Time Nick Message 03:32 ironcamel pdurbin: unicode issues with http://danceb.in should be fixed now 03:33 ironcamel pdurbin: let me know if you still have issues 13:04 pdurbin ironcamel: the fish i posted to http://danceb.in/FphvM6ym4RGycl7bl9DNYg is gone. http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-25#i_5639032 . i guess stuff expires... 13:19 pdurbin posted a new one: http://danceb.in/EHXZtGux4RGZD62l9DNYg . some weird red boxes. . . 13:23 pdurbin BIND security problem: Handling of zero length rdata can cause named to terminate unexpectedly | Internet Systems Consortium - http://www.isc.org/software/bind/advisories/cve-2012-1667 13:26 pdurbin had beers with mattdm yesterday and now i'm looking at https://code.seas.harvard.edu/openstack 13:26 pdurbin huh. maybe they're actually running devstack... "A tool to rapidly deploy an openStack instance. By default only works on Ubuntu, but we have a branch to get it working on CentOS 6 in progress." 13:28 pdurbin mattdm had mentioned openstack here: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-03#i_5534205 13:34 ironcamel pdurbin: the default is for posts to expire in 1 week 13:35 ironcamel set DANCEBIN_EXP if you want to change the default https://metacpan.org/module/App::Nopaste::Service::Dancebin 13:35 pdurbin "Running in EC2, we're using AMI "ami-3ecd1e57", a CentOS 6.2 64-bit image. Using "OpenStack" security group, with a "m1.small" image size." -- https://code.seas.harvard.edu/openstack/devstack/blobs/master/README-SEAS.txt 13:37 pdurbin ironcamel: cool. this actually makes me worry less about spammers attacking my dancebin installation (if i were to stand one up). i assume there's a way i could remove pastes manually as well 13:37 ironcamel pdurbin: the red boxes are due to the language detection 13:37 pdurbin ironcamel: do you see the red boxes too? http://danceb.in/EHXZtGux4RGZD62l9DNYg 13:37 ironcamel if you set the language to text, they go away 13:37 ironcamel nopaste -l text 13:38 pdurbin DANCEBIN_EXP=never:1 # Never Expire 13:38 ironcamel pdurbin: of course you can remove them. its just stored in a database. if you know sql, then you will be able to remove them, haha 13:39 pdurbin ah. looks perfect with -l text: http://danceb.in/VEP4rW6x4RGZD62l9DNYg thanks! good job on the unicode support 13:40 pdurbin ironcamel: but you'll write a script to make deleting spam super easy, right? :) 13:41 ironcamel sure 13:42 ironcamel throughnothing fixed the unicode thing last night 13:42 pdurbin good job, throughnothing 13:52 pdurbin right. and various openstack packages in epel: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/repoview/letter_o.group.html 13:53 pdurbin openstack-nova-2012.1-7.el6.noarch . i guess that's newish... 13:53 pdurbin i bet there's newer stuff at https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/openstack-nova 13:54 pdurbin yep. Wed Jun 06 2012 Pádraig Brady <P@draigBrady.com> - 2012.2-0.2.f1 http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=openstack-nova.git;a=blob;f=openstack-nova.spec;hb=HEAD 13:59 pdurbin huh. i guess 2012.1 is essex https://launchpad.net/nova/essex/2012.1 . and 2011.3 is diablo https://launchpad.net/nova/diablo/2011.3 14:01 pdurbin "OpenStack releases are numbered using a YYYY.N time-based scheme. For example, the first release of 2012 will have the 2012.1 version number. During the development cycle, the release is identified using a codename." http://wiki.openstack.org/ReleaseNaming 14:04 pdurbin ok and 2012.2 is folsom: https://launchpad.net/nova/folsom . er. will be, i guess. again, the 2 means the second release of 2012. ok. starting to make sense :) 14:06 pdurbin and the latest fedora spec file has http://launchpad.net/nova/folsom/folsom-1/+download/nova-2012.2~f1.tar.gz as Source0, which is https://launchpad.net/nova/folsom/folsom-1 . "This is another milestone (folsom-1) on the road to Nova 2012.2" 14:06 * pdurbin wonders which version he should try 14:07 pdurbin westmaas: any advice? ^^ or are you going to tell me to use ubuntu? :) 14:30 pdurbin heh. "Status: Dormant" http://distrowatch.com/bulinux 14:38 pdurbin "Set this option if you would like to use Qpid instead of RabbitMQ. Qpid is set as the default in the