Time Nick Message 13:26 agoddard gdash cookbook https://github.com/heavywater/chef-gdash :D 13:26 agoddard a friend of mine has a little demo site as well if you haven't seen it: http://gdash.nickstielau.com/bunch/randoms/ 13:52 pdurbin agoddard: cool. but i was hoping it was truly random... that my refreshing i'd see new graphs :) 14:00 agoddard pdurbin: ah, yep.. I guess it just generates a random value for a given time, so it's still "truly" random for a given time ;) 14:10 pdurbin so i listened to an interview with the developer of tastypie and i'm even more enthusiastic about it now: APIs and Tastypie – A Django Podcast – Third Avenue Radio - http://3rdaverad.io/shows/django-podcast/episodes/apis-and-tastypie/ 14:31 pdurbin Fedora 17, OpenStack Essex & Gluster 3.3: All Smushed Together | jebpages - http://blog.jebpages.com/archives/fedora-17-openstack-and-gluster-3-3/ 14:38 pdurbin hee hee! it works! http://server1.greptilian.com:8000/api/poll/?format=json 15:38 agperson am i missing something, or is open shift documentation sparse and somewhat lacking? 15:44 agperson This seems like the most useful and up-to-date document: https://openshift.redhat.com/community/wiki/architecture-overview 15:46 agperson although how close it is to the real world vs what is to come i cannot say 17:58 pdurbin agoddard: are you trying to set up your own openshift installation? openshift origin or whatever? 17:59 pdurbin agperson: whoops, that was for you. sorry, agoddard 18:01 agperson i am looking at it as a possible service for HUIT to host, yes 18:01 agperson but it would be more of a "pilot" 18:02 pdurbin sure 18:02 pdurbin i'd be very eager to test it for you :) 18:02 agperson at first it did not look any more sophisticated than the sorts of things i am doing now, but that architecture document got me pretty intrigued 18:02 agperson i'm going to watch that video you referenced previously 18:02 agperson i'll keep that in mind! 18:03 pdurbin yeah, or just listen to the audio. it's just talking heads 18:18 pdurbin as i said before, openshift is doing interesting things with containers: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-21 18:21 agperson so Solaris Zones are coming to Linux, 7 years later... 19:09 pdurbin grr. i'm still getting this error in gnome-terminal, even with unlimited scrollback off. time to close all my gnome-terminal windows. :( http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-29#i_5652663 . 472 from `lsof | grep ptmx | wc -l` 19:37 agoddard wow, openstack is one bs mofry to install :| 19:39 pdurbin heh 19:39 pdurbin westmaas: ^^ 19:51 westmaas :( 19:54 pdurbin heh 19:54 pdurbin agoddard: you need content for your blog anyway. you haven't updated in months 19:54 agperson storm clouds? 19:54 agoddard pdurbin: not wrong 19:55 agoddard westmaas: I gave up on the rackspace cloudbuilder cookbooks :( 19:59 pdurbin is $shell a thing? as opposed to $SHELL? this is hard to google for... 20:00 teancom I don't believe so 20:00 pdurbin not even a tcsh thing? 20:07 pdurbin it doesn't matter, really 20:08 pdurbin don't anybody get up 20:09 teancom pdurbin: Ah, well, in my world tcsh doesn't exist (it's like the boogie man). So I wouldn't know. 20:09 pdurbin tcsh is worse than the boogie man 20:10 pdurbin Csh Programming Considered Harmful - http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/ 20:10 pdurbin http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/CshTop10.txt 20:10 pdurbin http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/csh/ 20:13 teancom pdurbin: but it's an easily fixable problem: take it out of /etc/shells B-) 20:13 pdurbin oh, the users would scream 20:13 pdurbin the vocal minority 20:14 teancom Do you have a bunch of old solaris-heads hanging around? 20:14 pdurbin i don't know who these people are 20:16 teancom We sent all of our solaris users out to a farm, where they have lots of room to run around and play with the other greybeards. I'm told they love it out there. 20:16 teancom My manager won't tell me where the farm is though, or I'd visit them. 20:21 pdurbin :) 20:22 pdurbin all the sunmanagers, together at last 20:25 pdurbin via my boss: Difference between $0 and $SHELL - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9804517/difference-between-0-and-shell 20:26 westmaas agoddard: uh oh. there's some official chef ones as well 20:26 westmaas and I think dell has some as well 20:26 agoddard westmaas: ya, they're in some weird place too 20:27 agoddard westmaas: same with dell ones 20:31 westmaas blah 20:45 agoddard westmaas: meh. :) it sounds like the opscode ones will be good once they're all set. And I'm sure the RCB ones would work on a new install with a bit of massaging