Time Nick Message 12:51 pdurbin "it is possible, using koan, to specify which libvirt pool a given vm should end up in? or should I just point it at the directory directly?" -- [cobbler] using koan with libvirt pools... - https://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/cobbler/2012-June/007785.html 12:51 pdurbin inquiring minds want to know, including me and sjoeboo 12:58 westmaas pdurbin: http://docs.openstack.org/essex/openstack-compute/install/yum/content/ 12:59 westmaas also, I can't find anyone in rackspace land with the info you guys want about iscsi backed volume storage, but there is a thread ongoing on the mailing list about it 12:59 pdurbin yeah? link? 13:00 westmaas https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg13009.html 13:00 pdurbin westmaas: this is awesome. "You have a collection of compute nodes, each installed with a supported Linux distribution: Fedora 17, Ubuntu Server 12.04, RHEL 6.2, Scientific Linux 6.1 or CentOS 6 + CR distributions (continuous release ( CR ) repository)." -- http://docs.openstack.org/essex/openstack-compute/install/yum/content/assumptions.html thanks! 13:00 westmaas np :) 13:05 pdurbin agoddard: it sure sounds like openstack supports iSCSI... "* create an LVM pool * create a volume in this pool (with nova command or horizon UI) * share it with an iscsi target (the compute/volume node) * attach it with an iscsi initiator (the VM)" 13:06 SEJeff pdurbin, I suspect no wrt koan 13:06 SEJeff Ask on #cobbler though 13:06 SEJeff jimi is normally pretty decent about answering 13:06 pdurbin i believe sjoeboo asked in #cobbler last night 13:08 pdurbin "iSCSI support for Compute/Nova. Nova currently supports persistent volumes using ATA-over-Ethernet (AoE). This is to discuss adding iSCSI support as an alternative." http://wiki.openstack.org/IscsiBlueprint 13:10 westmaas yikes, that was updated 2010 13:11 pdurbin we have a bunch of iSCSI devices. Dell MD3000i's. wondering if OpenStack would work well with them 13:12 pdurbin heh. first hit in google for 'openstack md3000i" is #crimsonfu chat logs :) 13:15 pdurbin "Volumes must be pre-allocated on the iSCSI server, and cannot be created via the libvirt APIs." http://libvirt.org/storage.html 13:15 pdurbin i think agoddard has been telling me this over and over :) 13:20 agoddard ohai 13:21 pdurbin agoddard: so xenserver manages your iscsi for you? it creates luns for your guest VMs and such? 13:21 agoddard so, my understanding is that nova-volume takes a volume and then shares it out over iSCSI/LVM to nodes - but what I don't know is whether you can just bypass the nova-volume node and tell openstack to build LV's on a big iSCSI LUN itself 13:22 agoddard pdurbin: yep, we pass big LUNs from the SAN to XenServer, it then throws LVM on them and when we ask for a disk, it carves us a new LV 13:22 pdurbin that's pretty sweet 13:23 agoddard the difficult part of that, I believe, is that with LVM, only one node can be making the changes, so XenServer manages this by doing all the storage operations with one node (the master) I *assume* 13:23 pdurbin hmm. right 13:23 agoddard otherwise if you accidentally the LVM by modifying VG's or LV's on different nodes at the same time, you could fjuk it up 13:23 pdurbin i want openstack or whatever to manage my iscsi devices for me. create luns and whatnot 13:24 agoddard the other way is to use CLVM, which keeps LVM metadata synced across the nodes, but then you lose stuff like snapshotting 13:24 pdurbin hmm. ok 13:24 pdurbin i mean, we may use this iSCSI hardware for something else anyway. i can probably let openstack just manage some other hardware the way it wants to 13:25 agoddard I think openstack will manage some iSCSI devices, if you have a SAN that supports it, this would mean the SAN would need an API which openstack is a client of, it would tell the SAN to create a new LUN and then attach it to a machine - that would be totally killer, but I don't think the PowerVault's do that 13:26 agoddard one way would be provisioning a LUN to a nova-volume box and having the nova-volume box re-share it as LVM over its own iSCSI connection to the compute nodes, but this seems a little backasswards 13:26 * agoddard has never actually used OpenStack btw, so this is all just assumptions 13:26 pdurbin cool, cool. i'll keep thinking about it 13:27 agoddard I wonder whether you could set it up with nova-volume and then just tell the nodes that their iSCSI host is the SAN and not the nova-volume host.. but I dunno 13:27 agoddard I'm also installing openstack in prod today, so I 13:27 pdurbin sjoeboo: look at that, i linked to the patch from the ticket: Issue #79: koan --virt-image-type ? · cobbler/cobbler - https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/issues/79#issuecomment-5873608 13:27 agoddard * will have more answers 13:27 pdurbin agoddard: cool. please keep us posted 13:27 agoddard pdurbin: definitely 14:48 pdurbin https://github.com/fasrc/cobbler/commits/qcow2_fix 14:55 agoddard in puppet... 14:55 agoddard if you have two nodes, let's say you want their mysql innodb memory to be relative to their total memory or something.. how would you go about it? 14:55 * agoddard has never used puppet, is a chef fanboi 15:07 agoddard westmaas: I totally missed this message the other day: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-06-07#i_5694456 might have some questions for you after we stand up some boxes today - imma use the rackspace cloud builders cookbooks 15:16 westmaas cool 15:36 westmaas agoddard: you guys a chef shop only? One of the guys that used to work for me is building puppet manifests for fedora now that he works at redhat, if that would be useful 15:38 agoddard westmaas: yep just chef 16:06 pdurbin if i want to write a little web app that has an api is django a good choice? 