Fedora OpenStack packages." http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenStack_devstack 14:39 pdurbin Apache Qpid™: Open Source AMQP Messaging - http://qpid.apache.org 14:40 sjoeboo weird, cause i think activemq is apache as well 14:40 sjoeboo i could be wrong though 14:40 pdurbin "Nova requires the QPID messaging server to be running." Getting started with OpenStack on Fedora 17 - FedoraProject - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_on_Fedora_17 14:43 pdurbin hmm, ActiveMQ ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_ActiveMQ ) implements Java Message Service (JMS): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Message_Service 14:44 SEJeff sjoeboo, Redhat wrote qpid for their MRG product and wanted qpid to become the _de facto_ standard 14:44 SEJeff They failed 14:47 pdurbin reading the conclusion of "Understanding the Differences between AMQP & JMS" http://www.wmrichards.com/amqp.pdf 14:48 pdurbin looks like MGR means Messaging, Realtime, Grid: http://www.redhat.com/products/mrg/ 14:49 SEJeff The latest activemq with nio is actually insanely fast 14:52 pdurbin i guess my takeaway is that AMQP is newer and more interoperable than JMS. of course, zeromq is newer still. :) 14:52 SEJeff pdurbin, Did you watch the video interview about ZeroMQ by the guy who created AMQP for JPMorgan? 14:52 SEJeff Really informative 14:56 pdurbin SEJeff: you mean the floss weekly interview, right? i listened to it 14:56 pdurbin ah, here's the seas openstack readme: https://code.seas.harvard.edu/puppet/puppet/blobs/feature.openstack/modules/openstack/README.md 14:57 SEJeff yes 14:57 pdurbin so does anyone have any opinions about rabbitmq vs qpid? 14:57 SEJeff rabbitmq doesn't do acls 14:58 SEJeff which SUCKS for a lot of use cases AMQP was written for 14:58 SEJeff You can use a hack called rabbitcage ontop of rabbitmq, but activemq does them properly 14:58 pdurbin heh. rabbitcage 14:58 SEJeff rabbitmq is easy to setup and low memory footprint, but isn't that great 14:58 SEJeff qpid runs MRG, so you've got redhat fully behind it 14:59 SEJeff I use rabbitmq for celery (http://celeryproject.org/), and it works great. But I wouldn't use it for much else 14:59 pdurbin huh. what do you use celery for? 15:00 pdurbin (i can't believe i just wrote that) 15:03 pdurbin ah. "What kinds of things should I use Celery for?" http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/faq.html#what-kinds-of-things-should-i-use-celery-for 15:06 pdurbin 'finish the web request as soon as possible, then update the users page incrementally. This gives the user the impression of good performance and “snappiness”, even though the real work might actually take some time.' sure. makes sense. general messaging goodness 15:06 pdurbin heh. "Celery does not depend on Django anymore" :) 15:11 SEJeff pdurbin, I use celery as a distributed task queue 15:12 SEJeff "various things" can http post to a url (django backed api really) and will get a uuid 15:12 SEJeff they can then poll a url with that UUID and see the job status 15:12 SEJeff when it is done, they then request the url with the results giving the uuid as a query argument and get the data. The jobs take from 1 to 20 minutes 15:20 pdurbin SEJeff: interesting. thanks 15:21 * SEJeff wrote a pexpect based network management framework 15:21 SEJeff I've used tcl/expect and it is ok, and perl's expect module in the past 15:21 pdurbin man, maybe i should try pexpect. i was struggling with Expect.pm last week 15:21 SEJeff Wrote this one to learn python's pexpect and it is the most friendly of them all. Perl's expect module is gross 15:22 SEJeff Yeah it is the worst expect implementation I've used 15:22 SEJeff This was my first foray into tcl and expect: http://www.digitalprognosis.com/opensource/scripts/change_pass.exp it was reasonable enough 15:22 pdurbin cool. any pexpect code? 15:22 SEJeff It kills me! 15:23 SEJeff I've worked 3 years on this amazing network management app 15:23 SEJeff work won't let me open source it 15:23 SEJeff It is the awesome 15:23 SEJeff I'll eventually rewrite it all from scratch 15:24 pdurbin SEJeff: so you *have* slung some perl :) 15:24 SEJeff I worked at ticketmaster man 15:24 SEJeff 100% perl shop 15:24 SEJeff Arguably one of the biggest perl shops on the internet 15:24 SEJeff And they funded mod_perl 2.0 entirely by hiring the mod_perl developer 15:24 pdurbin ticketmaster is always held up as a perl shop, sure 15:28 SEJeff How about this 15:28 SEJeff I am comfortable with storing my credit card and password with ticketmaster 15:28 SEJeff The reason... 