Time Nick Message 00:29 ironcamel pdurbin: don't tell people the url? pull requests and feature requests are welcome. 01:10 pdurbin ironcamel: maybe i'll just use yours :) 01:10 pdurbin at least until you start putting ads on it :) 01:13 ironcamel pdurbin: if you want to use http://danceb.in proper, make sure to install App::Nopaste::Service::Dancebin and export NOPASTE_SERVICES=Dancebin in your .bashrc, if you want nopaste to default do it 01:13 ironcamel or you can do nopast -s Dancebin 01:13 ironcamel alias dancepaste='nopaste -s Dancebin' 13:02 pdurbin dinking with python a bit has got me thinking about exceptions. reading this: perl - Are there disadvantages to autodie? - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3941632/are-there-disadvantages-to-autodie 13:04 pdurbin "Perl's system calls don't automatically throw exceptions, but you can use autodie to do that." -- Perl traps for Python Programmers | brian d foy [blogs.perl.org] - http://blogs.perl.org/users/brian_d_foy/2011/10/perl-traps-for-python-programmers.html 13:06 pdurbin heh. "In Perl-land you have to explicitly ask for new/better/saner/nowadays behaviour, as by default you get (very/excessive || superb, depending on the job) strict backwards compatibility." -- http://blogs.perl.org/users/brian_d_foy/2011/10/perl-traps-for-python-programmers.html#comment-65856 13:07 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Exceptions are very nice 13:07 pdurbin huh. i've seen a lot of language comparison sites like this but not this one before, i don't think. . . http://hyperpolyglot.org 13:07 SEJeff_work I get angry when I see python code which just does the equiv of: sys.stderr.write("TEH INTERNETS ARE BROKE!\n"); sys.exit(1) 13:08 SEJeff_work when an exception would do just fine and can be gracefully caught 13:08 pdurbin SEJeff_work: from what i understand, guido practically invented python because we wanted exceptions so much 13:08 pdurbin s/we/he/ 13:09 pdurbin i guess we all want exceptions :) 13:09 SEJeff_work It seems like exceptions are a first class thing in python 13:09 SEJeff_work like regex are a first class thing in perl 13:09 SEJeff_work and ruby 13:09 pdurbin yeah. good analogy. exceptions are in python's dna 13:09 * SEJeff_work thinks they are a very nice part of the language 13:10 SEJeff_work Even if they did decide to deprecate BaseException.message *after* people start using the message attribute *grumble* 13:10 pdurbin eh? link? 13:10 pdurbin or are you gonna make me google? 13:11 SEJeff_work hold please 13:11 SEJeff_work I referenced it this morning 13:11 SEJeff_work pdurbin, http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0352/#transition-plan 13:11 pdurbin thanks. also: [Python-Dev] deprecating BaseException.message - http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-April/072542.html and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1272138/baseexception-message-deprecated-in-python-2-6 13:13 SEJeff_work Yup, the proper way now is to just cast the exception to a string via str(exc), or use print, which calls repr() on the exception, which in turn calls __unicode__() which in turn calls __str__() or something vaguely like that I believe 13:17 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Any chance you could find the convo that ironcamel, yourself, and I had about perl's Dancer web framework where he was saying boo Flask yay Dancer? 13:17 SEJeff_work I also hate Flask and want to show someone that presentation that compared Flask vs Dancer. Dancer looked a lot nicer in the example given 13:18 pdurbin http://irclog.perlgeek.de/search.pl?channel=crimsonfu&nick=&q=flask 13:18 pdurbin http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-04#i_5540416 13:19 SEJeff_work danke 13:21 pdurbin i can't stand slideshare though 13:22 SEJeff_work Yeah it works poorly under chromium on Linux 13:22 pdurbin SEJeff_work: do you have chromium working on, say centos 6? 