16:07 * pdurbin googles 16:08 SEJeff pdurbin, What do you want to do with said api? 16:08 * SEJeff has done this 3-4 times with django 16:08 SEJeff and once with flask 16:08 pdurbin "it looked like Django coupled with Piston was the quickly becoming the defacto standard for developing new API's in Python" Creating a very basic API using Python, Django and Piston | RobertShady.com - http://www.robertshady.com/content/creating-very-basic-api-using-python-django-and-piston 16:08 SEJeff pdurbin, FYI piston was abandoned for the better part of a year or two 16:09 pdurbin oh. bummer 16:09 SEJeff just recently was picked up with a new maintainer, who has merged a few patches and not done a ton 16:09 SEJeff However, piston is very stable and good software 16:09 pdurbin in perl i'd probably use dancer 16:09 SEJeff If you've never done piston before, I would point you towards tastypie 16:09 SEJeff much better 16:09 SEJeff And sing Tiny Dancer the entire time 16:09 SEJeff http://tastypieapi.org 16:10 SEJeff pdurbin, I can help you do a piston api as I maintain snowy 16:10 SEJeff http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy which happens to be a very big api service ontop of oauth + openid + piston + rest 16:10 pdurbin SEJeff: so you agree with this answer for tastypie: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/656979/django-and-restful-apis/9519849#9519849 16:10 SEJeff Yes I do 16:11 SEJeff I've heard very good things about django-rest-framework as well, but tastypie has the most traction and it has the guy who wrote django-haystack behind it 16:11 SEJeff He is a legend in the django community 16:11 SEJeff His tag is funny too: toast driven development 16:11 SEJeff making fun of TDD 16:12 pdurbin http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial.html#installation Python 2.4+ Django 1.0+ . reasonable requirements 16:13 SEJeff Yup 16:13 SEJeff The guy that wrote bitbucket.org (jespern is his online handle) wrote piston 16:13 SEJeff It is fantastic 16:13 SEJeff very complete 16:14 SEJeff But when github started spanking bitbucket more or less, he was pulled to other things and piston lagged for years 16:14 SEJeff Thats why both tastypie and django-rest-framework were created 16:14 SEJeff pdurbin, If you need any help with any django stuff I'm game 16:17 pdurbin SEJeff: this is pretty much the problem space. what the webapp would address: How do large organizations with large turnover and many systems perform account provisioning? - Server Fault - http://serverfault.com/questions/198389/how-do-large-organizations-with-large-turnover-and-many-systems-perform-account-provisioning 16:18 pdurbin i just want to make sure it has an api 16:18 pdurbin "Do not implement any product that does not provide an API." -- http://blog.websages.com/2010/12/10/jameswhite-manifesto/ 16:19 SEJeff Very very wise advice ^^ 16:19 SEJeff Being in crimsonfu, I can assume you're a systems engineer 16:19 SEJeff but often system admins (more jr ones) are basically just lego builders 16:19 SEJeff unable to make custom blocks if the ones they have don't fit 16:20 SEJeff I see python as one of the best glue languages just like I see perl as one of the best text processing langauges 16:20 SEJeff Which makes python exceedingly good for cobbling together things in an api 16:21 pdurbin yeah, and i don't want to force people to write perl. it's too hard ;) 16:21 SEJeff Ha 16:21 SEJeff perl isn't that bad 16:22 SEJeff just reading other people's "optimized" perl is 16:22 SEJeff I was able to go from 0 perl to a script that did xmlrpc in < 1 week and have it work 16:22 * pdurbin *coughs* SHUUUUFFFF #optimized 16:23 SEJeff Yeah every perlmonger knows what I'm talking about 16:23 SEJeff guido made a conscious choice (right or wrong doesn't matter here) to not allow that sort of thing in the language's syntax 17:33 agoddard pdurbin: SEJeff I'm late to the party here, but I'm a big fan of Sinatra (but s/python/ruby) ;) 17:34 SEJeff agoddard, Yeah there is def some really good ruby chops here in #crimsonfu 17:34 SEJeff sinatra is good stuff 17:34 * SEJeff is a huge fan of gdash for graphite metrics 17:34 SEJeff And it is sinatra 17:35 agoddard +1 for gdash 17:42 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky gdash 17:42 crimsonfubot pdurbin: http://www.devco.net/archives/2011/10/08/gdash-graphite-dashboard.php 17:43 pdurbin oooo, pretty 17:44 SEJeff Yeah we configured some stock stuff and handed that to management 17:44 SEJeff for app level metrics. They <3 it 17:51 pdurbin SEJeff: on what level do you want to help with the python stuff? are you suggesting an open source app? 17:51 SEJeff pdurbin, If you want to write an api in python + django 17:51 SEJeff I've done that several times over 17:52 SEJeff and will help you along if you have questions 17:52 SEJeff s/api/REST ^/ 17:52 SEJeff gah 17:52 SEJeff s/api/REST &/ 17:56 pdurbin heh 17:59 pdurbin SEJeff: i'm sure to have questions 19:06 pdurbin Team Based » Archive » Top Ten Project Success Factors - http://teambasedapproach.com/02/top-ten-project-success-factors/