15:29 SEJeff One of my first projects when joining the company 15:29 SEJeff They have this thing called an Ingrian which is essentially a hardware credit card encrypter.http://www.secureconsulting.net/2009/05/ingrian_data_secure_lives_on_a.html 15:30 SEJeff They have these archives of datafiles that contain customer information. Your credit card is never once written to disk _ever_ before being encrypted with a key that is retrieved via xmlrpc from that Ingrian datasecure 15:30 SEJeff that is required by PCI 15:30 SEJeff I then wrote a script which gets a separate key (that rotates every XX time) and encrypts the entire archive. That is above and beyond PCI 15:31 SEJeff It is a perl script which does this that I wrote so I know with a certainty the data is safe and doubly encrypted 15:31 SEJeff So I might not be some perl expert like ironcamel, but I certainly am comfortable with perl 15:32 pdurbin awesome 15:33 pdurbin oh oh. speaking of TCL. at the bar last night one of our network engineers was telling me that cisco's ios (how annoying that i have to differentiate that these days) supports some sort of embedded TCL 15:33 SEJeff The systems engineering team wanted us to encrypt that data because they know what they're doing. PCI is more checking of boxes than real security 15:33 SEJeff pdurbin, Have you seen the stuff the Arista switches support? You can manage hundreds of switches with... 15:33 SEJeff wait for it... 15:33 SEJeff XMPP! aka jabber 15:33 pdurbin Cisco IOS Scripting with Tcl - Cisco Systems - http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_3t/12_3t2/feature/guide/gt_tcl.html 15:34 SEJeff https://eos.aristanetworks.com/2011/08/management-over-xmpp/ 15:34 pdurbin i know what xmpp is. sheesh ;) 15:34 SEJeff Yeah doesn't mean everyone else does 15:34 SEJeff or googles since this is all logged 15:34 pdurbin yeah yeah. and if it were me i'd probably link to the wikipedia page or something 15:35 pdurbin westmaas used to call me "linky" when we worked together 15:36 SEJeff I bet you write great docs though 15:37 westmaas haha 17:09 pdurbin i'm trying to put docs here but it's a bit of a mess: http://wiki.greptilian.com ... a work in progress 17:41 pdurbin bleh. it's either install something newer than perl 5.8.8 on our cluster or re-write `unless ($repo ~~ @projects)` 18:13 mattdm http://actech.seas.harvard.edu/2012/06/science.html 18:15 pdurbin science! 18:21 pdurbin coffee! 18:21 pdurbin decaf?! 18:23 pdurbin hmm, Academic Computing Technical Blog: Virtualization with KVM - http://actech.seas.harvard.edu/2012/05/virtualization-with-kvm.html 18:23 pdurbin mmm, future directions.... 'We can offer "Platform-as-a-Service" (PaaS) using Red Hat's OpenShift project.' 18:24 pdurbin oh, cool, you're on github: https://github.com/seasac-ops 18:26 pdurbin hmm, workshops on python and git: http://acops.seas.harvard.edu/workshops 18:29 mattdm :) 18:30 SEJeff python is evil 18:30 pdurbin i guess you could suggest the new github windows tool instead of msysGit at http://acops.seas.harvard.edu/git-workshop/workshop.s5.html 18:30 SEJeff just ask #crimsonfu 18:30 * SEJeff ducks 18:30 mattdm I am not involved in the windows software. :) 18:32 mattdm I think the choice of msysgit was largely for our ssh instructions, which currently are a putty-centered mess for windows, and "just do this" for mac and linux. 18:33 mattdm with msysgit, it becomes "install msysgit; now, see the mac and linux instructions" 18:33 pdurbin SEJeff: i think our libwww-perl is broken on the cluster. :( i'm about ready to rewrite http://git.greptilian.com/?p=scripts.git;a=blob;f=grgit.pl;hb=HEAD in python :( 18:33 pdurbin mattdm: sure. command line instructions ftw 18:34 SEJeff Y NO LWP? 18:34 SEJeff Is lwp old school? 