13:23 SEJeff_work No, I don't run old lame distros on Desktops :) 13:23 SEJeff_work I tend to keep real data on a NAS and have $config_management setup to rebuild the boring part of my desktop config every 6 months or so 13:24 SEJeff_work Around Fedora or Ubuntu release-time, whatever I'm deciding. It has been all Fedora since Unity though (Ubuntu > 10.10) as Unity is meh 13:25 pdurbin i'm running fedora on my laptop at home. . . maybe i should switch to fedora for my workstation at work. . . 13:26 pdurbin i guess i'm running rhel/centos on my workstation at work because that's what i've always done. /cc shuff, whorka 13:26 SEJeff_work I'm making the plunge and am going to put the Beefy Miracle Beta on a 2nd machine here at work today 13:26 shuff eating your own dog food? 13:26 pdurbin shuff: don't talk to me. you're all mac now ;) 13:27 SEJeff_work communist 13:27 shuff it appears i do not love dog food :) 13:33 pdurbin oh, these days shuff would probably rather run ubuntu 13:45 * pdurbin wonders if whorka has upgraded yet 13:50 pdurbin man, i was bragging up how virsh live migrate "just works" the other day, but now i'm debugging something along these lines. . . 13:57 pdurbin oh, i bet it's this stupid thing again. [libvirt-users] Problem to migrate virtual machine between two hosts wit - https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvirt-users/2011-August/msg00084.html 13:58 SEJeff_work yucky 13:59 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Do you use anything like sheepdog? 13:59 pdurbin "two hosts with same uuid". actually, maybe not. ok. going to dig and and quit annoying you all :) 13:59 SEJeff_work http://www.osrg.net/sheepdog/ 13:59 pdurbin "Sheepdog is a distributed storage system for QEMU/KVM. It provides highly available block level storage volumes that can be attached to QEMU/KVM virtual machines. Sheepdog scales to several hundreds nodes, and supports advanced volume management features such as snapshot, cloning, and thin provisioning." 13:59 pdurbin hmm. nope. . . 14:02 pdurbin i guess we'll use swift if i ever get openstack going. "Swift is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store." http://swift.openstack.org 14:03 pdurbin agoddard: Sheepdog versus iSCSI for KVM - Server Fault - http://serverfault.com/questions/361732/sheepdog-versus-iscsi-for-kvm 14:04 SEJeff_work pdurbin, One is eventually consistent and an object store. One is block level storage. Those can't be directly compared 14:05 SEJeff_work You can't have a live backup that is eventually consistent. Doesn't work that way :) 14:06 pdurbin agoddard has mentioned iscsi a couple of times: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-03-26#i_5353956 http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-04-04#i_5394462 14:07 SEJeff_work glusterfs is also good for vms 14:07 SEJeff_work And in upstream kernel.org, FUSE just gained O_DIRECT support 14:07 SEJeff_work which means gluster could be a lot faster 14:07 pdurbin SEJeff_work: cool, cool. baby steps :) 14:17 pdurbin i don't believe i've ever linked to this kvm / libvirt "States that a guest domain can be in" graphic, which i love: http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/VM_lifecycle#States_that_a_guest_domain_can_be_in 14:24 pdurbin "As mentioned above, libvirt will not touch configuration files during migration by default. The virsh command has two flags to influence this behaviour. The --undefine-source flag will cause the configuration file to be removed on the source host after a successful migration. The --persist flag will cause a configuration file to be created on the destination host after a successful migration. The following table summarizes the configuration file 14:25 SEJeff_work Nifty graphic 14:25 pdurbin although on my man page for virsh it says --persistent 14:25 pdurbin anyway, i think that's my problem 14:26 SEJeff_work Someone just linked me to this hilarious talk on ruby and javascript. Someone in here might find this as hilarious as I do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXEgk1Hdze0 14:29 pdurbin later maybe. and maybe i'll read this later too (via #salt): Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++ - 250bpm - http://www.250bpm.com/blog:4 14:29 SEJeff_work Yeah thats interesting 14:30 pdurbin in case people have never seen this, it's