see also mattdm and I talking about gPXE with an openstack dev: https://mobile.twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/218786663332192256 03:32 pdurbin_m https://mobile.twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/218440218049650688 03:32 pdurbin_m https://mobile.twitter.com/philipdurbin/status/218439072400678912 03:33 pdurbin_m (more of the thread. annoying it's so chopped up, but that's twitter for you) 12:50 pdurbin wow, my workstation is super loud this morning. fans spinning full tilt. jauth java process going nuts. this is on centos 6. i wonder if it's the leap second bug, which seems to affect java from what i've read. here's jauth: https://github.com/mclamp/jauth 12:52 rackerhacker pdurbin: we had some java explosions over the weekend 12:52 rackerhacker restarts of the java processes seemed to fix it permanently 12:53 pdurbin rackerhacker: did you see the graphic i linked to? Graphs help tell a war story - http://crimsonfu.github.com/2012/07/01/graphs-help-tell-a-war-story.html 12:53 rackerhacker i saw that already... totally nuts 12:53 pdurbin i just love that graphic. . . not that i'm sure what it means exactly :) 12:54 pdurbin rackerhacker: so what's the fix? restart ntp or something? 12:55 rackerhacker for our java apps, we just restarted the apps and they began behaving 12:55 rackerhacker that was the only problem we saw 12:56 pdurbin Jun 30 19:59:59 beamish kernel: Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC 12:56 pdurbin Jun 30 20:18:36 beamish ntpd[1701]: kernel time sync status change 6001 13:01 pdurbin wow, as a fix, this really works: date -s "`date`" 13:01 pdurbin via MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix | Mozilla IT - http://blog.mozilla.org/it/2012/06/30/mysql-and-the-leap-second-high-cpu-and-the-fix/ 13:02 pdurbin immediately after running that, my fans slowed down. load dropping 13:04 pdurbin i guess this is as good of a write up as any: Leap second hits Qantas air bookings, while Reddit and Mozilla stutter | Technology | guardian.co.uk - http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/jul/02/leap-second-amadeus-qantas-reddit 13:06 pdurbin i linked to this yesterday too, but here's the patch that was made to the linux kernel to fix the leap second bug: https://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=6b43ae8a619d17c4935c3320d2ef9e92bdeed05d 13:29 pdurbin load still nice and low on my home server, which is also centos 6: http://munin.greptilian.com/greptilian.com/server1.greptilian.com/load.html 13:35 SEJeff yay munin 13:36 pdurbin SEJeff: i'm too lazy to use anything else at home. so easy! :) 13:36 SEJeff For once... that was not sarcasm 13:36 SEJeff I've setup munin for pretty much every little consulting gig I've done ~12-13 13:36 SEJeff I forget 13:37 SEJeff It shoots one of my boring emails spam every so often saying the load is too high or whatnot 13:37 pdurbin huh. i've never enabled any kind of notifications from munin. neat 13:37 agoddard +1 for getting slammed here 13:38 pdurbin agoddard: yeah? did you VMs go like this? :) http://s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/4822862/large.jpg 13:39 pdurbin your 13:42 * agoddard checks 13:42 * agoddard just got new retina MBP, setting up so doesn't know where anything is right now :D 13:42 pdurbin oooooo. fancy! 13:42 agoddard sofast! 13:43 agoddard seems faster than my mac pro, but maybe that's just 'cause it's got nothing on it :) 13:47 SEJeff agoddard, Now you just need Norton Internet Security, and Popup Blocker super pro, and another Antivirus due to paranoia, and something that scans every file just to slow things down... 13:47 SEJeff Oh... Thats windows. Nevermind :) 13:48 agoddard SEJeff: ;) 13:48 * SEJeff is one of those weird desktop Linux guys 13:48 SEJeff Fedora or Ubuntu, but more Fedora lately. Not a unity fan 14:03 pdurbin lots of noise on twitter about amazon aws being down over the weekend too. US east or something 14:05 SEJeff Thats just free marketing for google comput engine 14:05 * SEJeff suspects google will do a much better job than amazon 14:06 jgenus knock knock 14:09 pdurbin jgenus: welcome! 14:09 jgenus appreciate the oreo bread crumb, pdurbin ;) 14:14 pdurbin our numbers grow... :) 14:15 SEJeff Why I remember back in the day before #crimsonfu was 20 people 14:21 jgenus pdurbin's been kind enough to let me know what I'm missing by not being in Boston :-) 14:22 pdurbin jgenus: it sure seemed like everyone who works for red hat was at the summit. ;) surprised you weren't there 14:23 jgenus at last years summit, i kept getting asked if i worked for red hat.....i just gave them a puzzled looked and said no 14:24 jgenus pdurbin: now hearing your tales, I'm getting an inkling 15:17 pdurbin sjoeboo got `virsh console` working for us. i don't know how i was living without this 15:34 SEJeff virsh console <3