18:34 pdurbin KISS :) LWP::Simple! :) 18:35 SEJeff Yeah thats what I've used 18:36 SEJeff is libwww-perl different than LWP? 18:36 pdurbin nope http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl/lib/LWP.pm 18:36 SEJeff Ah ok 18:36 SEJeff Yeah I like that 18:36 SEJeff I really like the xmlrpc stuff in perl. It is equally as simple as the python version, but makes more sense in my head 18:38 pdurbin is that my cue to plug this again? https://github.com/crimsonfu/code/blob/master/cobbler.pl 18:40 SEJeff Or mine to plug this :P http://www.digitalprognosis.com/opensource/scripts/nhs 18:44 pdurbin onall? 18:47 SEJeff http://www.digitalprognosis.com/opensource/onall which is a lightly patched version of: http://code.google.com/p/onall/downloads/detail?name=onall-2.11.tar.bz2 18:47 SEJeff onall is the best parallel ssh implementation that exists period. Oh and it is written in perl 18:47 pdurbin ah. you need to work on your seo 18:47 SEJeff The director of systems engineering @ ticketmaster wrote it 18:47 SEJeff It isn't my project 18:47 pdurbin ok :) 18:47 SEJeff and they took code.ticketmaster.com down when 1/2 of us left the company 18:48 SEJeff but it is still open source :) 18:48 SEJeff I've been meaning to start a github project for onall actually. Would you be interested in it? 18:48 pdurbin um. have you heard of salt? ;) 18:49 SEJeff Different use case 18:49 SEJeff ssh is still useful 18:50 pdurbin sure. gsh is the one i'm most familiar with: http://outflux.net/unix/software/gsh/ 18:50 SEJeff why does that url sound familar? 18:50 SEJeff Is that kees cook's domain? 18:50 pdurbin yep 18:51 SEJeff ha! Eidetic memory ftw 18:51 SEJeff onall is written by a unix admin for unix admins 18:52 SEJeff I use it something like nhs ... args to filter | grep | foo | onall -qy -t 5 "uptime" for instance 18:52 SEJeff or more often just nhs -args | onall ... 18:53 pdurbin hmm, no mention of onall here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/243750/how-can-i-automate-running-commands-remotely-over-ssh/245114#245114 18:53 SEJeff Feel free to add it if you want 18:53 SEJeff I recommend you trying it out 18:53 SEJeff You'll like it given your leanings 18:53 SEJeff The perl ssh libs are crap on old perl versions so it forks ssh in threads 18:53 pdurbin ok. we use pdsh here 18:53 SEJeff We had to make it support rhel3 18:54 SEJeff Yeah onall is just a single perl script too. Simple to hack on 18:55 pdurbin cool 19:53 SEJeff pdurbin, I stand corrected, this is better: https://github.com/ticketmaster/onall 19:53 SEJeff didn't realized they moved it all to github 19:54 pdurbin "Seriously, who puts underscores in command line options?" it says :) 19:54 SEJeff Yeah thats from Ryan 19:54 SEJeff he is hilarious 19:54 SEJeff That guy was employee #22 @ redhat 19:54 SEJeff helped build akamai before I even knew what Linux was 20:00 pdurbin so he's in boston? 20:22 SEJeff He is in CA right now 20:22 SEJeff works for Mozilla as a developer 20:22 pdurbin ok 20:22 SEJeff https://github.com/rtilder 20:22 pdurbin oh, SEJeff, you should listen to dave winer talk about xmlrpc on the stack exchange podcast 20:23 SEJeff link? 20:23 SEJeff I prefer rest strongly over xmlrpc 20:23 SEJeff but don't mind using it when I have to 20:23 pdurbin http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/11/se-podcast-27-dave-winer/ 20:23 pdurbin we need a bot 20:24 pdurbin look at me googling and copying and pasting like a sucker 20:24 SEJeff Our bot is named pdurbin 20:25 pdurbin not anymore. someone write us a bot 20:25 SEJeff supybot 20:26 SEJeff http://www.theswellesleyreport.com/2012/06/wellesley-high-grads-told-youre-not-special wow 20:26 pdurbin this one? http://sourceforge.net/projects/supybot/ 20:27 SEJeff Yeah it is one of the more commonly used bots 20:27 SEJeff google: github supybot and look at all of the plugins 20:27 pdurbin ok. i'm still an irc noob 20:38 pdurbin https://github.com/code4lib/supybot-plugins http://supybot.com 20:40 pdurbin Supybook - the Supybot handbook http://supybook.fealdia.org/ 20:46 pdurbin yeah, all i want is `google lucky` http://supybot.fr.cr/doc/use/plugins/google.html#google-lucky-snippet-search 21:00 SEJeff Oh that has google calc nice! 21:00 * SEJeff uses google calc every single day 21:01 SEJeff Love to convert from nano/micro/and milliseconds