a classic: Linus Torvalds on C vs C++: http://lwn.net/Articles/249460/ 14:31 SEJeff_work Linus torvalds on svn is my personal fav 14:31 SEJeff_work "svn users are stupid and ugly" - Actual Linus Torvalds quote 14:31 pdurbin definitely a classic too :) 14:31 SEJeff_work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 Source of that quote 14:32 pdurbin related, saw this on twitter last night but didn't get a change to read it: Chistory - http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/dmr/chist.html - The Development of the C Language* 14:32 SEJeff_work nice 14:33 pdurbin via Twitter / @CodeWisdom: An essay on the developmen ... - https://twitter.com/CodeWisdom/status/200241238631391232 15:08 SEJeff_work What is the best way to find out where a cpan module was installed? The equiv ideally of python's modulename.__file__ 15:11 pdurbin if you *only* use RPMs, this is pretty easy :) 15:12 * pdurbin **cough** ironcamel 15:19 pdurbin SEJeff_work: do any of these work? How do I find which file Perl loaded when I use a module? - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/341484/how-do-i-find-which-file-perl-loaded-when-i-use-a-module 15:22 SEJeff_work pdurbin, Well you and ironcamel forced me to check out mojolicious 15:22 SEJeff_work and for just grabbing parts of webpages, it beats curl + sed + awk any day 15:22 SEJeff_work really cool little cli app 15:28 pdurbin mojo get http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-SerializeUtils/ 'table' all | tr " " "\n" | grep 2 | tail -12 | tr "\n" " " 15:28 pdurbin dd2json dd2php dd2yaml json2dd json2php json2yaml php2dd php2json php2yaml yaml2dd yaml2json yaml2php 15:29 pdurbin i'm sure there's a better way to use `mojo get` there. . . 15:29 pdurbin but the point is 15:29 pdurbin SEJeff_work: if you like mojo, check out json2yaml et al. at http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-SerializeUtils/ 15:31 SEJeff_work well for pretty printing json, I always pipe to python -mjson.tool 15:31 SEJeff_work http://hastebin.com/gukuvafabo.dos for instance 15:31 pdurbin SEJeff_work: but how do you convert json into yaml and back? 15:33 SEJeff_work Never had a need to do that 15:34 pdurbin but without these handy tools, how are you going to answer questions like this? :) Yaml hierarchical data - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6353615/yaml-hierarchical-data/8452255#8452255 15:35 ironcamel SEJeff_work: perldoc -l Data::Dumper will show you where Data::Dumper is installed 15:36 SEJeff_work ironcamel, You're a gentlemen and a scholar. 15:36 SEJeff_work thanks 15:36 ironcamel SEJeff_work: you can pipe to json_pp ... easier to type than python -mjson.tool :) 15:36 pdurbin ironcamel: i was holding my tounge about that :) 15:36 ironcamel haha 15:36 SEJeff_work ironcamel, *shrug* i have a shell alias called jpp 15:36 pdurbin or however you spel it 15:37 SEJeff_work alias jpp='python -mjson.tool' 15:37 SEJeff_work but thanks. More tools are never a bad thing 15:37 ironcamel pdurbin: for data munging on the command line, look at https://metacpan.org/module/App::p 15:37 * SEJeff_work needs to clean up and post my ~/.bashrc 15:37 SEJeff_work Up to 316 lines now 15:37 ironcamel for going between json/yaml/xml etc 15:39 pdurbin ironcamel: +1 15:41 pdurbin of course, speaking of easy to type, json2yaml is pretty easy ;) 15:41 ironcamel pdurbin: p 'p yd jl io("http://cpantesters.org/distro/J/JSON-XS.json")->all' 15:42 ironcamel that's an example of using App::p. you read it from right to left 15:42 pdurbin curl -s http://cpantesters.org/distro/J/JSON-XS.json | json2yaml 15:42 pdurbin way better :) 15:42 ironcamel pdurbin: p 'p xd jl io("http://cpantesters.org/distro/J/JSON-XS.json")->all' 15:44 ironcamel pdurbin: p 'uniq map $_->{os_text} @{ io("http://cpantesters.org/distro/J/JSON-XS.json")->all }' 15:45 pdurbin ironcamel: christ almighty. let me finish with this vm first 15:45 pdurbin i need --undefinesource too 15:47 ironcamel that was wrong. the correct command would be: 15:47 ironcamel p 'dd uniq map $_->{osname}, @{ jl io("http://cpantesters.org/distro/J/JSON-XS.json")->all }' 15:47 ironcamel that takes the json document which shows the test results for the JSON::XS module 15:47 ironcamel and prints all the unique operating systems that the tests were run on 15:48 ironcamel can json2yaml do that :) 15:49 ironcamel by the way, does everyone know that when you release a module to cpan, your tests that you include get run on a matrix of hundreds of machines 15:49 ironcamel of various architectures, operating systems, different versions of the linux kernel, differen versions of perl ... 