Time Nick Message 12:09 SEJeff pdurbin, Yes? My django version of mango is basically a rewrite of the old php mango ontop of django + django-ldapdb, a "ORM" for LDAP 12:09 SEJeff I just never had the time to finish it 12:10 SEJeff pdurbin, It is mostly feature complete however. Just needs some polish: http://envisionlinux.com/blog/current-status-of-mango-django/ 12:12 SEJeff In the process, I updated it to the new gnome.org css and pretty 12:13 SEJeff http://envisionlinux.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/mango-update-user-information.png 14:35 agoddard http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-virt/2012-June/002942.html 15:07 agperson pdurbin: noticed a ref in last week's irc log. if you need rt4, we've got that. but shared with other groups. 19:02 SEJeff This might be relevant to someone else here: https://github.com/agrover/targetd 19:02 SEJeff http://groveronline.com/2012/06/targetd-remote-storage-admin and the blog post on why 19:03 SEJeff pdurbin, ^^ 19:05 shuff oh, that's pretty neat 19:06 shuff that would probably be a nice add-on for openfiler 19:15 SEJeff heh, I was thinking the same thing 22:56 pdurbin_m good stuff. on vacation. santa's village. story land. back next week