Time Nick Message 13:25 pdurbin just posted this: Where should CentOS users get /usr/share/virtio-win/drivers for virt-v2v? - Server Fault - http://serverfault.com/questions/395347/where-should-centos-users-get-usr-share-virtio-win-drivers-for-virt-v2v 13:34 pdurbin cross posted to [CentOS-virt] Where should CentOS users get /usr/share/virtio-win/drivers for virt-v2v? - http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-virt/2012-June/002927.html 15:18 pdurbin shuff: want to try `php name-asset-location.php` on your RackTables installation? http://www.freelists.org/post/racktables-users/RESTful-API-for-RackTables,8 15:19 shuff not at the moment, sorry - in the middle of a few things 15:19 shuff ping me this afternoon? 15:22 pdurbin sure 15:22 shuff awesome thx 16:45 pdurbin writing a stupid expect script because i guess http://libvirt.org/auth.html is too new. . . march: [libvirt] [PATCH 00/14] Support reading auth credentials from a config f - http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2012-March/msg00828.html 19:03 pdurbin Philip Durbin - Google+ - I was excitedly demonstrating +OpenShift to my boss when… - https://plus.google.com/107770072576338242009/posts/37aaw186Gq6 19:06 pdurbin shuff: openshift is the thing i think you should set up :) 19:14 pdurbin i'm sure red hat will squash all the bugs :) 19:20 shuff something went wrong! 19:21 pdurbin i hate it when something goes wrong 19:59 gridiron something *always* goes wrong 20:00 gridiron so much so that when it doesn't.... I poke around till something does. 20:02 SEJeff \o/ 20:19 shuff SEJeff: ? 20:20 SEJeff Thats a hands up gesture, kind of like for a touchdown. 20:21 SEJeff gridiron is one of the SAs who pokes until something breaks 20:21 SEJeff me too 20:21 shuff aha 20:24 pdurbin \o/ for victory, per wikipedia 20:42 shuff i dunno about that 20:42 shuff wikipedia also says that symbol can refer to exasperation, which redirects to "Fatigue (medical)" 20:44 pdurbin yeah, no. \o/ doesn't mean exasperation 20:44 shuff could wikipedia be mistaken? be bold! 20:45 pdurbin shuff: you're supposed to be testing that php file :) 20:45 shuff yikes! back to work :) i'll get right on that 20:45 pdurbin kthxbye