15:49 pdurbin ironcamel: stand by 15:50 pdurbin whorka: i have a correction for http://irclog.perlgeek.de/crimsonfu/2012-05-03#i_5534219 which doesn't "just work" quite the way i wanted 15:50 ironcamel pypy or rubygems doesn't have anything like that afaik 15:50 ironcamel http://www.cpantesters.org/distro/D/Dancer.html#Dancer-1.3095 15:50 pdurbin virsh migrate --live --verbose --persistent --undefinesource $DOMAIN_TO_MIGRATE qemu+ssh://$TARGET_KVM_HOST/system 15:50 SEJeff_work pypy != pypi 15:50 ironcamel that is an example of the test results for Dancer 15:50 SEJeff_work ironcamel, Those two are very different things 15:50 pdurbin that one works. el6 15:50 ironcamel SEJeff_work: sorry :) 15:51 pdurbin ironcamel: shuff is well aware of the matrix of tests. i haven't uploaded to cpan. . . yet! :( 15:51 SEJeff_work Thats very nifty however that CPAN does that. Who funds it? 15:52 ironcamel SEJeff_work: it is community driven, people volunteer to have those tests run on their own servers 15:52 ironcamel so its a mish mash of peoples servers 15:52 SEJeff_work Best way to do it. 15:55 whorka thx for the update pdurbin 15:55 pdurbin much like irc :) 15:57 pdurbin whorka: sure 15:57 pdurbin whorka: i tried your fastcgi thingy. didn't just work :( spent *very* little time on it though #busybusy 15:59 whorka tested fine on my workstation. patches welcome. :) 16:00 pdurbin whorka: how about you write me some config files: http://git.greptilian.com/?p=salt.git;a=tree :) 16:02 whorka oh, actually, did you rebuild the rpm from the spec I pushed, or were you just using rpmforge? 16:02 pdurbin i grabbed the copy from rpmforge 16:02 pdurbin also, i'm on el6... 16:03 whorka ah, then I think you got mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-1 if they haven't rebuilt it yet. 16:04 whorka I haven't tested RHEL6 either 16:05 pdurbin no worries. i'll report back 16:06 whorka I updated the blog post to note the minimum version. thanks for the feedback. 16:08 pdurbin sure 16:08 pdurbin ironcamel: holy crap. App:p is awesome. and way to squat on that namespace 16:11 ironcamel :) 16:43 pdurbin my adventures with virsh this morning, if anyone is interested: http://git.greptilian.com/?p=wiki.git;a=blob;f=libvirt/virsh.mdwn;hb=ba99ad28df6ac82fae96dcfe2ae88c9f7f87b9e2 16:43 pdurbin this might become another of my "answer my own question" on a stack exchange site 16:43 pdurbin a la fedora - Can I prevent "Disable touchpad while typing" from affecting mouse movements? - Unix and Linux - http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/37962/can-i-prevent-disable-touchpad-while-typing-from-affecting-mouse-movements 16:44 pdurbin though in that case, the developer did write me back and encourage me to open a ticket in red hat's bugzilla 18:41 SEJeff_work pdurbin, re your crosspost from #salt. I think a zeromq lib written in erlang would be really nifty 19:33 pdurbin hmm, i seem to have found a reproducible way to crash thunderbird :( 19:33 pdurbin SEJeff_work: cross post? erlang? 19:34 SEJeff_work <pdurbin> later maybe. and maybe i'll read this later too (via #salt): Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++ - 250bpm - http://www.250bpm.com/blog:4 19:36 pdurbin oh oh. got it 23:47 pdurbin SEJeff|away: as it turns out, that "Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++" article is all about exception handling! :) 23:54 pdurbin wow and the "Gary Bernhardt WAT" video was great :) 23:54 SEJeff|away pdurbin, Yes, that is one that is worth spreading to all. It was hilarious in how it made fun of javascript silliness 23:55 SEJeff|away Ok leaving for the day now. Evening sir-s